450 research outputs found

    ContrÎle de la signalisation oncogénique du mutant L858R de l'EGFR par la protéine suppresseur de tumeur p14ARF dans les adénocarcinomes pulmonaires

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    ContrĂŽle de la signalisation oncogĂ©nique du mutant L858R de l'EGFR par la protĂ©ine suppresseur de tumeur p14ARF dans les adĂ©nocarcinomes pulmonaires. Le rĂ©cepteur Ă  l'EGF (EGFR) est un oncogĂšne puissant impliquĂ© dans le dĂ©veloppement des cancers du poumon. Dans ces cancers, la prĂ©sence de mutations activatrices de l'EGFR (majoritairement L858R et Del19) est un facteur prĂ©dictif de rĂ©ponse aux agents pharmacologiques qui ciblent spĂ©cifiquement ce rĂ©cepteur (EGFR-TKI). Cependant, l'association entre rĂ©ponse thĂ©rapeutique et mutation est plus complexe que prĂ©vue, soulignant la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'approfondir la comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes molĂ©culaires impliquĂ©s dans dĂ©veloppement de ces cancers. Nous avons prĂ©cĂ©demment montrĂ© que la quasi-totalitĂ© des tumeurs pulmonaires avec des mutations activatrices de l'EGFR prĂ©sente une expression faible ou indĂ©tectable de la protĂ©ine suppressive de tumeur p14ARF. Ces rĂ©sultats nous ont conduites Ă  Ă©mettre l'hypothĂšse que l'expression de p14ARF Ă©tait un frein essentiel Ă  l'expansion clonale de ces cellules. Nous dĂ©crivons pour la premiĂšre fois une relation fonctionnelle entre p14ARF et du mutant L858R de l'EGFR dans laquelle p14ARF inhibe la croissance de cellules exprimant ce mutant en induisant leur apoptose. Les effets suppresseurs de tumeur de p14ARF impliquent une fonction pro-apoptotique originale de STAT3 qui conduit Ă  l'inhibition de l'expression de la protĂ©ine anti-apoptotique Bcl-2. De plus, nous montrons que les cellules EGFR-L858R maintiennent leur avantage de croissance en inhibant l'expression de p14ARF et la signalisation pro-apoptotique STAT3/Bcl-2 qui en dĂ©coule. Nos rĂ©sultats identifient Ă©galement p14ARF comme une nouvelle cible transcriptionnelle de STAT3, mettant ainsi en Ă©vidence une boucle de rĂ©trocontrĂŽle positif entre ces deux protĂ©ines qui pourrait entretenir la signalisation pro-apoptotique mĂ©diĂ©e par STAT3. Sur la base de ces rĂ©sultats, nous suggĂ©rons que la rĂ©activation de la voie p14ARF/STAT3/Bcl-2 pourrait ĂȘtre une nouvelle stratĂ©gie thĂ©rapeutique dans le traitement de ces cancers.Control of EGFR-L858R oncogenic signaling pathway by the p14ARF tumor suppressor in lung adenocarcinoma. The EGF receptor (EGFR) is a strong oncogene involved in lung carcinogenesis. In these cancers, sensitivity to inhibitors of the EGFR tyrosine kinase activity (EGFR-TKI) has been shown to be related to the presence of activating mutations in the TK domain of EGFR (mainly L858R and Del19). However, the association between mutations and responsiveness to EGFR-TKI based treatment is more complex than previously envisioned, underlying the pressing need to study thoroughly the molecular mechanisms of lung cancer growth. We previously showed that almost all lung cancer with EGFR activated mutations has very low or undetectable levels of the p14ARF tumor suppressor protein. These results led us to postulate that expression of p14ARF is an efficient break against clonal proliferation of these cells. We report for the first time a relationship between p14ARF and mutant EGFR-L858R in which p14ARF inhibits the growth of EGFR-L858R expressing cells by inducing apoptosis. The p14ARF tumor suppressor effects involve an original STAT3 pro-apoptotic function that drives the inhibition of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein. Moreover, we show that the EGFR-L858R mutant maintains their survival and proliferation characteristics by inhibiting p14ARF expression and consequently the STAT3/Bcl-2 pro-apoptotic pathway. Our results also identify p14ARF as a new transcriptional target of STAT3, therefore providing evidence of a positive feed-back loop that could maintain STAT3 pro-apoptotic pathway. Based on these data, we suggest that manipulation of this pathway could be a therapeutic strategy for lung cancer treatment.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.Ă©lectronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.Ă©lectronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.Ă©lectronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    asociacion entre angioma cavernoso y glioma cerebral reporte de dos casos y revision de la literatura acerca de los llamados angiogliomas

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    La asociacion entre las malformaciones vasculares y los gliomas cerebrales es inusual. Mientras que la asociacion entre angioma cavernoso con lesiones gliomatosas es aun mas rara, es por esto considerado por algunos autores como una entidad patologica particular llamada angioglioma. Los autores reportan dos casos de asociacion de un angioma cavernoso con una ganglioglioma y un oligodendroglioma, respectivamente. Ademas se realizo una revision de la literatura sobre los llamados angiogliomas. En opinion de los autores, la entidad de los angiogliomas se presenta dentro de un espectro general de neoplasias angiomatosas, que incluyen tumores cerebrales, en su mayoria gliomas de bajo grado, asociados a su vez, con un componente vascular importante

    Next generation of ventricular catheters for hydrocephalus based on parametric design

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    Background The flow pattern of the cerebrospinal fluid is probably the most important factor related to obstruction of ventricular catheters during the normal treatment of hydro cephalus. To better comprehend the flow pattern, we have carried out a parametric study via numerical models of ven tricular catheters. In previous studies, the flow was studied under steady and, recently, in pulsatile boundary conditions by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in three dimensional catheter models. Objective This study aimed to bring in prototype models of catheter CFD flow solutions as well to introduce the theory behind parametric development of ventricular catheters. Methods A preceding study allowed deriving basic principles which lead to designs with improved flow patterns of ventric ular catheters. The parameters chosen were the number of drainage segments, the distances between them, the number and diameter of the holes on each segment, as well as their relative angular position. Results CFD results of previously unreleased models of ven tricular catheter flow solutions are presented in this study. Parametric development guided new designs with better flow distribution while lowering the shear stress of the catheters holes. High-resolution 3D printed catheter solutions of three models and basic benchmark testing are introduced as well. Conclusions The next generation of catheter with homoge neous flow patterns based on parametric designs may repre sent a step forward for the treatment of hydrocephalus, by possibly broadening their lifespan

    Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the dura mater and cranial vault

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    ✓ Primary high-grade lymphoma of the dura mater and cranial vault has rarely been reported. The authors treated a 61-year-old man who presented with a slow-growing scalp mass that involved the cranial vertex. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an oval mass of the dural type with peripheral edema in the bilateral parietal region, with attachment to the cranial vault and extension to the subgaleal space. After subtotal resection, pathological examination yielded a diagnosis of malignant large B-cell lymphoma. Twenty-three months postoperatively, after undergoing radiation therapy and chemotherapy, the patient is neurologically intact and without systemic dissemination of the malignancy. This is a case of primary malignant B-cell lymphoma of the dura mater with extensive involvement of the skull, which is a very rare event. Imaging-based diagnosis and combined therapy consisting of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy for the disease are discussed, and the literature on extraaxial malignant lymphomas is extensively reviewed

    A Case Report of "Spinal Cord Apoplexy" Elicited by Metastatic Intramedullary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    A 31-year-old man presented with acute onset of paraplegia. The patient's history was significant for thyroid carcinoma that had been treated 2 years earlier by thyroidectomy. A magnetic resonance imaging scan showed an enhancing intramedullary lesion at T7-8. Patient underwent surgical treatment and a tumor with hematoma was resected via posterior midline myelotomy. Postoperatively, the patient's motor weakness was improved to grade 3. The lesion showed typical histologic features consistent with papillary thyroid carcinoma. Early diagnosis and microsurgical resection can result in improvement in neurological deficits and quality of life of patients with an ISCM
