39 research outputs found

    Green economy: Private sectors’ response to climate change

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    The focus of this paper is to present a discussion of the role of the private sector in response to the need for climate change adaptations. The study, which was conducted through a literature review, investigates the concept of the green economy and climate change, as well as businesses’ commitment to advance climate actions in ways that build resilience in vulnerable communities in developing countries. The paper calls on companies with national, regional, and/or global reach to adopt or develop strategies that improve resource efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce the loss of biodiversity. Businesses can accelerate this transition by aligning their investments with climate change adaptation opportunities, and thus, “green” the economy. In addition, green growth could be achieved through tactical public and private investments in mitigating climate change. The paper concludes that the private sector is a key sector in addressing the challenges of vulnerable communities, and it has much to contribute to the planning, development, and implementation of climate adaptation strategies, including sector-specific expertise, technology, efficiency, financing, and entrepreneurship. Finally, some social conditions and environmental boundaries have been highlighted in this paper to attract the attention of business leaders who are trying to build initiatives and advance climate actions that will reduce socio-community risks from climate change. Also, comprehensive initiatives and strategies have been recommended to private companies seeking to address climate vulnerabilities

    The impact of TP53 and RAS mutations on cerebellar glioblastomas

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    Cerebellar glioblastoma (cGBM) is a rare, inadequately characterized disease, without detailed information on its molecular basis. This is the first report analyzing both TP53 and RAS alterations in cGBM. TP53 mutations were detected in more than half of the samples from our cohort, mainly in hotspot codons. There were no activating mutations in hotspot codons 12/13 and 61 of KRAS and HRAS genes in cGBM samples but we detected alterations in other parts of exons2 and 3 of these genes, including premature induction of STOP codon. This mutation was present in 3 out of 5 patients. High incidence of RAS mutations, as well as significantly longer survival of cGBM patients compared to those with supratentorial GBM suggest that cGBM may have different mechanisms of occurrence. Our results suggest that inactivation of TP53 and MS may play an important role in the progression of cerebellar GBM. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Ministry of Education, Science, and Technical Development, Republic of Serbia {[}III41031

    The role of gut hormones in appetite regulation (review)

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    Eating process is an aggregate of complex and different forms of behavior. Its regulation is based on energy homeostasis and appetite control which includes two components: the homeostatic and the hedonistic control. Important signals in appetite regulation are gut-derived hormones. They are produced by enteroendocrine cells in response to nutrient and energy intake, and achieve their effects by influencing brain structures involved in food intake regulation. The key brain structure involved in this process is the hypothalamus. Gut hormones reach the hypothalamus from the circulation or by the vagal nerve via the nucleus of the solitary tract. Among gut peptides, ghrelin is the only orexigenic hormone, leading to an increase in food intake and body weight. All others, such as cholecystokinin, glucagon like peptide-1, oxyntomodulin, peptide tyrosine tyrosine or pancreatic polypeptide, are anorexigenic, leading to decrease in food intake. Also, gut-derived endocannabinoids exert orexigenic effect on appetite. Keeping in mind the growing problem of obesity, the crucial issue when considering gut derived peptides is to understand their mechanisms of acting because of potential role in clinical therapy, and discovering long-lasting gut peptides or their analogues, with no or minimal side effects

    Identification of Novel Genetic Alterations in Samples of Malignant Glioma Patients

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    Glioblastoma is the most frequent and malignant human brain tumor. High level of genomic instability detected in glioma cells implies that numerous genetic alterations accumulate during glioma pathogenesis. We investigated alterations in AP-PCR DNA profiles of 30 glioma patients, and detected specific changes in 11 genes not previously associated with this disease: LHFPL3, SGCG, HTR4, ITGB1, CPS1, PROS1, GP2, KCNG2, PDE4D, KIR3DL3, and INPP5A. Further correlations revealed that 8 genes might play important role in pathogenesis of glial tumors, while changes in GP2, KCNG2 and KIR3DL3 should be considered as passenger mutations, consequence of high level of genomic instability. Identified genes have a significant role in signal transduction or cell adhesion, which are important processes for cancer development and progression. According to our results, LHFPL3 might be characteristic of primary glioblastoma, SGCG, HTR4, ITGB1, CPS1, PROS1 and INPP5A were detected predominantly in anaplastic astrocytoma, suggesting their role in progression of secondary glioblastoma, while alterations of PDE4D seem to have important role in development of both glioblastoma subtypes. Some of the identified genes showed significant association with p53, p16, and EGFR, but there was no significant correlation between loss of PTEN and any of identified genes. In conclusion our study revealed genetic alterations that were not previously associated with glioma pathogenesis and could be potentially used as molecular markers of different glioblastoma subtypes.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia [III41031

    Identification of Novel Genetic Alterations in Samples of Malignant Glioma Patients

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    Glioblastoma is the most frequent and malignant human brain tumor. High level of genomic instability detected in glioma cells implies that numerous genetic alterations accumulate during glioma pathogenesis. We investigated alterations in AP-PCR DNA profiles of 30 glioma patients, and detected specific changes in 11 genes not previously associated with this disease: LHFPL3, SGCG, HTR4, ITGB1, CPS1, PROS1, GP2, KCNG2, PDE4D, KIR3DL3, and INPP5A. Further correlations revealed that 8 genes might play important role in pathogenesis of glial tumors, while changes in GP2, KCNG2 and KIR3DL3 should be considered as passenger mutations, consequence of high level of genomic instability. Identified genes have a significant role in signal transduction or cell adhesion, which are important processes for cancer development and progression. According to our results, LHFPL3 might be characteristic of primary glioblastoma, SGCG, HTR4, ITGB1, CPS1, PROS1 and INPP5A were detected predominantly in anaplastic astrocytoma, suggesting their role in progression of secondary glioblastoma, while alterations of PDE4D seem to have important role in development of both glioblastoma subtypes. Some of the identified genes showed significant association with p53, p16, and EGFR, but there was no significant correlation between loss of PTEN and any of identified genes. In conclusion our study revealed genetic alterations that were not previously associated with glioma pathogenesis and could be potentially used as molecular markers of different glioblastoma subtypes.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia [III41031

    Echinococcosis in Serbia: An Issue for the 21st Century?

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    Echinococcosis (hydatidosis) is traditionally endemic in Southeast Europe, Serbia included. In Serbia, echinococcosis is mandatory reportable, and this review analyzes the officially reported data as well as the research data published between 1998 and 2010. Official data on human and animal infections were obtained from the Institute of Public Health of Serbia (IPHS, 2010), and from the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management (MATFWM) and the Statistical Office, respectively. Published data were obtained by searching the Medline, Scopus, and Google databases using "echinococcosis," "hydatidosis," and "Serbia" as key words. In addition, the search included national journals and doctoral theses, as well as conference proceedings. Only Echinococcus granulosus has been reported in Serbia, with a total of 409 cases of human infection officially reported during the observed period as opposed to 820 cases described in clinical studies. No trend in the incidence of infection was shown among adults, but the number of cases in children continuously decreased over the period. Patients were more frequently female and from rural areas. Differences in the geographic distribution of cases were noted, with a lower incidence in the central part of country. Liver disease was by far the most common presentation, but cases of unusual cyst locations have been described. Among domestic animals, sheep were the most highly infected species. A decreasing incidence of echinococcosis in animals has been noted as of the 1970s. Echinococcosis continues to be endemic in Serbia in the 21st century, but despite predictions, neither official data nor those from clinical studies indicate its re-emergence. However, there is gross underreporting. Public health authorities should actively work to increase reporting, as only valid reported data provide an accurate basis for future control plans

    Etude de l'extraction du nitrate de béryllium par le tributylphosphate en présence des relargants nitrates de fer et de calcium

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    The purpose of this study was to detect the level of genomic instability and p53 alterations in anaplastic astrocytoma and primary glioblastoma patients, and to evaluate their impact on glioma pathogenesis and patients outcome. AP-PCR DNA profiling revealed two types of genetic differences between tumor and normal tissue: qualitative changes which represent accumulation of changes in DNA sequence and are the manifestation of microsatellite and point mutation instability (MIN-PIN) and quantitative changes which represent amplifications or deletions of existing chromosomal material and are the manifestation of chromosomal instability (CIN). Both types of alterations were present in all analyzed samples contributing almost equally to the total level of genomic instability, and showing no differences between histological subtypes. p53 alterations were detected in 40% of samples, predominantly in anaplastic astrocytoma. The higher level of genomic instability was observed in elderly patients (>50 years) and patents with primary glioblastoma. Level of genomic instability had no impact on patients' survival, while presence of p53 alterations seemed to be a favorable prognostic factor in this case. Our results indicate that extensive genomic instability is one of the main features of malignant gliomas. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Serbia [III41031