26 research outputs found

    Applying SoftTriple Loss for Supervised Language Model Fine Tuning

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    We introduce a new loss function TripleEntropy, to improve classification performance for fine-tuning general knowledge pre-trained language models based on cross-entropy and SoftTriple loss. This loss function can improve the robust RoBERTa baseline model fine-tuned with cross-entropy loss by about (0.02% - 2.29%). Thorough tests on popular datasets indicate a steady gain. The fewer samples in the training dataset, the higher gain -- thus, for small-sized dataset it is 0.78%, for medium-sized -- 0.86% for large -- 0.20% and for extra-large 0.04%

    Distance Metric Learning Loss Functions in Few-Shot Scenarios of Supervised Language Models Fine-Tuning

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    This paper presents an analysis regarding an influence of the Distance Metric Learning (DML) loss functions on the supervised fine-tuning of the language models for classification tasks. We experimented with known datasets from SentEval Transfer Tasks. Our experiments show that applying the DML loss function can increase performance on downstream classification tasks of RoBERTa-large models in few-shot scenarios. Models fine-tuned with the use of SoftTriple loss can achieve better results than models with a standard categorical cross-entropy loss function by about 2.89 percentage points from 0.04 to 13.48 percentage points depending on the training dataset. Additionally, we accomplished a comprehensive analysis with explainability techniques to assess the models' reliability and explain their results

    Revisiting Distance Metric Learning for Few-Shot Natural Language Classification

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    Distance Metric Learning (DML) has attracted much attention in image processing in recent years. This paper analyzes its impact on supervised fine-tuning language models for Natural Language Processing (NLP) classification tasks under few-shot learning settings. We investigated several DML loss functions in training RoBERTa language models on known SentEval Transfer Tasks datasets. We also analyzed the possibility of using proxy-based DML losses during model inference. Our systematic experiments have shown that under few-shot learning settings, particularly proxy-based DML losses can positively affect the fine-tuning and inference of a supervised language model. Models tuned with a combination of CCE (categorical cross-entropy loss) and ProxyAnchor Loss have, on average, the best performance and outperform models with only CCE by about 3.27 percentage points -- up to 10.38 percentage points depending on the training dataset

    SparkSeq: fast, scalable and cloud-ready tool for the interactive genomic data analysis with nucleotide precision

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    Many time-consuming analyses of next -: generation sequencing data can be addressed with modern cloud computing. The Apache Hadoop-based solutions have become popular in genomics BECAUSE OF: their scalability in a cloud infrastructure. So far, most of these tools have been used for batch data processing rather than interactive data querying. The SparkSeq software has been created to take advantage of a new MapReduce framework, Apache Spark, for next-generation sequencing data. SparkSeq is a general-purpose, flexible and easily extendable library for genomic cloud computing. It can be used to build genomic analysis pipelines in Scala and run them in an interactive way. SparkSeq opens up the possibility of customized ad hoc secondary analyses and iterative machine learning algorithms. This article demonstrates its scalability and overall fast performance by running the analyses of sequencing datasets. Tests of SparkSeq also prove that the use of cache and HDFS block size can be tuned for the optimal performance on multiple worker node

    Anterior region of the atrioventricular perinodal area in relation to radiofrequency ablation procedures

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    Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia base on reentry circulation in nodal-perinodal area. The radical treatment of choice is radiofrequency ablation. Procedure approached from the anterior-superior (fast) region sufficient a few seconds of energy delivery for success, however this can result in A-V block. The possibility that arrhythmias substrate may lie very superficially (success of ablation) and damage the normal structures (complication) in the perinodal region must be considered. In order to confirm this hypothesis we examined the autopsy material of 100 normal hearts, both sexes from 18 to 105 years of age (control) and 50 hearts with A-V total block 45-95 years of age (block). We paid attention to the morphology of the nodal artery (NA), atrial inputs (AI) and transitional inputs (TI). It was observed that NA at the level of the central fibrous body was positioned in 94% in the central and in 6% in the inferior part of Koch&#8217;s triangle. It was removed from the endocardium 3-6 mm in control and 2-5 mm in block group respectively (NS). In the perinodal area we distinguished AI that directly joined the A-V compact node: superficial (right part of the interatrial septum) or deep (left part). The former occurred in 100% of controls and in 80% of block groups (NS), and the latter in 80% of control group and in 34% in block respectively (p < 0.05). The real substrate of arrhythmia in anterior-superior region lies very superficially and far from the conduction tissue; NA in examined hearts was lying deep beneath the endocardium; ablation close to the node could result in A-V block

    Cardiovascular system in selected connective tissue diseases — clinical practice

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      Spondyloartropatie seronegatywne, zapalenie skórno-mięśniowe, zapalenie wielomięśniowe i zapalenia naczyń to układowe choroby tkanki łącznej, w któr ych powikłania kardiologiczne stanowią istotny element obrazu klinicznego. U wielu pacjentów schorzenia te doprowadzają do rozwoju przedwczesnej miażdżycy i choroby niedokrwiennej mięśnia sercowego, a w konsekwencji do zwiększenia śmiertelności. W grupie chorych ze spondyloartropatiami seronegatywnymi ryzyko rozwoju miażdżycy oraz choroby niedokrwiennej serca jest istotnie wyższe niż w populacji ogólnej. U chorych szczególnie często występuje stan zapalny ściany aorty, zastawki aortalnej i mitralnej, powodujący ich niedomykalność i blok przedsionkowo-komorowy. Istnieje związek pomiędzy obecnością antygenu HLA-B27 u chorych na ZZSK a występowaniem zaburzeń przewodzenia. Zapalenia skórno-mięśniowe (DM) i wielomięśniowe (PM) należą do gr upy idiopatycznych miopatii zapalnych, w których oprócz mięśni i skóry zmiany zapalne mogą wystąpić w sercu i naczyniach krwionośnych. Objawy kliniczne ze strony układu krążenia w tych schorzeniach wynikają w głównej mierze z objęcia procesem zapalnym kardiomiocytów. Zmiany histopatologiczne stwierdzane w sercu są takie same, jak te w mięśniach szkieletowych. Najczęstszą manifestacją kardiologiczną DM/PM jest zastoinowa niewydolność krążenia. Zapalenia naczyń to niejednorodna grupa chorób, w których stan zapalny naczyń krwionośnych powoduje krwawienia, ograniczenia przepływu krwi i niedokrwienie oraz martwicę tkanek. Do najistotniejszych ze względu na powikłania kardiologiczne zapal eń naczyń należy zaliczyć: chorobę Takayasu, chorobę Kawasaki, zespół Churga-Strauss, ziarniniakowatość z zapaleniem naczyń i olbrzymiokomórkowe zapalenie tętnic. Występowanie licznych powikłań ze strony układu sercowo-naczyniowego w chorobach reumatologicznych stwarza konieczność opracowania odpowiednich strategii profilaktyki, diagnostyki i leczenia zarówno choroby podstawowej jak i jej powikłań.    Seronegative spondyloar thropathies, dermatomyositis, polymyositis and vasculitis are con - nective tissue diseases in which cardiac complications are important clinical features. In many patients these disorders lead to the development of premature atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and result in mortality increase. Among patients with seronegative spondyloarthropathies the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease is higher compared with the healthy population. Patients suffer particularly from inflammation of the wall of the aorta, aortic and mitral regurgitation and atrioventricular block. There is a link between the presence of HL A-B27 and the occur rence of conduction disturbances in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Dermatomyositis (DM) and polymyositis (PM) belong to the group of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, wherein, beside muscle and skin, inflammation can occur in the heart and blood vessels. The clinical manifestation of cardiovascular complications in these diseases is due to the presence of inflammation in cardiomyocytes. Histopathological changes observed in the heart are the same as those in skeletal muscles. The most frequent cardiac complication of DM/PM is congestive heart failure. Vasculitis is a heterogeneous group of disorders in which inflammation of the blood vessels can cause bleeding, blood flow reduction, ischemia and necrosis . Cardiac disorders can be present in such vasculitis as: Takayasu diesease, Kawasaki disease, Churg-Strauss syndrome, granulomatosis with vasculitis and giant cell arteritis. The presence of numerous cardiovascular complications of r heumatic diseases creates the need of appropriate strategies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of both the underlying disease and its complications.

    Trzepotanie i migotanie przedsionków - bliscy przyjaciele, a tak bardzo różni

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    Przedstawiamy opis pacjenta z napadowym migotaniem i trzepotaniem przedsionków. W ramach przyczynowego leczenia trzepotania przedsionków oraz hybrydowego leczenia (w połączeniu z farmakoterapią antyarytmiczną) migotania przedsionków wykonano ablację cieśni dolnej. Dzięki niej pacjent został całkowicie wyleczony z zaburzeń rytmu. Na tej podstawie prezentujemy wskazania do ablacji podłoża trzepotania przedsionków, przybliżamy metody tego leczenia oraz sposób przygotowania pacjenta do tego typu zabiegu. Należy zwrócić uwagę że trzepotanie przedsionków rzadko jest podatne na farmakoterapię, stąd wytyczne europejskiego i amerykańskich towarzystw naukowych jako &#8222;złoty standard&#8221; sugerują leczenie niefarmakologiczne. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2008, tom 2, nr 2, 112-12

    GIS w polskiej edukacji wyższej – dyskusja

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    The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved with Geographic lnformation Systems. The meeting was initiated by the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łódź, which received a grant to organize it. The discussion and presentations from academic teachers representing various universities in Poland were very interesting and sometimes heated. it would be advisable for other educators to familiarise themselves with the aspects of GIS education among Polish geographers, foresters, surveyors and other users. The experience of Geoinformation education in Poland is still modest, so the views of people who have been involved at Polish universities with it since the 1990s should be interesting to readers. Geographic lnformation Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor for economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies. Akronim GIS-E-QL: GIS for environment and quality of life. Project objectives: The main aim of the project is to start-up attractive and innovative second­ degree studies – geoinformation in mutual cooperation of the FGS and the FMCS, students education, improving the competence of academic teachers, conference organization, publishing, cooperation with practitioners and establishing contacts with partners from Norway. This aim is consistent with the “Ana lysis of the economy's demand for graduates in key field of strategy in the context of the Europe 2020” 2012 and “Strategy for development of higher education in Poland 2020”, in the field of promoting innovative courses, formed collectively with practitioners, raising awareness of the environment. Joint actions of educators and practitioners, supported the by the strengthening of university's hardware, software and spatial data, will ensure a high quality project. The existing cooperation with practitioners indicate that further training is necessary and they would like to see postgraduates in their institutions. The final beneficiaries of the project will be the students and the academical teaching staff and indirectly the economy of the region. Students who graduate will be the main recipient of the project, the next will be teaching staff who will have contact with the practices and Norwegian partners with similar interests. In broad terms the project will benefit Polish and European economy and environment.The experience of Polish scientists and educators in the GIS has not been as long as mentioned by Michael F. Goodchild who jointly with Ross Newkirk (Goodchild 2006) started the fi rst GIS training course at the University of Western Ontario in Canada in 1975. Discussions on the scope of knowledge included in the GIS have continued at most universities that have offered such classes. In 1988/89, owing to the National Centre for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), the 3-volume document of over 1000 pages was put together to include curriculums, student materials and other teaching aids. We have good models and we can use them. Meetings and discussions about the GIS education have been and still are regularly held all over the world (Forer P., Unwin D. 1999). When employees of Polish universities were starting to learn the GIS software and possibilities, Morgan J. M., Fleury B., Becker R. A. (1996) had already identifi ed over 800 higher education institutions all over the world that had offered at least one GIS course. The rapid development of new technologies, methods, the creation of new labour markets has arisen discussions on the contents GIS training in various centres of higher education, e.g. in the Netherlands, the US, and those have been similar to the ones presented in this article (Toppen F. J. 1992) and some issues needed to be resolved in court (DiBiase, D. 2008). You can see how important these meetings of educators are for exchanging opinions and experience. They have allowed to meed people representing various fi elds involved in the geoinformation, which may result in co-operation and new educational initiatives, and sometimes, competition. Finally, we should agree with prof. J. Gaździcki (2009 p. 12) that “It is obvious that the success of any measures to modernise education in the area under consideration depends on the interest of academic communities, involvement of research and academic staff in these endeavours, their will, ambition and willingness to co-operate”.This book has been prepared within the project „Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor of economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies” supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and co-financed by the Polish funds. (Agreement No FSS/2014/HEI/W/0114/U/0013)