13 research outputs found

    Optical and electronic properties of low-density InAs/InP quantum dot-like structures devoted to single-photon emitters at telecom wavelengths

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    Due to their band-structure and optical properties, InAs/InP quantum dots (QDs) constitute a promising system for single-photon generation at third telecom window of silica fibers and for applications in quantum communication networks. However, obtaining the necessary low in-plane density of emitters remains a challenge. Such structures are also still less explored than their InAs/GaAs counterparts regarding optical properties of confined carriers. Here, we report on the growth via metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy and investigation of low-density InAs/InP QD-like structures, emitting in the range of 1.2-1.7 μ{\mu}m, which includes the S, C, and L bands of the third optical window. We observe multiple photoluminescence (PL) peaks originating from flat QDs with height of small integer numbers of material monolayers. Temperature-dependent PL reveals redistribution of carriers between families of QDs. Via time-resolved PL, we obtain radiative lifetimes nearly independent of emission energy in contrast to previous reports on InAs/InP QDs, which we attribute to strongly height-dependent electron-hole correlations. Additionally, we observe neutral and charged exciton emission from spatially isolated emitters. Using the 8-band k{\cdot}p model and configuration-interaction method, we successfully reproduce energies of emission lines, the dispersion of exciton lifetimes, carrier activation energies, as well as the biexciton binding energy, which allows for a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the underlying physics.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Exciton lifetime and emission polarization dispersion in strongly in-plane asymmetric nanostructures

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    We present experimental and theoretical investigation of exciton recombination dynamics and the related polarization of emission in highly in-plane asymmetric nanostructures. Considering general asymmetry- and size-driven effects, we illustrate them with a detailed analysis of InAs/AlGaInAs/InP elongated quantum dots. These offer a widely varied confinement characteristics tuned by size and geometry that are tailored during the growth process, which leads to emission in the application-relevant spectral range of 1.25-1.65 {\mu}m. By exploring the interplay of the very shallow hole confining potential and widely varying structural asymmetry, we show that a transition from the strong through intermediate to even weak confinement regime is possible in nanostructures of this kind. This has a significant impact on exciton recombination dynamics and the polarization of emission, which are shown to depend not only on details of the calculated excitonic states but also on excitation conditions in the photoluminescence experiments. We estimate the impact of the latter and propose a way to determine the intrinsic polarization-dependent exciton light-matter coupling based on kinetic characteristics.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Exciton lifetime and emission polarization dispersion in strongly in-plane asymmetric nanostructures

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    The work was supported by the Grant No. 2011/02/A/ST3/00152 from the Polish National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki). K. G. acknowledges support by the Grant No. 2014/12/B/ST3/04603 from the Polish National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki). S. H. acknowledges support from the State of Bavaria in Germany.We present experimental and theoretical investigation of exciton recombination dynamics and the related polarization of emission in highly in-plane asymmetric nanostructures. Considering general asymmetry- and size-driven effects, we illustrate them with a detailed analysis of InAs/AlGaInAs/InP elongated quantum dots. These offer a widely varied confinement characteristics tuned by size and geometry that are tailored during the growth process, which leads to emission in the application-relevant spectral range of 1.25-1.65 μm. By exploring the interplay of the very shallow hole confining potential and widely varying structural asymmetry, we show that a transition from the strong through intermediate to even weak confinement regime is possible in nanostructures of this kind. This has a significant impact on exciton recombination dynamics and the polarization of emission, which are shown to depend not only on details of the calculated excitonic states but also on excitation conditions in the photoluminescence experiments. We estimate the impact of the latter and propose a way to determine the intrinsic polarization-dependent exciton light-matter coupling based on kinetic characteristics.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Exciton spin relaxation in InAs/InGaAlAs/InP(001) quantum dashes emitting near 1.55 μm

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    This research was supported by The National Science Center Grant MAESTRO No. 2011/02/A/ST3/00152. Ł. D. acknowledges the financial support from the Foundation for Polish Science within the START fellowship.Exciton spin and related optical polarization in self-assembled InAs/In0.53Ga0.23Al0.24As/InP(001) quantum dashes emitting at 1.55 μm are investigated by means of polarization- and time-resolved photoluminescence, as well as photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy, at cryogenic temperature. We investigate the influence of highly non-resonant and quasi-resonant optical spin pumping conditions on spin polarization and spin memory of the quantum dash ground state. We show that a spin pumping scheme, utilizing the longitudinal-optical-phonon-mediated coherent scattering process, can lead to the polarization degree above 50%. We discuss the role of intrinsic asymmetries in the quantum dash that influence values of the degree of polarization and its time evolution.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Strongly temperature-dependent recombination kinetics of a negatively charged exciton in asymmetric quantum dots at 1.55 µm

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    The work was supported by Grant Nos. 2014/14/M/ST3/00821 and 2011/02/A/ST3/00152 from the Polish National Science Centre. Ł.D. acknowledges the financial support from the Foundation for Polish Science within the START fellowship. S.H. acknowledges support from the State of Bavaria in Germany.We report on strongly temperature-dependent kinetics of negatively charged carrier complexes in asymmetric InAs/AlGaInAs/InP quantum dots (dashes) emitting at telecom wavelengths. The structures are highly elongated and of large volume, which results in atypical carrier confinement characteristics with s-p shell energy splittings far below the optical phonon energy, which strongly affects the phonon-assisted relaxation. Probing the emission kinetics with time-resolved microphotoluminescence from a single dot, we observe a strongly non-monotonic temperature dependence of the charged exciton lifetime. Using a kinetic rate-equation model, we find that a relaxation side-path through the excited charged exciton triplet states may lead to such behavior. This, however, involves efficient singlet-triplet relaxation via the electron spin-flip. Thus, we interpret the results as an indirect observation of strongly enhanced electron spin relaxation without a magnetic field, possibly resulting from atypical confinement characteristics.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Carrier Spin Dephasing during Spin-Preserving Tunneling in Coupled Quantum Dots

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    In this contribution we study carrier tunneling in a system consisting of a pair of coupled quantum dots. We predict the presence of a spin dephasing channel in such a system, which is associated with a "welcher-weg" type of decoherence process occurring during carrier tunneling. In our model such a process is caused by a mismatch of g-factor values in two quantum dots in the presence of external magnetic field. This leads to a mismatch in spin Zeeman splitting between the dots and, in consequence, to the distinguishability of phonons emitted during the tunneling of carriers with opposite spins. Thus we demonstrate a process of spin dephasing without any direct spin-environment coupling present in the model

    Exciton spin relaxation in InAs/InGaAlAs/InP(001) quantum dashes emitting near 1.55 <i>μ</i>m

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    Exciton spin and related optical polarization in self-assembled InAs/In0.53Ga0.23Al0.24As/InP(001) quantum dashes emitting at 1.55 μm are investigated by means of polarization- and time-resolved photoluminescence, as well as photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy, at cryogenic temperature. We investigate the influence of highly non-resonant and quasi-resonant optical spin pumping conditions on spin polarization and spin memory of the quantum dash ground state. We show that a spin pumping scheme, utilizing the longitudinal-optical-phonon-mediated coherent scattering process, can lead to the polarization degree above 50%. We discuss the role of intrinsic asymmetries in the quantum dash that influence values of the degree of polarization and its time evolution.</p