32 research outputs found

    Mendesain Instrumen Pengukuran Sikap

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    It is not easy to design research instruments on how to measure attitudes. To measure a person's attitude is not as simple as measuring objective variables for example like measuring blood pressure. The purpose of this article is to give guidance to beginner researchers on how to design instrument to measure attitudes, the validity and reliability of the instruments. The steps on how to design the instruments to measure attitudes are very systematically explained and are easily understood

    Perkembangan Manajemen Perawatan Luka : Dulu Dan Kini

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    Manajemen keperawatan luka mengalami pasang surut dalam perkembangannya. Pada awalnya, penanganan luka berdasarkan pengalaman dan kepercayaan yang dianut. Dahulu, perawatan luka bertujuan untuk mengontrol perdarahan dan menutupinya dengan bahan-bahan yang mudah diperoleh seperti lumpur, dedaunan, lumut, dll. Dan dalam proses penyembuhan turut melibatkan ahli agama dan astronom. Pemberian zat-zat topical dan besi panas sehingga luka menjadi infeksi terus berlangsung hingga adanya penemuan Lister dan Pasteur. Penemuan Lister dan Pasteur menyebabkan penggunaan antiseptic meningkat secara pesat selama Perang Dunia (PD) I untuk meminimalkan kejadian infeksi. Perkembangan balutan modern dimulai pada pertengahan abad 20 mengubah konsep yang sebelumnya dianut, dan sejak itu terjadi banyak penemuan baru yang menghasilkan balutan oklusif. Hingga saat ini penelitian-penelitian terus dilakukan untuk mencari alternative balutan baru. Wound management expands from time to time and changes rapidly. In the old time, people used variety of different treatments in managing wounds based on experience and belief. Historically, wound management aimed to control bleeding and to cover the wound with dressing made by available materials such as mud, leaves, lichen, etc. the treatments involved priests and astronomer. Covering wound with topical agent and hot iron had made the wound to be infectied. The situation continued until the discoveries of Pasteur and Lister. The discoveries of Lister and Pasteur resulted an increase used of antiseptic in order to minimize wound infection.The development of modern wound dressing which started in the mind 20th century has changed the conventional dressing. Since then many new discoveries has resulted in occlusive dressing. Nowdays, the research has focused on the development of new dressing technology

    Mengenal Analisis Ketahanan (Survival Analysis)

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    This article aims to introduce survival analysis which has been developed by Edmund Halley- an English astronomer. Survival analysis plays a vital role in vital statistic, actuarial science and many other sciences. Furthermore, this article will discuss the terminology and method that are used in survival analysis with its\u27 applications in health research

    Perbandingan Beberapa Rumus Untuk Memprediksi Berat Badan Lahir Berdasarkan Pengukuran Tinggi Fundus Uteri

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    The purposes of the research were to compare Niswander, Johnson, SML, SFH, and Niswander\u27s modified rules in estimating fetal birth weight on the Population in Jakarta. The design of this study was a cross-sectional that using the medical record. 223 respondens were participated in the study at Puskesmas Pembina Tebet, Jakarta. The result of this study showed that the Niswander\u27s rule, Johnson\u27s rule, SML\u27s rule, and SFH\u27s rule are not valid to estimate the fetal birth weight for the Indonesian pregnant population (p=0.000) and only the modified Niswander\u27s rule that enough to be valid on this population (p=0.205). The conclusion of this study showed that the rules from the westerns researchers for estimating the fetal birth weight is not appropriate to be used the Indonesian pregnant

    Validasi Rumus Taksiran Berat Janin (Tbj) Untuk Prediksi Berat Badan Lahir Berdasarkan Tinggi Fundus Uterus Ibu Hamil

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    Availability of USG facility is still limited at hospital. It is necessary the alternative way on monitoring fetal birth weight, however, the USG is not available. Measurement height of the fundus is the simple way in estimating the fetal birth weight. This study was to examine the validity of using estimated fetal birth weight in predicting fetal birth weight that based on height of fundus. The design of this study was a cross-sectional. The collection of data was carry out in one way measurement while before the birth of baby. Generally, it can be concluded that TBJ rule can be used to predict the fetal birth weight. The result of the study revealed that there is the significant correlation between the prediction using TBJ and the Niswander's modified rules (p = 0.793, = 0.05). However, TBJ rule is easier to be reminded than the Niswander's rule. For further study, it is recommended to validate TBJ rule using better design, number of sample, and data collection. It is important to increase validity and reliability of the result study so that this result study can be generalized for all Indonesian populatio

    Kontribusi Perbedaan Psikologis Perawat Terhadap Pemberdayaan Psikologis

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    Contribution of the Difference of Psychological Nurses\u27s toward Psycological Empowerment. Characteristics of nurses are the traits attached to nurses, either naturaly or acquired from others. They include age, gender, educational level, marital status, employment status, and length of employment. The psychological characteristics distinguish nurses in psychological empowerment in improving self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation and performance of nurses in hospital. This research aims to know the characteristics and the psychological empowerment of nurses. The research design used cross-sectional correlation description with sample of 115 nurses. The results of the study are, gender that related with nurses\u27 psychological empowerment (p= 0.041), which means that there is relation between gender with psychological empowerment of nurses (CI 95% OR= 1.001–66.893), and 90% of male nurses are more likely to be empowered psychologically, whereas female nurses that is likely to be empowered is 52.4%. Recommendations is the need to propose a formal education and training, especially for nurses who have at least 5 years length of work, as well as the need to give direction from head nurse to nurture all nurses through supervision in order to have the competences to carry out actions in hospital that reflect the nurses psychological empowerment

    Perbandingan Penyembuhan Luka Terbuka Menggunakan Balutan Madu Atau Balutan Normal Salin-Povidone Iodine

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of honey dressing and normal salin-povidone iodine dressing in the open wound healing process at a hospital in Bukittinggi. This was a non-equivalent control group quasi experimental study with pre & post test. The samples of this study were 6 respondents (3 respondents in each intervention and control group). The finding from this study showed that there was no significant difference on the mean score of wound healing process before and after wound care intervention using honey dressing (P = 0.076), and normal saline-povidone iodine dressing (P = 0.057). There was also no significant difference on the mean score of wound healing process on traumatic open wound patient after intervention on the control group using normal saline-povidone iodine dressing and intervention group using honey dressing (P = 0,797) However, the wound healing score on the honey intervention group was 6,67% higher (11,52%) than on the wound using normal saline-povidone iodine dressing (4,85%). Unlike patients in the control group, patients using honey dressing were not complaining about pain and bleeding when change dressing. Therefore, the study recommended the honey application for open wound

    Penurunkan Tekanan Darah Pada Pasien Hipertensi Melalui Brisk Walking Exercise

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    Brisk walking exercise merupakan salah satu bentuk moderate aerobic exercise yang direkomendasikan oleh ahli jantung di Amerika dan Eropa sebagai salah satu Perubahan gaya hidup pasien hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh brisk walking exercise terhadap tekanan darah pasien hipertensi di Kudus. Penelitian dilakukan pada penderita hipertensi di unit rawat jalan dua rumah sakit di Kudus dengan metode penelitian eksperimen randomized control trial (RCT) dengan pendekatan pre dan post with control. Penelitian dilakukan pada 42 responden ( 21 responden kelompok kontrol dan 21 kelompok intervensi). Hasil uji paired t test Perubahan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik kelompok kontrol menunjukan adanya nilai yang bermakna (p= 0,000 dan p= 0,026; α= 0,05). Untuk itu, perlu adanya penerapan brisk walking untuk penatalaksanaan hipertensi di rumah sakit maupun puskesmas (komunitas)

    Terapi Akupresur Dapat Menurunkan Keluhan Mual Muntah Akut Akibat Kemoterapi Pada Pasien Kanker: Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Acupressure is one of the complementary theraphies for patients with acute chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting(CINV). The objective of the study was to prove the effect of acupressure to acute CINV on patients with cancer at two hospitalsin Jakarta. The research used randomized clinical trial with single blind method. A consecutive sampling was used as thesample collection method and simple randomization allocation subject was used to identify samples in the intervention orcontrol group. The number of samples was 44 respondents, consisted of 22 subjects who were given an acupressure theraphy,three times a day; and the remaining was the control group. A t-test was used to examine the differences of the mean nauseaand vomiting scores between the intervention and control groups. The result indicated that there is a signifant decrease of themean acute nausea and vomiting scores after acupressure between the two groups (p= 0.000; α= 0.05). It was concluded thatthe acupressure can significantly decrease acute CINV on patients with cancer in the intervention group if compared withcontrol group. Based on the findings, recommendation is directed to hospital management especially nursing management toapply acupressure as a nursing intervention to patients with acute CINV

    Hubungan Lingkungan Kerja dengan Perilaku Caring Perawat di RS Pgi Jakarta

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    Meilati Suryani*Junaiti Sahar**Dewi gayatri** ABSTRAKKepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan keperawatan lebih didasarkan kepada perilaku caring perawat seperti sikap yang ramah, cepat tanggap terhadap kebutuhan pasien serta mau mendengarkan keluhan pasien yang disebut dengan perilaku caring. Perilaku caring perawat selain ditentukan oleh faktor individu juga didukung oleh lingkungan kerja yang baik. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan lingkungan kerja dengan perilaku caring. Jenis penelitian deskriptif korelasi dengan sampel 95 pasien dan 95 perawat. Persentase perawat yang berperilaku caring tinggi menurut persepsi pasien adalah 53%. Hasil analisis menggunakan uji Chi Square menyatakan pengaturan beban kerja dan pengembangan profesional berhubungan dengan perilaku caring (p = 0,000). Perawat perlu meningkatkan kompetensi dan komunikasi dengan pasien. Rumah sakit perlu meninjau kembali kebutuhan tenaga dan beban kerja perawat, menjadikan caring sebagai salah satu komponen penilaian kinerja perawat, serta meningkatkan role model kepala ruangan. Kata Kunci: Lingkungan kerja, Perilaku caring perawat, Persepsi pasien ABSTRACTPatient satisfaction to nursing delivery service is most base on nurse attitude which called caring. Caring nurse behavior not only determined by individual factor but also supported by good work environment. This research was to recognize the relationship between work environment and nursing caring behavior according to patient\u27s perception. This is descriptive correlation with 95 patient and 95 nurse as samples. According to patient\u27s perception, as much as 53% of nurses are caring. The result showed that professional development and workload management are significantly associated with nursing caring behavior (p=0.000). Nurses require to improve communication skill. The hospital require improve head nurse as role model, make caring as component for nursing appraisal performance, asses the need for nursing workload and staffing