79 research outputs found

    Disease and disaster:optimal deployment of epidemic control facilities in a spatially heterogeneous population with changing behaviour

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    Epidemics of water-borne infections often follow natural disasters and extreme weather events that disrupt water management processes. The impact of such epidemics may be reduced by deployment of transmission control facilities such as clinics or decontamination plants. Here we use a relatively simple mathematical model to examine how demographic and environmental heterogeneities, population behaviour, and behavioural change in response to the provision of facilities, combine to determine the optimal configurations of limited numbers of facilities to reduce epidemic size, and endemic prevalence. We show that, if the presence of control facilities does not affect behaviour, a good general rule for responsive deployment to minimise epidemic size is to place them in exactly the locations where they will directly benefit the most people. However, if infected people change their behaviour to seek out treatment then the deployment of facilities offering treatment can lead to complex effects that are difficult to foresee. So careful mathematical analysis is the only way to get a handle on the optimal deployment. Behavioural changes in response to control facilities can also lead to critical facility numbers at which there is a radical change in the optimal configuration. So sequential improvement of a control strategy by adding facilities to an existing optimal configuration does not always produce another optimal configuration. We also show that the pre-emptive deployment of control facilities has conflicting effects. The configurations that minimise endemic prevalence are very different to those that minimise epidemic size. So cost-benefit analysis of strategies to manage endemic prevalence must factor in the frequency of extreme weather events and natural disasters

    Accessing sub‑national cholera epidemiological data for Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo during the seventh pandemic

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    BACKGROUND: Vibrio cholerae is a water-borne pathogen with a global burden estimate at 1.4 to 4.0 million annual cases. Over 94% of these cases are reported in Africa and more research is needed to understand cholera dynamics in the region. Cholera data are lacking, mainly due to reporting issues, creating barriers for widespread research on cholera epidemiology and management in Africa. MAIN BODY: Here, we present datasets that were created to help address this gap, collating freely available sub-national cholera data for Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The data were collated from a variety of English and French publicly available sources, including the World Health Organization, PubMed, UNICEF, EM-DAT, the Nigerian CDC and peer-reviewed literature. These data include information on cases, deaths, age, gender, oral cholera vaccination, risk factors and interventions. CONCLUSION: These datasets can facilitate qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research in these two high burden countries to assist in public health planning. The data can be used in collaboration with organisations in the two countries, which have also collected data or undertaking research. By making the data and methods available, we aim to encourage their use and further data collection and compilation to help improve the data gaps for cholera in Africa

    Association between Conflict and Cholera in Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    Cholera outbreaks significantly contribute to disease mortality and morbidity in low- and middle-income countries. Cholera outbreaks have several social and environmental risk factors and extreme conditions can act as catalysts. A social extreme with known links to infectious disease outbreaks is conflict, causing disruption to services, loss of income and displacement. Here, we used the self-controlled case series method in a novel application and found that conflict increased the risk of cholera in Nigeria by 3.6 times and 19.7% of cholera outbreaks were attributable to conflict. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), conflict increased the risk of cholera by 2.6 times and 12.3% of cholera outbreaks were attributable to conflict. Our results highlight the importance of rapid and sufficient assistance during conflict-related cholera outbreaks, while also working towards conflict resolution and addressing pre-existing vulnerabilities such as poverty and access to healthcare. Article Summary Line Conflict significantly increased the risk of cholera outbreaks in Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo and pre-existing vulnerabilities and conflict resolution should be a top priority to protect health.Association between Conflict and Cholera in Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the CongopublishedVersio

    Understanding the risks for post-disaster infectious disease outbreaks: a systematic review protocol.

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    INTRODUCTION: Disasters have many forms, including those related to natural hazards and armed conflict. Human-induced global change, such as climate change, may alter hazard parameters of these disasters. These alterations can have serious consequences for vulnerable populations, which often experience post-disaster infectious disease outbreaks, leading to morbidity and mortality. The risks and drivers for these outbreaks and their ability to form cascades are somewhat contested. Despite evidence for post-disaster outbreaks, reviews quantifying them have been on short time scales, specific geographic areas or specific hazards. This review aims to fill this gap and gain a greater understanding of the risk factors involved in these contextual outbreaks on a global level. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols 2015 checklist and Khan's methodological framework, a systematic search strategy will be created and carried out in August 2020. The strategy will search MEDLINE, Embase and GlobalHealth electronic databases and reference lists of selected literature will also be screened. Eligible studies will include any retrospective cross-sectional, case-control or cohort studies investigating an infectious disease outbreak in a local disaster affected population. Studies will not be excluded based on geographic area or publication date. Excluded papers will include non-English studies, reviews, single case studies and research discussing general risk factors, international refugee camps, public health, mental health and other non-communicable diseases, pathogen genetics or economics. Following selection, data will be extracted into a data charting form, that will be reviewed by other members of the team. The data will then be analysed both numerically and narratively. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Only secondary data will be used and there will be no public or patient involvement; therefore, no ethical approval is needed. Our findings will aim to be disseminated through a peer-reviewed journal. The authors intend to use the results to inform future mathematical modelling studies

    Cholera past and future in Nigeria: Are the Global Task Force on Cholera Control’s 2030 targets achievable?

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    Background Understanding and continually assessing the achievability of global health targets is key to reducing disease burden and mortality. The Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) Roadmap aims to reduce cholera deaths by 90% and eliminate the disease in twenty countries by 2030. The Roadmap has three axes focusing on reporting, response and coordination. Here, we assess the achievability of the GTFCC targets in Nigeria and identify where the three axes could be strengthened to reach and exceed these goals. Methodology/Principal findings Using cholera surveillance data from Nigeria, cholera incidence was calculated and used to model time-varying reproduction number (R). A best fit random forest model was identified using R as the outcome variable and several environmental and social covariates were considered in the model, using random forest variable importance and correlation clustering. Future scenarios were created (based on varying degrees of socioeconomic development and emission reductions) and used to project future cholera transmission, nationally and sub-nationally to 2070. The projections suggest that significant reductions in cholera cases could be achieved by 2030, particularly in the more developed southern states, but increases in cases remain a possibility. Meeting the 2030 target, nationally, currently looks unlikely and we propose a new 2050 target focusing on reducing regional inequities, while still advocating for cholera elimination being achieved as soon as possible. Conclusion/Significance The 2030 targets could potentially be reached by 2030 in some parts of Nigeria, but more effort is needed to reach these targets at a national level, particularly through access and incentives to cholera testing, sanitation expansion, poverty alleviation and urban planning. The results highlight the importance of and how modelling studies can be used to inform cholera policy and the potential for this to be applied in other contexts

    Accessing sub-national cholera epidemiological data for Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo during the seventh pandemic.

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    BACKGROUND: Vibrio cholerae is a water-borne pathogen with a global burden estimate at 1.4 to 4.0 million annual cases. Over 94% of these cases are reported in Africa and more research is needed to understand cholera dynamics in the region. Cholera data are lacking, mainly due to reporting issues, creating barriers for widespread research on cholera epidemiology and management in Africa. MAIN BODY: Here, we present datasets that were created to help address this gap, collating freely available sub-national cholera data for Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The data were collated from a variety of English and French publicly available sources, including the World Health Organization, PubMed, UNICEF, EM-DAT, the Nigerian CDC and peer-reviewed literature. These data include information on cases, deaths, age, gender, oral cholera vaccination, risk factors and interventions. CONCLUSION: These datasets can facilitate qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research in these two high burden countries to assist in public health planning. The data can be used in collaboration with organisations in the two countries, which have also collected data or undertaking research. By making the data and methods available, we aim to encourage their use and further data collection and compilation to help improve the data gaps for cholera in Africa

    Chainchecker: An application to visualise and explore transmission chains for Ebola virus disease.

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    2020 saw the continuation of the second largest outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in history. Determining epidemiological links between cases is a key part of outbreak control. However, due to the large quantity of data and subsequent data entry errors, inconsistencies in potential epidemiological links are difficult to identify. We present chainchecker, an online and offline shiny application which visualises, curates and verifies transmission chain data. The application includes the calculation of exposure windows for individual cases of EVD based on user defined incubation periods and user specified symptom profiles. It has an upload function for viral hemorrhagic fever data and utility for additional entries. This data may then be visualised as a transmission tree with inconsistent links highlighted. Finally, there is utility for cluster analysis and the ability to highlight nosocomial transmission. chainchecker is a R shiny application which has an offline version for use with VHF (viral hemorrhagic fever) databases or linelists. The software is available at https://shiny.dide.imperial.ac.uk/chainchecker which is a web-based application that links to the desktop application available for download and the github repository, https://github.com/imperialebola2018/chainchecker

    Association between Conflict and Cholera in Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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    Cholera outbreaks contribute substantially to illness and death in low- and middle-income countries. Cholera outbreaks are associated with several social and environmental risk factors, and extreme conditions can act as catalysts. A social extreme known to be associated with infectious disease outbreaks is conflict, causing disruption to services, loss of income, and displacement. To determine the extent of this association, we used the self-controlled case-series method and found that conflict increased the risk for cholera in Nigeria by 3.6 times and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by 2.6 times. We also found that 19.7% of cholera outbreaks in Nigeria and 12.3% of outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo were attributable to conflict. Our results highlight the value of providing rapid and sufficient assistance during conflict-associated cholera outbreaks and working toward conflict resolution and addressing preexisting vulnerabilities, such as poverty and access to healthcare

    Exploring relationships between drought and epidemic cholera in Africa using generalised linear models

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    Background Temperature and precipitation are known to affect Vibrio cholerae outbreaks. Despite this, the impact of drought on outbreaks has been largely understudied. Africa is both drought and cholera prone and more research is needed in Africa to understand cholera dynamics in relation to drought. Methods Here, we analyse a range of environmental and socioeconomic covariates and fit generalised linear models to publicly available national data, to test for associations with several indices of drought and make cholera outbreak projections to 2070 under three scenarios of global change, reflecting varying trajectories of CO2 emissions, socio-economic development, and population growth. Results The best-fit model implies that drought is a significant risk factor for African cholera outbreaks, alongside positive effects of population, temperature and poverty and a negative effect of freshwater withdrawal. The projections show that following stringent emissions pathways and expanding sustainable development may reduce cholera outbreak occurrence in Africa, although these changes were spatially heterogeneous. Conclusions Despite an effect of drought in explaining recent cholera outbreaks, future projections highlighted the potential for sustainable development gains to offset drought-related impacts on cholera risk. Future work should build on this research investigating the impacts of drought on cholera on a finer spatial scale and potential non-linear relationships, especially in high-burden countries which saw little cholera change in the scenario analysis
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