7 research outputs found

    Anatomical and physiological basis of the reduced occlusion syndrome

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    Decrease in the interalveolar distance (IAD) that develops during a period of permanent occlusion as a result of progressive primary dental diseases: Increased abrasion of hard tissues of the teeth, extensive edentulous space, and generalized form of periodontitis is accompanied by morphofunctional changes in the masticatory muscles and the development of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. The objective of the study was to identify development mechanisms of the reduced occlusion syndrome that develops as a result of decrease in the IAD caused by primary dental disease


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    HPV is the most widespread sexually transmitted infection. HPV affects men and women regardless of age and leads to the development of various anogenital area diseases. International studies proved a wide clinical range of the tetravalent HPV vaccine protection and allowed recommending it for the prevention of not only cervical cancer, but also of vulvar, vaginal and anal cancer and anogenital condylomae in patients of both sexes. 42 countries have already introduced national HPV-vaccination programs in compliance with WHO recommendations. Anogenital area cancer morbidity reduction in these countries is expected in 10-15 years. However, a reduction or even complete disappearance of anogenital condylomae among the population has already been noted in a range of countries because the incubation period of this disease is short; this is the first marker of vaccination efficacy in a population.ВПЧ — самая распространенная инфекция, передаваемая половым путем. ВПЧ поражает мужчин и женщин независимо от возраста и приводит к развитию различных заболеваний аногенитальной области. Проведенные международные клинические исследования подтвердили широкий спектр защиты четырехвалентной вакцины против ВПЧ и позволили рекомендовать ее для профилактики не только рака шейки матки, но и рака вульвы, влагалища, анального канала и аногенитальных кондилом у лиц обоих полов. 42 страны уже внедрили национальные программы ВПЧ-вакцинации в соответствии с рекомендациями ВОЗ. Снижение заболеваемости раком аногенитальной области в этих странах ожидается через 10–15 лет. Однако уже сейчас в ряде стран отмечается снижение или даже полное исчезновение аногенитальных кондилом среди населения, что связано с коротким инкубационным периодом данного заболевания и является первым маркером эффективности вакцинации в популяции

    Опыт вакцинации 13-валентной конъюгированной пневмококковой вакциной пациентки с ювенильным идиопатическим артритом с частыми респираторными инфекциями на фоне терапии метотрексатом

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    The article presents the experience of vaccination with a pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV13) of a patient aged 5 years with oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) receiving methotrexate at a dose of 15 mg/m2 per week subcutaneously. Treatment with methotrexate provided a remission of JIA, but was accompanied by frequent respiratory infections — up to 8 times a year. During infection progression, methotrexate injections were omitted. Gaps in the treatment with methotrexate were accompanied by an exacerbation of the underlying condition. Vaccination of the patient with PCV13 reduced the frequency of respiratory infections to 2 times a year, which was accompanied by the development of persistent remission of the disease. Adverse events and exacerbation of JIA in a child after vaccination with PCV13 were not registered.Представлен опыт вакцинации 13-валентной конъюгированной пневмококковой вакциной (13ПКВ) пациентки в возрасте 5 лет с олигоартикулярным ювенильным идиопатическим артритом (ЮИА), получавшей метотрексат в дозе 15 мг/м2 в неделю подкожно. Лечение метотрексатом обеспечило ремиссию ЮИА, но сопровождалось частыми респираторными инфекциями — до 8 раз в год. При развитии инфекций инъекции метотрексата пропускались. Перерывы в лечении метотрексатом сопровождались обострением основного заболевания. Вакцинация пациентки 13ПКВ обеспечила снижение частоты респираторных инфекций до 2 раз в год, что сопровождалось развитием стойкой ремиссии заболевания. Нежелательных явлений и обострения ЮИА у ребенка на фоне вакцинации 13ПКВ не зарегистрировано


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    According to the statistics of the recent 5 years, the share of rotavirus gastroenterites is 44-47% of all acute intestinal infections in children under 5 years of age in the Russian Federation. Up to 5% of mortality rate in children under 5 years of age is connected with rotavirus gastroenteritis. Rotavirus gastroenteritis takes an especially severe course in children of 6-24 months of age. The only reliable method of preventing this infection is vaccination. The authors present information on the rotavirus strains dominant in Russia and abroad, efficacy and safety of immunization with a pentavalent vaccine and the recommended schemes of its administration. This vaccine is registered in the Russian Federation; it is to be first used in the nearest future.На территории Российской Федерации, по данным статистики за последние 5 лет, доля ротавирусных гастроэнтеритов составляет 44–47% всех острых кишечных инфекций у детей до 5-летнего возраста. До 5% всей детской смертности среди детей младше 5 лет связано с ротавирусным гастроэнтеритом. Особенно тяжело ротавирусный гастроэнтерит протекает у детей в возрасте 6–24 мес. Единственной надежной мерой профилактики данной инфекции является вакцинация. Авторы дают информацию о доминирующих штаммах ротавируса в России и за рубежом, а также рассказывают об эффективности и безопасности иммунизации пентавалентной вакциной и рекомендуемых схемах ее введения. Данная вакцина зарегистрирована в Российской Федерации, в ближайшее время планируется ее использование.

    The Experience of Vaccination of a Patient With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis With Frequent Respiratory Infections With a Pneumococcal 13-Valent Conjugate Vaccine During Methotrexate Therapy

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    The article presents the experience of vaccination with a pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV13) of a patient aged 5 years with oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) receiving methotrexate at a dose of 15 mg/m2 per week subcutaneously. Treatment with methotrexate provided a remission of JIA, but was accompanied by frequent respiratory infections — up to 8 times a year. During infection progression, methotrexate injections were omitted. Gaps in the treatment with methotrexate were accompanied by an exacerbation of the underlying condition. Vaccination of the patient with PCV13 reduced the frequency of respiratory infections to 2 times a year, which was accompanied by the development of persistent remission of the disease. Adverse events and exacerbation of JIA in a child after vaccination with PCV13 were not registered

    Immunization With a Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine in Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Without Systemic Manifestations: a Prospective Study

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    Background. Patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) have an increased risk of being infected. Approximately half of all serious infections in children with JIA are associated with airway involvement.Objective. Our aim was to study the efficacy and safety of the pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV) in children with JIA.Methods. In a prospective cohort study, 5 groups were formed:  children with JIA in the remission phase on methotrexate therapy  (group 1) or etanercept (group 2), with JIA in the active phase prior  to the appointment of methotrexate (group 3) or etanercept (group  4), control group (conditionally healthy children). 0.5 ml of the 13-valent PCV was administered once subcutaneously during therapy in patients in the remission phase or 3 weeks before the appointment  of methotrexate or etanercept in patients in the active phase. The  main study outcome was the proportion of patients with a protective  ( 40 mg/L) level of specific anti-pneumococcal antibodies (anti-SPP) IgG to Streptococcus pneumoniae 4 weeks after vaccination. In  addition, we assessed the incidence of infectious events before and  after vaccination as well as changes in the content of a high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, S100 protein, and post-vaccination period.Results. The study included 125 children. Four weeks after  vaccination, the protective level of anti-SPP IgG was established in  21 (84%) patients in the 1st, 23 (92%) in the 2nd, 22 (88%) in the  3rd, 24 (96%) in the 4th and 5th groups (p =1.0). Increase in the  concentration of S100 protein and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein  after vaccination was not noted. JIA exacerbation episodes were not  recorded in any patient. After immunization, the total number of infectious events decreased in all observed groups (p 0.001). Serious adverse events were not registered during the study.Conclusion. Vaccination with the 13-valent PCV in children with JIA  is highly effective and is not accompanied by the development of serious adverse events