14 research outputs found

    Intrusive history of the Oligocene Questa porphyry molybdenum deposit, New Mexico

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    Subsurface mapping and core analyses of upper crustal intrusions and mineralization at the Questa porphyry molybdenum deposit, New Mexico, reveal that Mo-mineralization occurred through episodic emplacement of at least six intrusive units. The structure of intrusions associated with the Questa deposit is documented in a series of detailed cross sections and visualized with a 3D animation. Mineralizing intrusions are underlain by two post-mineralization intrusions and cut by late-stage barren dikes. The plutonic complex was structurally focused along a system of preexisting flat-lying faults and their associated fractures. Mineralization is spatially associated with specific intrusive units in the subsurface, and the highest Mo ore grades within established ore blocks are structurally associated with the smallest intrusions. Existing U/Pb thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) zircon geochronology in conjunction with new relative chronology presented herein indicate that mineralization began before 24.91 Ma. We present three new chemical abrasion U/Pb TIMS zircon ages-one from an amphibole-bearing intrusion associated with high-grade mineralization (dark-matrix porphyry, 24.74 ± 0.37 Ma), a rhyolite dike that cuts ore-grade rocks (24.50 ± 0.02 Ma), and an equigranular granite discovered during deep drilling (23.67 ± 0.02 Ma). The dark-matrix porphyry contains clasts of an earlier amphibole-free intrusion that is spatially associated with low-grade mineralization. Thus, mineralizing intrusions were, in part, intruded into slightly older porphyries, confirming that episodic mineralization continued after 24.91 Ma. The age of the barren dike (24.50 ± 0.02 Ma) is indistinguishable from that of a previously dated granite porphyry that is associated with low-grade mineralization (< 0.05 wt% MoS2; Questa granite porphyry). These data suggest that mineralization waned by 24.5 Ma and that ore deposition occurred over ~500 ka. The new 23.67 Ma age of the deep equigranular granite, which underlies the Questa granite porphyry, further suggests that intrusions underlying the deposit were not related to mineralization. Detailed subsurface mapping and exploratory drilling indicate that intrusions associated with mineralization were small in volume and cooled rapidly, as evidenced by multiple internal contacts within sheets and rebrecciation textures. On the basis of observed cross-section reconstructions, petrology, alteration, and mineralization, the porphyritic rhyolite intrusions associated with mineralization in one of the largest orebodies in the deposit (the deep northeast) are less than 20-m-thick sheets that are separated by andesite wall rock. Thus, there is no evidence that this orebody formed above a cylindrical magma conduit that facilitated rapid convection, as is often modeled in these systems. We hypothesize that a set of similarly small-volume intrusions were responsible for the bulk of the ore in the southwest ore zone. Our interpretation that the mineralizing intrusions are small, thin, and subhorizontal distinguishes the Questa deposit from other Climax-type molybdenum deposits

    Geochronology of a Bouguer Gravity Low

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    Dense drill core and subsurface mapping at the Questa molybdenum mine, combined with regional structural tilt, permit detailed 3-D documentation of plutonic rocks in the Latir magmatic center, New Mexico. Integration of mapping with new and existing U-Pb zircon geochronology (a total of 136 analyses from 15 intrusions) allows for examination of the space-time evolution of the Bouguer gravity low associated with the magmatic center. The Questa batholith at Latir was assembled by discrete pulses of magma over a 5.5-Ma interval (approximately 25.3–19.8 Ma) of generally downward stacking intrusions following the volcanic peak at 25.52 Ma. This contradicts interpretations that the Bouguer gravity lows here and elsewhere are the plutonic crystal cumulate residues left after extraction of large-volume silicic magmas. Estimates of magma flux based on the volume of plutonic rocks inferred from gravity data combined with the extrapolation of geochronology of exposed surface rocks are questionable because the assumption that unexposed plutonic rocks are the same age as dated surface rocks directly above them likely underestimates the true range of ages

    Day length, latitude and behavioural (in)flexibility in baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus)

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    Annual cycles in day length are an important consideration in any analysis of seasonal behaviour patterns, since they determine the period within which obligate diurnal or nocturnal animals must conduct all of their essential activities. As a consequence, seasonal variation in day length may represent an ecological constraint on behaviour, since short winter days restrict the length of the time available for foraging in diurnal species (with long summer days, and thus short nights, a potential constraint for nocturnal species). This paper examines monthly variation in activity patterns over a 4- year study of chacma baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) at De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa. Time spent feeding, moving, grooming and resting are all significant positive functions of day length, even before chance events such as disease epidemics and climatically mediated home range shifts have been accounted for. These results provide strong support for the idea that day length acts as an ecological constraint by limiting the number of daylight hours and thus restricting the active period at certain times of year. Day length variation also has important implications across populations. Interpopulation variation in resting time, and non-foraging activity in general, is a positive function of latitude, with long summer days at temperate latitudes apparently producing an excess of time that cannot profitably be devoted to additional foraging or social activity. However, it is the short winter days that are probably of greatest importance, since diurnal animals must still fulfil their foraging requirements despite the restricted number of daylight hours and elevated thermoregulatory requirements at this time of year. Ultimately this serves to restrict the maximum ecologically tolerable group sizes of baboon populations with increasing distance from the equator. Seasonal variation in day length is thus an important ecological constraint on animal behaviour that has important implications both within and between populations, and future studies at non-equatorial latitudes must clearly be mindful of its importance

    Long-Term Effects of Cancer Survivorship on the Employment of Older Workers

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    Reservoir is one of the emergency environments that required fast an accurate decision to reduce flood risk during heavy rainfall and contain water during less rainfall. Typically, during heavy rainfall, the water level increase very fast, thus decision of the water release is timely and crucial task. In this paper, intelligent decision support model based on neural network (NN) is proposed. The proposed model consists of situation assessment, forecasting and decision models. Situation assessment utilized temporal data mining technique to extract relevant data and attribute from the reservoir operation record. The forecasting model utilize NN to perform forecasting of the reservoir water level, while in the decision model, NN is applied to perform classification of the current and changes of reservoir water level. The simulations have shown that the performances of NN for both forecasting and decision models are acceptably good

    Effects of subsurface drip irrigation rates and furrow irrigation for cotton grown on a vertisol on off-site movement of sediments, nutrients and pesticides

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    Abstract – Subsurface drip irrigation can reduce off-farm movements of fertilizers and pollutants and improve the water use efficiency of irrigated agriculture. Here we compared the effects of furrow and subsurface drip at different irrigation rates, based on a percentage of daily crop-evapotranspiration rates (ETc), on run-off and off-site movement of suspended sediment, nutrients and pesticides from cotton crops grownon a vertisol. Our results show that furrow irrigation significantly increased suspended soil loss, of 5.26 t ha−1, compared to that of subsurface drip irrigation at 120% of ETc, of 2.53 t ha−1, whereas no erosion was recorded with deficit subsurface drip irrigation. Off-site movement of nitrogen in furrow, of 18.63 kg ha−1, was five times greater than subsurface drip irrigation at 120% ETc. It was much less with 105% ETc(0.37 kg ha−1) and 90% ETc (0.15 kg ha−1), and absent for 75% and 50% of ETc. Phosphorus loss from furrow, of 778 g ha−1, was greater than for the wetter subsurface drip treatments that gave 23 g ha−1 for 90% ETc and 19 g ha−1 for 120% ETc. No P loss was recorded from drier subsurface drip irrigation rates. Herbicides such as atrazine and diuron were applied in the year prior to the experiment, but considerable amounts were recorded in furrow run-off in both years, but only at 90 and 120% ETc subsurface drip irrigation in the first year. Concentrations of applied herbicide residues in the runoff exceeded the minimum threshold level for 99% species protection and, although the total amount of herbicide movement was higher in furrow, at times the concentration was greater for wetter subsurface drip irrigation run-off. Residues of insecticides, such as endosulphan applied in a previous year and dimethoate applied in the current years, were recorded in runoff from subsurface drip at 120% and furrow irrigation. Their concentrations in each year exceeded minimum threshold level. Subsurface drip irrigation at 75% ETc offered the best trade-off between off-site run-off, erosion and pesticide movement and yield and water use efficiency