48 research outputs found

    Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Type 1 Diabetes Depending on the Different Modes of Insulin Therapy

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.The aim of the study was to evaluate the features of the effect of different modes of insulin therapy on pregnancy outcomes in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) with different levels of albuminuria. The study involved 155 women with T1DM during pregnancy, using various modes of insulin, and 42 infants born to women with T1DM. In order to identify a possible relationship between the level of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors in pregnant women with T1DM and terms of delivery, we measured the daily urinary excretion of IL-1β, MCP-1, and TGF-β1 in 21 women at different trimesters of pregnancy. The use of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) in pregnant women with T1DM allows to prolong the pregnancy for 2–4 weeks as compared to the timing of delivery of pregnant women with T1DM receiving multiple subcutaneous injections of insulin (MPII). Pregnant women with MPII in 100% cases of the presence of microalbuminuria and proteinuria had premature delivery. Elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β and MCP-1) and TGF-β1 may possibly serve as a predictor of pre-term delivery in pregnant women with diabetes type 1, starting with the early stages of pregnancy. The use of insulin by CSII in pregnant women with T1DM reduces the percentage of pre-term deliveries, regardless of the stage of diabetic nephropathy. It improves the condition of infants born at term in women with T1DM using a therapy with insulin pumps compared to that with MPII such as less common manifestation of diabetic fetopathy as macrosomia and hypoglycemia at birth, reducing the need for resuscitation in newborns

    Development of Creative Abilities of Primary Schoolchildren in the Process of Primary School Education

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    В статье проведен анализ развития творческих способностей младших школьников посредством изобразительной деятельности. Анализированы мнения, подходы ученых по данной проблеме. Представленный материал можно использовать в качестве демонстрации реализации системы раскрытия творческого потенциала учащихся, а также в качестве источника цитирования.The article analyzes the development of the creative abilities of primary schoolchildren through visual activity. The opinions and approaches of scientists on this problem are analyzed. The presented material can be used as a demonstration of the implementation of the system for unlocking the creative potential of students, as well as as a source of citation

    Development of Creative Abilities in Younger Students in Fine Arts Lessons

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    В статье рассматривается проблема развития творческих способностей у младших школьников посредством изобразительного искусства. Процесс формирования творческих способностей и организации творческой деятельности детей лежит в основе образовательного процесса. Авторами анализируются нормативно-правовые документы, программы «Изобразительное искусство и художественный труд» для I-IX классов по данной проблеме.The article deals with the problem of the development of creative abilities in junior schoolchildren through the visual arts. The process of forming creative abilities and organizing the creative activity of children lies at the heart of the educational process. The authors analyze regulatory documents, programs "Fine Arts and Artistic Work" for I-IX grades on this issue

    Inclusion as a form of social inequality overcoming in the educational environment

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.The urgency of the study is caused by the need for social adaptation of people with disabilities, their education and development. A serious problem here is the acceptance by the society of this category of citizens as its equal members. The aim of the paper is to identify the readiness of Russian society, in particular the higher education system, to implement inclusive education. The authors disclose the concepts of inclusion and inclusive education, transparent to the modern social situation. Two models of disability are proposed - medical (defining disability through the presence of health disorders) and social (defining people with disabilities or disorders due to physical or organizational barriers in society, prejudices and stereotypes). The main activity within the medical model is the minimization or reduction of violations through medical intervention and therapy. The social model promotes the equality of all members of society and the provision of equal opportunities for all in obtaining education, above all. The paper presents data obtained in the course of sociological studies conducted, among others, by public organizations of disabled people. The authors propose a way of social inequality overcoming through the implementation of inclusive education. The materials of the paper are intended for heads of educational organizations, teachers, psychologists, employees of social services

    A process approach to management of an educational organization

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. Directions for an educational organization development meet the requirements of society to the effectiveness and quality of educational activities in high dynamics of external and internal environment. The article examines the potential of the process approach, which considers management as a continuous performance of certain interrelated activities complex and general management functions when developing a quality management system of an educational organization. In the submitted article the components of the educational activities process are defined, which are based on the quality standard of the final product. This article is intended for educators, researchers, heads of educational institutions, employers, customers of educational services, education management organizations employees

    The curriculum project on professional and pedagogical teachers’ communication culture formation

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The changes in the socio-economic and spiritual spheres of modern society, trends in the renewal of the educational process put forward new demands to the level of modern teachers professional and pedagogical communication culture formation. The solution to this problem objectively requires the development of more flexible curricula of professional growth, aimed at the efficient formation of their professional and pedagogical communication culture. In this regard, this article presents the project of the curriculum "Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication culture formation", which allowed reveal its effectiveness for teachers who has two years of experience of professional activity. The materials of the articles are of theoretical and practical value for teachers of secondary schools, and for teachers - beginners of high schools and colleges of vocational education

    Formation of Healthy Lifestyle Skills in Preschoolers

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    В статье рассматривается теоретические основы формирования навыков здорового образа жизни у дошкольников. Анализируются виды здоровья. В целях формирования у дошкольников навыков ЗОЖ рассматриваются все формы работы в ДОО.The article discusses the theoretical foundations of the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers. The types of health are analyzed. In order to form healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers, all forms of work in preschool education are considered

    Formation of the Need for Preschoolers to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

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    В статье описывается опытно-экспериментальная работа по формированию потребность дошкольников в ведении здорового образа жизни. Авторы при диагностическом исследовании опирались на методику И.М. Новиковой, разработанную с опорой на материалы Е.Н. Васильевой, Л.Г. Касьяновой.The article describes the experimental work on the formation of the need for preschoolers to maintain a healthy lifestyle. During the diagnostic study, the authors relied on the methodology of I.M. Novikova, developed based on the materials of E.N. Vasilyeva, L.G. Kasyanova

    The Problem of the Formation of Creative Activity in Preschool Children

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    В статье рассматриваются результаты опытно-экспериментальная работа по формированию творческой активности детей дошкольного возраста на основе игровой деятельности. Авторы в исследовании использовали следующие методики: «Коробка форм» Баландина Н.А. «Разрезные картинки» Горбачева И.А. «Дорисовывание фигур» Гаврилова В.Г.The article deals with experimental work on the formation of creative activity of preschool children on the basis of play activities

    The Development of Speech Activity in Young Children Through the Artistic Word

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    В статье представлен анализ опытно-экспериментальной работы по формированию навыков общения детей раннего возраста на основе художественного слова.The article presents an analysis of the experimental work on the formation of communication skills of young children on the basis of the artistic word