31 research outputs found

    Relativistic bulk viscous fluids of Burgers type and their presence in neutron stars

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    It is well known that a mixture of two chemical components undergoing one chemical reaction is a bulk viscous fluid, where the bulk stress evolves according to the Israel-Stewart theory. Here, we show that a mixture of three independent chemical components undergoing two distinct chemical reactions can also be viewed as a bulk viscous fluid, whose bulk stress now is governed by a second-order differential equation which reproduces the Burgers model for viscoelasticity. This is a rigorous and physically motivated example of a fluid model where the viscous stress does not undergo simple Maxwell-Cattaneo relaxation, and can actually overshoot the Navier-Stokes stress. We show that, if one accounts for muons, neutron star matter is indeed a bulk viscous fluid of Burgers type.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, published on CQG, see https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6382/ace58

    The regime of applicability of Israel-Stewart hydrodynamics

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    Using analytical tools from linear response theory, we systematically assess the accuracy of several microscopic derivations of Israel-Stewart hydrodynamics near local equilibrium. This allows us to "rank" the different approaches in decreasing order of accuracy as follows: IReD, DNMR, second-order gradient expansion, and 14-moment approximation. We find that IReD theory is far superior to Navier-Stokes, being very accurate both in the asymptotic regime (i.e. for slow processes) and in the transient regime (i.e. on timescales comparable to the relaxation time). Also, the high accuracy of DNMR is confirmed, but neglecting second-order terms in the Knudsen number, which would render the equations parabolic, introduces serious systematic errors. Finally, second-order gradient expansion (a.k.a. non-resummed BRSSS) is shown to be more inaccurate than Navier-Stokes in the transient regime. Overall, this analysis clearly shows that Israel-Stewart hydrodynamics is falsifiable, and the relaxation time is observable, thereby ending the debate on the viability of transient hydrodynamics as a well-defined physical theory distinguished from Navier-Stokes.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    A universal formula for the relativistic correction to the mutual friction coupling time-scale in neutron stars

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    Vortex-mediated mutual friction governs the coupling between the superfluid and normal components in neutron star interiors. By, for example, comparing precise timing observations of pulsar glitches with theoretical predictions it is possible to constrain the physics in the interior of the star, but to do so an accurate model of the mutual friction coupling in general relativity is needed. We derive such a model directly from Carter's multifluid formalism, and study the vortex structure and coupling time-scale between the components in a relativistic star. We calculate how general relativity modifies the shape and the density of the quantized vortices and show that, in the quasi-Schwarzschild coordinates, they can be approximated as straight lines for realistic neutron star configurations. Finally, we present a simple universal formula (given as a function of the stellar compactness alone) for the relativistic correction to the glitch rise-time, which is valid under the assumption that the superfluid reservoir is in a thin shell in the crust or in the outer core. This universal relation can be easily employed to correct, a posteriori, any Newtonian estimate for the coupling time-scale, without any additional computational expense.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Subluminality of relativistic quantum tunneling

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    We prove that the classical Dirac equation in the presence of an external (nondynamical) electromagnetic field is a relativistically causal theory. As a corollary, we show that it is impossible to use quantum tunneling to transmit particles or information faster than light. When an electron tunnels through a barrier, it is bound to remain within its future light cone. In conclusion, the relativistic quantum tunneling (if modeled using the Dirac equation) is an entirely subluminal process, and it is not instantaneous.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, published on PRA (see https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.107.032209

    Stability of multi-component Israel-Stewart-Maxwell theory for charge diffusion

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    We obtain stability criteria for diffusive inviscid multi-component Israel-Stewart hydrodynamics with and without background or dynamic electromagnetic fields. Our analysis is grounded on the maximum entropy principle, and it provides stability conditions that are valid around all thermodynamic equilibria, including rotating equilibria, charged equilibria, and equilibria in a background gravitational field. We prove that the electromagnetic part of the information current is stable and causal by construction and, therefore, the stability criteria found for Israel-Stewart theories of hydrodynamics automatically extend to similar formulations of magnetohydrodynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figures, comments welcome

    Relativistic hydrodynamic fluctuations from an effective action: causality, stability, and the information current

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    Causality is necessary for retarded Green's functions to remain retarded in all inertial frames in relativity, which ensures that dissipation of fluctuations is a Lorentz invariant concept. For first-order BDNK theories with stochastic fluctuations, introduced via the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism, we show that imposing causality and stability leads to correlation functions of hydrodynamic fluctuations that only display the expected physical properties at small frequencies and wavenumber, i.e., within the expected regime of validity of the first-order approach. For second-order theories of Israel and Stewart type, constructed using the information current such that entropy production is always non-negative, a stochastic formulation is presented using the Martin-Siggia-Rose approach where imposing causality and stability leads to correlators with the desired properties. We also show how Green's functions can be determined from such an action. We identify a Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 symmetry, analogous to the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger symmetry, under which this Martin-Siggia-Rose action is invariant. This modified Kubo-Martin-Schwinger symmetry provides a new guide for the effective action formulation of hydrodynamic systems with dynamics not solely governed by conservation laws. Furthermore, this symmetry ensures that the principle of detailed balance is valid in a covariant manner. We employ the new symmetry to further clarify the connection between the Schwinger-Keldysh and Martin-Siggia-Rose approaches, establishing a precise link between these descriptions in second-order theories of relativistic hydrodynamics. Finally, the modified Kubo-Martin-Schwinger symmetry is used to determine the corresponding action describing diffusion in Israel-Stewart theories in a general hydrodynamic frame.Comment: 28 page