122 research outputs found

    Compression-induced factors influencing the damage of engineered skeletal muscle

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    Chondrogenic potential of chondrocytes in hyaluronic acid/PEG-based hydrogels is dependent on the hyaluronic acid concentration

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    Purpose: Hydrogels based on PEG and methacrylated poly(N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide-mono/dilactate) (M10P10) are promising biomaterials for Biofabrication of cartilage constructs. Addition of hyaluronic acid (HA) to a hydrogel improves printability by increasing the viscosity. Methacrylating HA (HAMA) can ensure covalent binding in M10P10 hydrogels after UV-cross-linking. Chondrocytes can interact with HAMA via their CD44 receptor, however, the influence of HAMA on chondrogenic potential is unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different HAMA concentrations on chondrogenesis of chondrocytes in M10P10/HAMA hydrogels. Materials & Methods: Equine chondrocytes were encapsulated in M10P10 hydrogels containing different HAMA concentrations. Cylindrical constructs were cast, UV-cross-linked, and cultured in TGF-Ī²-containing medium. Constructs were analyzed for evidence of cartilage formation. Results: Preliminary data showed an increase in glycosaminoglycan (GAG)/DNA for constructs with low HAMA concentrations (0.1-0.25%) while no differences were found for higher HAMA concentrations, compared to hydrogels without HAMA (Figure 1a). Further, constructs without or with low HAMA concentrations (0.1-0.5%) demonstrated collagen type II positive areas, while this was less pronounced in constructs with 0.5-1% HAMA (n=3, Figure 1b). Conclusion: Preliminary results indicate a dose-dependent effect of HAMA on chondrogenesis of chondrocytes: low concentrations (0.1-0.25%) increase GAG production while higher concentrations (0.5-1%) have no effect on GAG production and reduce collagen type II synthesis. Ongoing evaluations will reveal the extent of chondrogenesis and its association with HAMA concentrations in M10P10/HAMA, and the mechanism responsible for the dose-dependent effect. This study will impact the use of HAMA as viscosity enhancer to improve the printability of hydrogel

    The impact of immune response on endochondral bone regeneration

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    Tissue engineered cartilage substitutes, which induce the process of endochondral ossification, represent a regenerative strategy for bone defect healing. Such constructs typically consist of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) forming a cartilage template in vitro, which can be implanted to stimulate bone formation in vivo. The use of MSCs of allogeneic origin could potentially improve the clinical utility of the tissue engineered cartilage constructs in three ways. First, ready-to-use construct availability can speed up the treatment process. Second, MSCs derived and expanded from a single donor could be applied to treat several patients and thus the costs of the medical interventions would decrease. Finally, it would allow more control over the quality of the MSC chondrogenic differentiation. However, even though the envisaged clinical use of allogeneic cell sources for bone regeneration is advantageous, their immunogenicity poses a significant obstacle to their clinical application. The aim of this review is to increase the awareness of the role played by immune cells during endochondral ossification, and in particular during regenerative strategies when the immune response is altered by the presence of implanted biomaterials and/or cells. More specifically, we focus on how this balance between immune response and bone regeneration is affected by the implantation of a cartilaginous tissue engineered construct of allogeneic origin

    Trained innate immunity modulates osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation

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    Macrophages are key regulators in bone repair and regeneration. Recent studies have shown that long-term epigenetic changes and metabolic shifts occur during specific immune training of macrophages that affect their functional state, resulting in heightened (trained) or reduced (tolerant) responses upon exposure to a second stimulus. This is known as innate immune memory. Here, we study the impact of macrophagesā€™ memory trait on osteoblast differentiation of human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) and osteoclast differentiation. An in vitro trained immunity protocol of monocyte-derived macrophages was employed using inactivated Candida albicans and Bacillus Calmetteā€“GuĆ©rin (BCG) to induce a ā€˜trainedā€™ state and Pam3CSK4 (PAM) and Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to induce a ā€˜toleranceā€™ state. Macrophages were subsequently cocultured with hMSCs undergoing osteogenic differentiation during either resting (unstimulated) or inflammatory conditions (restimulated with LPS). Alkaline phosphatase activity, mineralization, and cytokine levels (TNF, IL-6, oncostatin M and SDF-1Ī±) were measured. In addition, macrophages underwent osteoclast differentiation. Our findings show that trained and tolerized macrophages induced opposing results. Under resting conditions, BCG-trained macrophages enhanced ALP levels (threefold), while under inflammatory conditions this was found in the LPS-tolerized macrophages (fourfold). Coculture of hMSCs with trained macrophages showed mineralization while tolerized macrophages inhibited the process under both resting and inflammatory conditions. While osteoclast differentiation was not affected in trained-macrophages, this ability was significantly loss in tolerized ones. This study further confirms the intricate cross talk between immune cells and bone cells, highlighting the need to consider this interaction in the development of personalized approaches for bone regenerative medicine. Graphical Abstract: (Figure presented.)

    Osteoinductive calcium phosphate with submicron topography as bone graft substitute for maxillary sinus floor augmentation: A translational study

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was the preclinical and clinical evaluation of osteoinductive calcium phosphate with submicron surface topography as a bone graft substitute for maxillary sinus floor augmentation (MSFA). Material and Methods: A preclinical sheep model of MSFA was used to compare a calcium phosphate with submicron needle-shaped topography (BCPN, MagnetOs Granules, Kuros Biosciences BV) to a calcium phosphate with submicron grain-shaped topography (BCPG) and autologous bone graft (ABG) as controls. Secondly, a 10-patient, prospective, randomized, controlled trial was performed to compare BCPN to ABG in MSFA with two-stage implant placement. Results: The pre-clinical study demonstrated that both BCPN and BCPG were highly biocompatible, supported bony ingrowth with direct bone apposition against the material, and exhibited bone formation as early as 3 weeks post-implantation. However, BCPN demonstrated significantly more bone formation than BCPG at the study endpoint of 12 weeks. Only BCPN reached an equivalent amount of bone formation in the available space and a greater proportion of calcified material (boneĀ + graft material) in the maxillary sinus compared to the ā€œgold standardā€ ABG after 12 weeks. These results were validated in a small prospective clinical study, in which BCPN was found comparable to ABG in implant stability, bone height, new bone formation in trephine core biopsies, and overall clinical outcome. Conclusion: This translational work demonstrates that osteoinductive calcium phosphates are promising bone graft substitutes for MSFA, whereas their bone-forming potential depends on the design of their surface features. Netherlands Trial Register, NL6436

    Isolation and Maintenance-Free Culture of Contractile Myotubes from Manduca sexta Embryos

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    Skeletal muscle tissue engineering has the potential to treat tissue loss and degenerative diseases. However, these systems are also applicable for a variety of devices where actuation is needed, such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and robotics. Most current efforts to generate muscle bioactuators are focused on using mammalian cells, which require exacting conditions for survival and function. In contrast, invertebrate cells are more environmentally robust, metabolically adaptable and relatively autonomous. Our hypothesis is that the use of invertebrate muscle cells will obviate many of the limitations encountered when mammalian cells are used for bioactuation. We focus on the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, due to its easy availability, large size and well-characterized muscle contractile properties. Using isolated embryonic cells, we have developed culture conditions to grow and characterize contractile M. sexta muscles. The insect hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone was used to induce differentiation in the system, resulting in cells that stained positive for myosin, contract spontaneously for the duration of the culture, and do not require media changes over periods of more than a month. These cells proliferate under normal conditions, but the application of juvenile hormone induced further proliferation and inhibited differentiation. Cellular metabolism under normal and low glucose conditions was compared for C2C12 mouse and M. sexta myoblast cells. While differentiated C2C12 cells consumed glucose and produced lactate over one week as expected, M. sexta muscle did not consume significant glucose, and lactate production exceeded mammalian muscle production on a per cell basis. Contractile properties were evaluated using index of movement analysis, which demonstrated the potential of these cells to perform mechanical work. The ability of cultured M. sexta muscle to continuously function at ambient conditions without medium replenishment, combined with the interesting metabolic properties, suggests that this cell source is a promising candidate for further investigation toward bioactuator applications
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