782 research outputs found

    The effective electrical conductivity of a two-phase liquid-metal flow

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    Electrical conductivity of two phase liquid metal flow in magnetohydrodynamic generato

    Selection criteria of massive open online courses

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    The article describes the technique of assessment and selection criteria of a massive open online course for its application in the system of formal education The technique is developed on the basis of the analysis of structure and the used didactic materials of the existing coursesВ статье представлена методика оценки и критерии отбора массового открытого онлайн-курса для его применения в системе формального образования, разработанная на основе анализа структуры и используемых дидактических материалов существующих курсо

    A youth cyberextremism and cyberterrorism as threat to security of the electronic information and education environment of univerity

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    In article threats to security of the electronic information and education environment from youth cyberextremism and cyberterrorism are consideredВ статье рассматриваются угрозы безопасности электронной информационно-образовательной среды со стороны молодежного киберэкстремизма и кибертерроризм

    The prospects of application of robotics in education

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    In article the main directions of application of robotics in education are considered, shortcomings of robots teachers are allocated. It is shown that restrictions of use of robots reduce their cost efficiency as don't allow to refuse the human teacher completely. Besides, implementation of robotic teachers requires development of a new educational paradigmВ статье рассматриваются основные направления применения робототехники в образовании, выделяются недостатки роботов-учителей. Показано, что ограничения применения роботов снижают их экономическую эффективность, поскольку не позволяют полностью отказаться от учителя-человека. Кроме того, внедрение роботизированных учителей требует разработки новой образовательной парадигм

    Why (not) go east? Comparison of findings from FDA Investigational New Drug study site inspections performed in Central and Eastern Europe with results from the USA, Western Europe, and other parts of the world

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    Since the mid-1990s, investigational sites in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have been increasingly utilized by pharmaceutical companies because of their high productivity in terms of patient enrolment into clinical trials. Based on the FDA’s publicly accessible Clinical Investigator Inspection List, we present an analysis of findings and outcome classifications from FDA inspections during Investigational New Drug (IND) studies and compare the results for the CEE region to those from Western European countries and the USA. Data from all 5531 FDA clinical trials inspections that occurred between 1994 (when the FDA first performed inspections in CEE) and the end of 2010 were entered into the database for comparative analysis. Of these, 4865 routine data audit (DA) inspections were analyzed: 401 from clinical trials performed in Western Europe, 230 in CEE, 3858 in the USA, and 376 in other countries. The average number of deficiencies per inspection ranged between 0.99 for CEE and 1.97 in Western Europe. No deficiencies were noted during 16.6%, 39.0%, and 21.5% of the inspections in Western Europe, CEE and USA, respectively. The percentages of inspections after which no follow-up action was indicated were 36.9% for Western Europe, 55.7% for CEE, and 44.3% for US sites. CEE was also the region with the lowest percentage of inspections that required official or voluntary action. On the basis of FDA inspection data, the high productivity of CEE sites appears to be accompanied by regulatory compliance as well as by data quality standards that are not inferior to those in Western regions

    Reflection of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s Works in V. I. Semevsky’s Researches about Serfdom and Peasant Question in Russia

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    The study of the literary and journalistic image of serfdom and the peasant question in the works by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, conducted by the prominent historian of the Russian peasantry V. I. Semevsky, is considered. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is devoted to the analysis of the first attempt to study the anti-serfdom content of the works of the outstanding Russian satirist and publicist as a historical source on the history of the Russian peasantry. The long-term process of V. I. Semevsky’s work on this topic is covered. It is shown that M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s consideration of the peasant question is connected with the acute internal political struggle in the course of preparation and implementation of the peasant reform. The authors dwell on V. I. Semevsky’s assessments of the socio-cultural image of the Russian peasantry and nobility in the “Poshekhonskaya starina.” The proximity of the world outlook positions of the historian and the writer is revealed. Special attention is paid to the legal status of peasants in the process of preparation and implementation of the peasant reform. It is concluded that the brochure and articles by V. I. Semevsky about M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin can be regarded as tools of ideological polemics with representatives of the conservative community, who sought to form nostalgia for pre-reform mores in Russian society and to rehabilitate them to some extent


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    The article presents basic principles and problems of gamification application in education of children with autism spectrum disorders, proves their effectiveness and limits of application.В статье приводятся основные принципы и проблемы применения геймификации при обучении детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра, доказывается их эффективность и границы применения

    Технология «flipped classroom» в обучении иностранному языку в юридической магистратуре

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    The article summarizes the results of the natural pedagogical experiment on implementing and evaluating the «flipped classroom» technology in teaching a professional foreign language to Master of Laws degree candidates. Such concepts as electronic and active learning, synchronous and asynchronous technologies, self-study activity of students, productive speech activity are presented in the article as important components of the «flipped classroom». Аn example of a set of exercises and didactic tools for independent work of postgraduates-lawyers in a foreign language in the context of «flipped learning» is given. The final results are used as performance indicators. The questionnaires and tests conducted during the experiment showed the effectiveness of the «flipped classroom» approach (the quality and variety of active and interactive assignments, speech activity of students in the classroom, their mastery of competencies, internal motivation of students and the teacher, their satisfaction with the educational process). The author points out the advantages of the «flipped classroom» technology revealed in the course of the experiment (significant proportion of students» self-study work supervised by a lecturer; independent completion of tasks of the levels «knowledge» and «understanding» by students at home and collective working out of tasks of the levels «application», «analysis», «synthesis» and «assessment» in the classroom; effective self-control and self-assessment of learning outcomes; learning variability; use of the potential of personalized, collaborative and web-based learning; formation of the sense of success and progress in students; efficiency and ergonomics of the educational process in the classroom). The recommended set of assignments for organizing the «flipped classroom» for postgraduates-lawyers can form the basis for further methodical research and be used in teaching a foreign language to students of other master’s degree programmes.В статье обобщаются результаты естественного педагогического эксперимента по внедрению технологии «flipped classroom» в обучение профессиональному иностранному языку будущих магистров юриспруденции и оценке ее перспективности. Такие понятия, как электронное и активное обучение, синхронные и асинхронные технологии, самообразовательная деятельность обучающихся, продуктивная речевая деятельность, представлены в статье как важные компоненты «перевернутого класса». Приводится образец комплекса упражнений и дидактического инструментария для самостоятельной работы магистрантов-юристов на иностранном языке в контексте «перевернутого обучения». Конечные результаты использованы как показатели эффективности. Анкетирование и тестирование, проведенные в ходе эксперимента, показали результативность подхода «flipped classroom» (качество и разнообразие активных и интерактивных заданий, языковая активность испытуемых на уроке, их овладение компетенциями, внутренняя мотивация обучающихся и преподавателя, их удовлетворение образовательным процессом). Автор указывает выявленные в ходе эксперимента преимущества технологии «перевернутый класс» (значительный удельный вес самостоятельной работы обучающихся под руководством преподавателя; самостоятельное выполнение обучающимися заданий уровня «знание», «понимание» дома и совместная отработка заданий уровня «применение», «анализ», «синтез», «оценка» в учебной аудитории; эффективный самоконтроль и самооценка результатов обучения; вариативность обучения; использование потенциала персонализированного, совместного и веб-ориентированного обучения; формирование у обучающихся ощущения успеха и прогресса; экономичность и эргономичность учебного процесса в аудитории). Разработанный комплекс заданий для организации «перевернутого класса» у магистрантов-юристов может лечь в основу дальнейших методических разработок и применяться в обучении иностранному языку студентов других магистерских программ

    Assessment of entrepreneurial territorial attractiveness by the ranking method

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    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by existence of differentiation in development of separate regional units (urban districts and municipalities) within the region. The aim of this article is to offer a method, which determines the level of differentiation in development of various components of the region, and also in producing a set of recommendations for local government administration to achieve higher level in development of their territories. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the ranking method of regional units according to cumulative socioeconomic potential and integral risk. The results of the research are: the estimation procedure for entrepreneurial territorial attractiveness is offered and tried out, with the use of municipal formations of the Samara region as an example; the advantages and “bottlenecks” in development of the concrete urban district are educed; specific measures for realization of advantages and (or) elimination of “bottlenecks” are offered. The materials of the research can be useful for developing strategy for improvement of the region by regional public authorities, for leveling-off of social and economic differentiation of separate regional units, and also for developing of scientifically based municipal programs of support and development of entrepreneurship. © 2016 Karpova et al