28 research outputs found

    On the Semantic of Ageing: from Successful Ageing to Dynamic and Developmental Model of Ageing

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    During the second part of Twentieth Century worldwide there has been an important process of conceptualization on active ageing and healthy ageing, related to the progressive ageing of population in most of the countries, the so called “Demographic revolution” or “Demographic transition” (Rowe e Kahn, 1987, 1988, 1998, Bates and Bates, 1990, 1993, Kahn, 2002, 2004, Pruchno et al., 2010, Petretto et al., 2016a). We can divide the conceptualization in different groups: American conceptual models, European conceptual models and other conceptual models related to different points of view on ageing (Fernandez-Ballesteros et al., 2011a e b, . The conceptualization of ageing is strictly related to the anthropological framework at the bottom of it and to the interest to all phases of the life, but it is also strictly related to semantical choices at the bottom of the conceptual models (Petretto et al., 2016). In the semantic of ageing we found different words, like active ageing, healthy ageing, and successful ageing and so on. There are different variables that make the difference: a focus on subject and subjectivity, a focus on well-being and quality of life as central outcomes, and on the sociocultural influences that make some variables more important than others and define the role of oldest people in the society. The aim of paper is to discuss different variables related to different semantical choices and to propose some critical hints of analysis in this field

    Urinary metabolomics (GC-MS) reveals that low and high birth weight infants share elevated inositol concentrations at birth

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    Objective: Metabolomics is a new ‘‘omics’’ platform aimed at high-throughput identification, quantification and characterization of small molecule metabolites. The metabolomics approach has been successfully applied to the classification different physiological states and identification of perturbed biochemical pathways. The purpose of the current investigation is the application of metabolomics to explore biological mechanisms which may lead to the onset of metabolic syndrome in adulthood. Methods: We evaluated differences in metabolites in the urine collected within 12 hours from 23 infants with IUGR (IntraUterine Growth Restriction), or LGA (Large for Gestational Age), compared to control infants (10 patients defined AGA: Appropriate for Gestational Age). Urinary metabolites were quantified by GC-MS and used to highlight similarities between the two metabolic diseases and identify metabolic markers for their predisposition. Quantified metabolites were analyzed using a multivariate statistics coupled with receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC) analysis of identified biomarkers. Results: Urinary myo-inositol was the most important discriminant between LGA + IUGR and control infants, and displayed an area under the ROC curveÂŒ1. Conclusion: We postulate that the increase in plasma and consequently urinary inositol may constitute a marker of altered glucose metabolism during fetal development in both IUGR and LGA newborns

    Protective effects of carbonic anhydrase inhibition in brain ischaemia in vitro and in vivo models

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    Ischaemic stroke is a leading cause of death and disability. One of the major pathogenic mechanisms after ischaemia includes the switch to the glycolytic pathway, leading to tissue acidification. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) contributes to pH regulation. A new generation of CA inhibitors, AN11-740 and AN6-277 and the reference compound acetazolamide (ACTZ) were investigated in two models of brain ischaemia: in rat hippocampal acute slices exposed to severe oxygen, glucose deprivation (OGD) and in an in vivo model of focal cerebral ischaemia induced by permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (pMCAo) in the rat. In vitro, the application of selective CAIs significantly delayed the appearance of anoxic depolarisation induced by OGD. In vivo, sub-chronic systemic treatment with AN11-740 and ACTZ significantly reduced the neurological deficit and decreased the infarct volume after pMCAo. CAIs counteracted neuronal loss, reduced microglia activation and partially counteracted astrocytes degeneration inducing protection from functional and tissue damage

    Characterization of the Sos Enattos site for the Einstein Telescope

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    In this work we report the ongoing characterization of the Sos Enattos former mine (Sardinia, Italy), one of the two candidate sites for the Einstein Telescope (ET), the European third-generation underground interferometric detector of Gravitational Waves. The Sos Enattos site lies on a crystalline basement, made of rocks with good geomechanical properties, characterized by negligible groundwater. In addition, the site has a very low seismic background noise due to the absence of active tectonics involving Sardinia. Finally, the area has a low population density, resulting in a reduced anthropic noise even at the ground level. This location was already studied in 2012-2014 as a promising site for an underground detector. More recently, in March 2019, we deployed a new network of surface and underground seismometers at the site, that is currently monitoring the local seismic noise. Most of the energy carried by the seismic waves is due to the microseisms below 1 Hz, showing a significant correlation with the waves of the west Mediterranean sea. Above 1 Hz the seismic noise in the underground levels of the mine approaches the Peterson's low noise model. Exploiting mine blasting works into the former mine, we were also able to perform active seismic measurements to evaluate the seismic waves propagation across the area. In conclusion we also give a first assessment about the acoustic and magnetic noise in this underground site

    L’invecchiamento sano ed attivo, attività di vita quotidiana, demenza: il progetto A.Te.ne (ageing and teulada’s neurocognition),

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    Nell’attuale rivoluzione demografica, gli oldest old rappresentano la fascia di etĂ  che si caratterizza per maggiore velocitĂ  di accrescimento di numerositĂ . I pochi studi epidemiologici relativi a questa fascia d’etĂ  indicano una attesa di elevata prevalenza di forme di demenza ed una elevata frequenza di difficoltĂ  nello svolgimento in autonomia delle attivitĂ  di vita quotidiana e di disabilitĂ  (Corrada et al., 2010, Brumback- Peltz et al., 2011, Bullain e Corrada, 2013, Gardner et al., 2013, Yang et al, 2013, Slavin et al., 2013) Emergono tuttavia dati contrastanti sia in riferimento alla prevalenza di demenza (che varia dal 6 al 21% negli studi) sia per descrizioni di riscontri di popolazioni di longevi che si caratterizzano per adeguate abilitĂ  cognitive, ridotto tasso di demenza e di disabilitĂ  (Corrada et al., 2010).Lo studio di queste popolazioni puĂČ fornire spunti sullo studio delle relazioni tra stili di vita, variabili alimentari e profilo funzionale e cognitivo negli anziani e stimolare la realizzazione di interventi di prevenzione dell’invecchiamento patologico. Allo scopo di fornire un contributo in questo ambito, il nostro lavoro si Ăš focalizzato su un campione di oldest old residenti in un piccolo centro della Sardegna, la cui popolazione totale Ăš di 3700 abitanti e che si caratterizza per un inatteso tasso di longevi (oltre il 9%). Al fine di valutare la frequenza di difficoltĂ  cognitive, demenza e difficoltĂ  nello svolgimento delle attivitĂ  di vita quotidiana di base e strumentali, 88 ultraottantenni residenti a Teulada (media di etĂ  88 anni) selezionati casualmente, sono stati sottoposti ad un protocollo di valutazione che includeva una valutazione delle ADL, delle IADL, il BIMC (Blessed Information Memory Concentration Test) e la scala CDR (Clinical Dementia Rating). Verranno discussi i dati emersi e la relazione tra questi e gli stili di vita, gli stili alimentari e variabili sociali e culturali

    Mineralogical-petrographic and physical-mechanical features of the construction stones in punic and roman temples of antas (Sw sardinia, italy): Provenance of the raw materials and conservation state

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    The Antas site (SW Sardinia, Italy) is of fundamental cultural importance because it testifies the presence of Nuragic, Punic and Roman civilizations from the second millennium to the third century BC. This work focuses on the Punic and the Roman temples and aims to define their conservation state and provenance of construction materials through their minero-petrographic and physical-mechanical characterization. In addition, artificial geomaterials used in restoration works comprising a partial anastylosis and a consolidation intervention on the monument, were investigated to evaluate the aesthetic, petrographic and petrophysical compatibility with the original materials. The results indicate that Punic builders preferred to use a porous sandstone coming from at least few kilometres away from the site. By contrast, Roman builders opted for the use of the less porous and harder local metadolostones, more difficult to quarry and to hew but promptly available in the surrounding area. The Roman temple still preserves decorative architectural elements (as the Pronao threshold and the mosaic tesserae) whose source is definitely not local, suggesting the import of these materials. As regards artificial materials, a new material was found within the Punic temple consisting of a sandstone-like rock (i.e., lime based sandy-conglomeratic geomaterial) and characterized by higher mechanical strength and lower porosity

    Active ageing and success: A brief history of conceptual models

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    INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OF THE STUDY:The aim of this paper is to analyse and describe different conceptual models of successful ageing, active and healthy ageing developed in Europe and in America in the 20° century, starting from Rowe and Kahn's original model (1987, 1997). METHODOLOGY:A narrative review was conducted on the literature on successful ageing. RESULTS: Our review included definition of successful ageing from European and American scholars. Models were found that aimed to describe indexes of active and healthy ageing, models devoted to describe processes involved in successful ageing, and additional views that emphasise subjective and objective perception of successful ageing. A description is also given of critiques on previous models and remedies according to Martin et al. (2014) and strategies for successful ageing according to Jeste and Depp (2014). The need is discussed for the enhancement of Rowe and Kahn's model and other models with a more inclusive, universal description of ageing, incorporating scientific evidence regarding active ageing