69 research outputs found

    Smart and Green Buildings Features in the Decision-Making Hierarchy of Office Space Tenants: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Study

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    In the paper, we investigate the role of smart building or green building innovations on the Polish real estate market using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method on the group of experts (consultants, managers, brokers) that are active on the office market in Krakow (study area). The findings point towards the highest relevance of the localisation factor, but also at the relatively low importance of the features of a sustainable building: building automation and information technology systems, as well as energy efficiency or certification. The findings suggest that despite the growing interest in sustainability and technological advancement amongst office market participants in Krakow, the relative importance of smart and green building features in their decision-making processes is relatively low. The study has some interesting practical implications. The knowledge regarding the relative importance of decision criteria can be valuable for developers and investors because the anticipation of tenants’ expectations is directly linked with return on investment and innovation premiums

    Smart and Green Buildings Features in the Decision-Making Hierarchy of Office Space Tenants: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Study

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    In the paper, we investigate the role of smart building or green building innovations on the Polish real estate market using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method on the group of experts (consultants, managers, brokers) that are active on the office market in Krakow (study area). The findings point towards the highest relevance of the localisation factor, but also at the relatively low importance of the features of a sustainable building: building automation and information technology systems, as well as energy efficiency or certification. The findings suggest that despite the growing interest in sustainability and technological advancement amongst office market participants in Krakow, the relative importance of smart and green building features in their decision-making processes is relatively low. The study has some interesting practical implications. The knowledge regarding the relative importance of decision criteria can be valuable for developers and investors because the anticipation of tenants’ expectations is directly linked with return on investment and innovation premiums

    Malnutrition, inflammation, atherosclerosis syndrome (MIA) and diet recommendations among end-stage renal disease patients treated with maintenance hemodialysis

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    Malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis syndrome is one of the causes of increased mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). The aim of the study was to assess the inflammation and nutritional status of patients in end-stage kidney disease treated with maintenance hemodialysis. The study included a group of 98 hemodialyzed patients with stage 5 CKD (38 women and 60 men). Albumin, prealbumin (PRE), and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured in serum samples collected before mid-week dialysis. Fruit and vegetables frequency intakes were assessed with a questionnaire. CRP was above the reference limit of 5 mg/L in 53% of patients. Moreover, the Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) indicated the co-occurrence of inflammation and protein calorie malnutrition in 11% of patients, and the presence of either inflammation or malnutrition in 25%. The questionnaire revealed that hemodialyzed patients frequently exclude fruit and vegetables from their diets. Nearly 43% of the interviewed patients declared frequently eating vegetables, and 35% declared frequently eating fruit, a few times per week or less. The most frequently selected fruit and vegetables had a low antioxidant capacity. The strict dietary restrictions in CKD are difficult to fulfill, and if strictly followed, may lead to protein-calorie malnutrition

    Betula pollen season in southern Poland in 2016

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    The paper presents a comparison of birch pollen seasons in 2016 in study sites located in the southern part of Poland: Zielona Gora, Opole, Wroclaw, Sosnowiec, Cracow, Lublin, and Guciow in the Roztocze National Park. The pollen concentrations were measured with the volumetric method using Burkard or Lanzoni pollen samplers. The annual pollen sum was calculated for each measurement site. In 2016, the birch pollen season started at a similar time, i.e. between 4th and 6th April in all the localities. The highest annual sums and maximum pollen concentrations were recorded in Lublin and Guciow. The maximum concentrations of birch pollen were noted from 5th and 15th April, with the highest value in Lublin, i.e. 8573 P/m3 (14.04)

    Corylus pollen season in southern Poland in 2016

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    The aim of the study was to compare the hazel pollen season in 2016 in Zielona Gora, Opole, Wroclaw, Sosnowiec, Cracow, Lublin, and Guciow (Roztocze National Park). Due to the mild winter, the hazel pollen season in Zielona Gora and Opole began very early, i.e. in the third decade of December 2015. In the other cities, the onset of the pollen season was noted between 30th January and 7th February. In a majority of the cities, the maximum daily pollen concentrations were recorded in the period between 7th and 10th February. The highest seasonal peak was reported from Lublin and the lowest – in Guciow and Wroclaw. The highest risk of allergy related to the persistence of high concentrations of airborne hazel pollen was noted for Zielona Gora, Lublin, and Cracow

    Terapia radioizotopowa 131-MIBG złośliwych guzów chromochłonnych i przyzwojaków — badanie jednoośrodkowe

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    Introduction: Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas are rare tumors deriving from chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla or paraganglia. They are usually benign but 10-35% of them present malignant behavior. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 131-I MIBG therapy in malignant pheochromocytoma /paraganglioma patients (MPPGL). Material and methods: 18 patients (7 women and 11 men) were included in this study. Between 2002 and 2016 they underwent 131-I MIBG therapy because of MPPGL and their medical data were analyzed retrospectively. Clinical indications for the treatment included progressive disease or massive tissue involvement independently from disease progression. Tumor response for the first time was assessed 3 months after the last treatment according to Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors criteria and by 131-I MIBG scans. Results: The mean single dose used was 7.25 GBq (196 mCi) and mean cumulative dose 33.08 GBq ( 894 mCi). In 2 (11%) patients complete tumor response was achieved. In 1 (6%) patient partial response was obtained. In 13 (72%) patients stable disease was observed. In 2 (11%) patients progression was diagnosed three months after treatment discontinuation. In the whole studied group the progression free survival time was 85 months and overall 5-year survival was 87%. Conclusions: Radionuclide treatment with use of 131-I MIBG may be effective form of palliative treatment for patients with inoperative neoplasm spread, progressive disease or patients requiring alleviation of symptoms. Wstęp: Guzy chromochłonne i przyzwojaki są rzadkimi guzami wywodzącymi się z tkanki chromochłonnej rdzenia nadnerczy i ciałek przyzwojowych. Zwykle są to nowotwory łagodne, jednak w 10–35% mogą prezentować potencjał złośliwy. Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa leczenia radioizotopowego 131-I MIBG w złośliwych guzach chromochłonnych i przyzwojakach poddawanych terapii w pojedynczym ośrodku onkologicznym. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 18 pacjentów (7 kobiet, 11 mężczyzn). Dokumentacja medyczna pacjentów ze złośliwymi guzami chromochłonnymi i przyzwojakami, którzy zostali poddani leczeniu radioizotopowemu 131-I MIBG w latach 2002–2016 została przeanalizowana retrospektywnie. Kliniczne wskazania do terapii obejmowały progresję choroby (5 pacjentów), dużą masę nowotworu niezależnie od dynamiki choroby (13 pacjentów). Odpowiedź na leczenie oceniano po raz pierwszy po 3 miesiącach przy użyciu tomografii komputerowej według kryteriów Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors oraz scyntygrafii 131-MIBG. Wyniki: Średnia pojedyncza dawka radiofarmaceutyku zastosowana podczas leczenia wynosiła 7,25 GBq (196 mCi), średnia skumulowana 33,08 GBq (894 mCi). Średni czas obserwacji pacjentów po leczeniu wynosił 78 miesięcy (zakres: 7–197 mies.). U 2 pacjentów (11%) uzyskano całkowitą remisję, u 1 pacjenta (6%) częściową remisję, a u 13 pacjentów (72%) obserwowano stabilną chorobę. U 2 pacjentów (11%) 3 miesiące po zakończeniu leczenia potwierdzono progresję choroby. W całej analizowanej grupie czas wolny do progresji wyniósł 85 miesięcy, a 5-letnie przeżycie 87%. Wnioski: Leczenie radioizotopowe z użyciem 131-I MIBG może być efektywną metodą leczenia paliatywnego złośliwych guzów chromochłonnych lub przyzwojaków w przypadku choroby nieoperacyjnej, rozsianej, z potwierdzoną progresją, czy też u pacjentów wymagających leczenia objawowego