1,060 research outputs found

    Mass and momentum transfer by solitary internal waves in a shelf zone

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    The evolution of large amplitude internal waves propagating towards the shore and more specifically the run up phase over the "swash" zone is considered. The mathematical model describing the generation, interaction, and decaying of solitary internal waves of the second mode in the interlayer is proposed. The exact solution specifying the shape of solitary waves symmetric with respect to the unperturbed interface is constructed. It is shown that, taking into account the friction on interfaces in the mathematical model, it is possible to describe adequately the change in the phase and amplitude characteristics of two solitary waves moving towards each other before and after their interaction. It is demonstrated that propagation of large amplitude solitary internal waves of depression over a shelf could be simulated in laboratory experiments by internal symmetric solitary waves of the second mode

    Selection criteria of massive open online courses

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    The article describes the technique of assessment and selection criteria of a massive open online course for its application in the system of formal education The technique is developed on the basis of the analysis of structure and the used didactic materials of the existing coursesВ статье представлена методика оценки и критерии отбора массового открытого онлайн-курса для его применения в системе формального образования, разработанная на основе анализа структуры и используемых дидактических материалов существующих курсо

    A youth cyberextremism and cyberterrorism as threat to security of the electronic information and education environment of univerity

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    In article threats to security of the electronic information and education environment from youth cyberextremism and cyberterrorism are consideredВ статье рассматриваются угрозы безопасности электронной информационно-образовательной среды со стороны молодежного киберэкстремизма и кибертерроризм

    Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of oxide systems on the basis of rare earth, alkaline earth and 3d-transition (Mn, Fe, Co) metals. A short overview of

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    Review is dedicated studies of phase equilibria in the systems based on rare earth elements and 3d transition metals. It’s highlighted several structural families of these compounds and is shown that many were found interesting properties for practical application, such as high conductivity up to the superconducting state, magnetic properties, catalytic activity of the processes of afterburning of exhaust gases, the high mobility in the oxygen sublattice and more

    The prospects of application of robotics in education

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    In article the main directions of application of robotics in education are considered, shortcomings of robots teachers are allocated. It is shown that restrictions of use of robots reduce their cost efficiency as don't allow to refuse the human teacher completely. Besides, implementation of robotic teachers requires development of a new educational paradigmВ статье рассматриваются основные направления применения робототехники в образовании, выделяются недостатки роботов-учителей. Показано, что ограничения применения роботов снижают их экономическую эффективность, поскольку не позволяют полностью отказаться от учителя-человека. Кроме того, внедрение роботизированных учителей требует разработки новой образовательной парадигм

    Phase equilibria, crystal structure and oxygen content of intermediate phases in the Y-Ba-Co-O system

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    The phase equilibria in the Y-Ba-Co-O system were systematically studied at 1373 K in air. The intermediate phases formed in the Y-Ba-Co-O system at 1373 K in air were: YBaCo2O5+δ, YBaCo4O 7 and BaCo1-yYyO3-δ (0.09≤y≤0.42). It was shown that YBaCo2O5+δ possesses tetragonal structure with the 3ap×3a p×2ap superstructure (sp. gr. P4/mmm). High-temperature X-ray diffraction analysis of the YBaCo2O 5+δ in the temperature range from 298 K up to 1073 K under Po2=0.21 atm has not shown any phase transformations. The value of oxygen content for the YBaCo2O5+δ at room temperature was estimated as 5.40 and at 1323 K it was equal to 5.04. Thermal expansion of sample shows a linear characteristics and the average thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) is about 13.8×10-6, K-1 in the temperature range 298-1273 K. The homogeneity range and crystal structure of the BaCo1-yYyO3-δ (0.09≤y≤0.42) solid solutions were determined by X-ray diffraction of quenched samples. All BaCo1-yYyO3-δ solid solutions were found to have cubic structure (sp. gr. Pm3m). The unit cell parameters were refined using Rietveld full-profile analysis. Oxygen nonstoichiometry of BaCo 1-yYyO3-δ solid solutions with 0.1≤y≤0.4 was measured by means of thermogravimetric technique within the temperature range 298-1373 K in air. Thermal expansion of BaCo 1-yYyO3-δ (y=0.0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3) samples was studied within the temperature range 298-1200 K in air. The projection of isothermal-isobaric phase diagram for the Y-Ba-Co-O system to the compositional triangle of metallic components was presented. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Assessment of entrepreneurial territorial attractiveness by the ranking method

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    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by existence of differentiation in development of separate regional units (urban districts and municipalities) within the region. The aim of this article is to offer a method, which determines the level of differentiation in development of various components of the region, and also in producing a set of recommendations for local government administration to achieve higher level in development of their territories. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the ranking method of regional units according to cumulative socioeconomic potential and integral risk. The results of the research are: the estimation procedure for entrepreneurial territorial attractiveness is offered and tried out, with the use of municipal formations of the Samara region as an example; the advantages and “bottlenecks” in development of the concrete urban district are educed; specific measures for realization of advantages and (or) elimination of “bottlenecks” are offered. The materials of the research can be useful for developing strategy for improvement of the region by regional public authorities, for leveling-off of social and economic differentiation of separate regional units, and also for developing of scientifically based municipal programs of support and development of entrepreneurship. © 2016 Karpova et al

    Influence of ionic balance on the process of microcrystal AgBr (111) maturing

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    The research of the effect of photosensitivity level increase found in the process of maturing microcrystals AgBr with octahedron facets (111) without addition of sulphur containing additives (natural maturing) is carried out. It is stated that formation of sensitivity centres occurs during modification of AgBr (111) microcrystal form owing to difference of chemical potentials of microcrystal sides. Thus, the direct proofs of silver nature of sensitivity centres at maturing of AgBr (111) microcrystals in the conditions involved are obtained. The reasons of absence of natural maturing for AgBr microcrystals of a cubic facet (100) and flat AgBr (Т-МC) microcrystals are discussed