3 research outputs found
Oral microbial dysbiosis in cardiovascular diseases
The most common diseases in humans are oral infections. Although modern research is mainly concerned with the role of the gut microbiota in systemic diseases, there are also reports indicating that oral infections, and especially periodontal infection, are one of the risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD).The composition of the oral biofilm is a community of several hundred species of bacteria, fungi, spirochetes, viruses and protozoa. It varies depending on the state of health and disease. Pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity can cause systemic disease by entering the bloodstream or by triggering immune responses at the cellular level. The discovery of the role of the oral microbiome in CVD is leading to new methods of prevention and their treatment. In this review, we discuss the various mechanisms by which oral dysbiosis may contribute to the pathogenesis of CVD as well as available options for their prevention and treatment.
Oral dysbiosis, or the imbalance of bacteria in the oral cavity, has been linked to an increased risk of CVD. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how oral dysbiosis may contribute to CVD, including: The production of inflammatory molecules by oral bacteria. The activation of the immune system, which can lead to inflammation throughout the body. The entry of oral bacteria into the bloodstream, where they can travel to other organs and tissues. There are a number of things that can be done to prevent oral dysbiosis and reduce the risk of CVD, including: Good oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing twice a day. Regular dental checkups and cleanings. Avoiding tobacco use. Eating a healthy diet.
Conclusions. The evidence is growing that oral dysbiosis is a risk factor for CVD. Further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms involved and to develop effective interventions for prevention and treatment. The following are some other important points: The role of oral dysbiosis in CVD is likely to be complex and involve multiple factors. The effects of oral dysbiosis on CVD may vary depending on the individual's overall health status and other risk factors. More research is needed to determine the optimal methods for preventing and treating oral dysbiosis in order to reduce the risk of CVD
Intestinal dysbiosis in heart failure - modulation of dysbiosis as a potential therapeutic target
The last decade has provided extensive information on the human gut microbiota. The microorganisms populating the gastrointestinal tract play important roles in maintaining the body's homeostasis. It turns out that the intestinal microbiota can affect many diseases from various branches of medicine. The importance of the function of the microflora can also affect cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including heart failure (HF). The microflora influences among other things, nutrient digestion, vitamin production or the production of bioactive metabolites including trimethylamine/trimethylamine N-oxide, short-chain fatty acids and bile acids. Therefore, changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora, defined as dysbiosis, have become one of the key pathogenic factors in many diseases. There is emerging evidence of a strong correlation between gut microflora and the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. In patients with cardiovascular disease and corresponding risk factors, the composition and proportions of the intestinal microflora differed significantly from healthy subjects.
Differences in microbial composition and marked fluctuations in the levels of biomarkers such as TMAO, zonulin, LPS, SCFAs may become helpful in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, the intestinal microflora and its metabolic pathways have recently become the subject of numerous studies. A very important issue is the fact that it is possible to regulate the intestinal microflora through diet, the use of prebiotics, probiotics or influence through a much larger intervention - for example, fecal mass transplantation. These possibilities have become new strategies in the treatment of HF. The main purpose of this review is to summarize recent studies that illustrate the complex interactions between the microbiome and the occurrence of HF.
Conclusions. The gut microbiota is a complex ecosystem of microorganisms that live in the human gut. The gut microbiota plays an important role in maintaining the body's health, including the cardiovascular system. Dysbiosis, or an imbalance in the gut microbiota, has been linked to the development of heart failure. Gut microbiota metabolites, such as trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), and bile acids, can have harmful effects on the heart. Diet, probiotics, and fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) are all potential interventions for improving gut microbiota and reducing the risk of heart failure. More research is needed to fully understand the role of gut microbiota in heart failure and to develop effective treatment strategies
Model of nursing care of patient with ketoacidosis
Wstęp. Kwasica ketonowa powstaje w skutek wystąpienia zaburzeń związanych z mechanizmami utrzymującymi homeostazę środowiska wewnętrznego organizmu. Składowymi homeostazy są izotermia, izohydria, izojonia, izosomia oraz izobaria. Kwasica ketonowa stanowi zagrożenie życia człowieka. Najczęściej występuje ona u osób chorych na cukrzycę lub alkoholizm. Właściwe rozpoznanie rozwijających się, wczesnych objawów kwasicy ketonowej i szybkie podjęcie właściwych działań może zapobiec dalszemu jej rozwojowi, co pozwoli uniknąć późniejszych, poważnych powikłań.Cel pracy. Opracowanie modelu opieki pielęgniarskiej nad pacjentem dorosłym z kwasicą ketonową zgodnie z teorią Virginii Henderson.Metoda. Model opieki nad pacjentem dorosłym z kwasicą ketonową został opracowany w oparciu o analizę literatury naukowej w języku polskim i angielskim.Wyniki. Praca obejmuje dwie główne części, które można podzielić na teoretyczną, opisującą szczegółowo i zgodnie z aktualnymi informacjami kliniczne aspekty kwasicy ketonowej oraz praktyczną – przedstawiającą zaproponowany model opieki pielęgniarskiej nad pacjentem. Zaproponowany model opieki zawiera przykładowe diagnozy pielęgniarskie (opracowane zgodnie z klasyfikacją NANDA), wraz z celami opieki, interwencjami pielęgniarskimi i oczekiwanymi rezultatami opieki. Do jego stworzenia wykorzystano teorię opieki Virginii Henderson.Wnioski:1.Kwasica ketonowa jest stanem bezpośrednio zagrażającym zdrowiu i życiu pacjenta, jedynie wczesne podjęcie właściwych interwencji jest szansą na uniknięcie niekorzystnych jej następstw.2.Zaproponowany przeze mnie model opieki zawiera 11 najistotniejszych diagnoz pielęgniarskich, odnoszących się zarówno do sfery biologicznej, jak i psychospołecznej pacjenta dorosłego z kwasicą ketonową. 3.Spośród wyłonionych diagnoz, pierwszoplanową jest: Stan zagrożenia życia wynikający z niewydolności wielonarządowej w przebiegu kwasicy ketonowej. 4.Ważnym elementem opieki nad pacjentem z kwasicą ketonową jest profesjonalna, holistyczna opieka pielęgniarska, której świadczenie ułatwić może model, uwzględniający najistotniejsze problemy i potrzeby zdrowotne pacjenta.Admission. Ketoacidosis is caused by disorders related to the mechanisms that maintain homeostasis of the internal environment of the body. Homeostasis components are isotherm, constant: volume of water, concentration of ions, osmolarity of fluids and osmotic pressure. Ketoacidosis is a threat to human life. It is most common in people with diabetes or alcoholism. Proper diagnosis of developing early signs of ketoacidosis and prompt action can prevent further development, thus avoiding subsequent serious complications.Aim of the study. Development model of nursing of adult patient with ketoacidosis according to Virginia Henderson's theory.Method. The model of adult patient care with ketoacidosis was developed on the basis of an analysis of scientific literature in Polish and English.Results. The work consists of two main parts that can be divided into theoretical, detailed and up-to-date clinical information on ketoacidosis and practical aspects of the proposed nursing care model for the patient. The proposed care model includes sample nursing diagnoses (developed according to the NANDA classification), including care goals, nursing interventions, and expected care outcomes. This theory of care was used by Virginia Henderson.Conclusions:1.Ketoacidosis is a condition directly affecting the health and life of a patient, only early intervention is an possibility to avoid adverse consequences.2.The nursing model I propose contains 11 most important nursing diagnoses, both for the biological and psychosocial spheres of adult patients with ketoacidosis.3.Out of the selected diagnoses, the primary is: Life-threatening condition resulting from multiorgan failure in the course of ketoacidosis.4.An important element in the care of a patient with ketoacidosis is professional, holistic nursing care, which can be facilitated by the model, taking into account the patient's most important problems and health needs