83 research outputs found

    Olefin Metathesis by Group VI (Mo, W) Metal Compounds

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    Olefin metathesis is an important reaction not only in petroleum chemistry but also in fine chemistry. Professors Grubbs, Schrock, and Chauvin obtained the Nobel Prize in 2005 for the development of this reaction (determination of the mechanism and synthesis of homogeneous catalysts). This reaction can be described as the redistribution of carbon chains of olefins via a breaking of their C═C double bonds. It is catalyzed by metal carbenes and the catalytic cycle passes through a metallacyclobutane. The purpose of this chapter is to give an overview of catalysts based on tungsten or molybdenum active for this reaction. Numerous tungsten and molybdenum organometallic complexes displaying a carbene functionality were synthesized. Some of them are highly active in olefin metathesis. Industrially, tungsten oxide on silica is used as a precursor of the propene production by olefin metathesis of but-2-ene and ethylene. However, the active sites are not well known but they can be modeled by grafting, via surface organometallic chemistry, perhydrocarbyl complexes of molybdenum or tungsten on oxide surfaces. After a review of the complexes used in homogeneous catalysis, a review of the industrial catalysts and their models will be given

    An Investigation of Chlorine Ligands in Transition-Metal Complexes via 35Cl Solid-State NMR and Density Functional Theory Calculations

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    35Cl solid state NMR (SSNMR), in tandem with 35Cl NQR and density functional theory calculations, was used to characterize chlorine ligands in a series of transition-metal complexes exhibiting structural motifs common to organometallic catalysts. The differentiation of the various chlorine environments was possible, and insight into the origins of the 35Cl electric field gradient tensor parameters was provided. The applicability of 35Cl SSNMR to the study of surface supported transition-metal complexes was demonstrated, validating the use of this technique in the characterization of heterogeneous catalysts

    Hermann Palsson et Paul Edwards, trad. — Knytlinga saga. The History of the Kings of Denmark, 1986

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    Mirbeau-Gauvin Jean RĂ©gis. Hermann Palsson et Paul Edwards, trad. — Knytlinga saga. The History of the Kings of Denmark, 1986. In: Cahiers de civilisation mĂ©diĂ©vale, 33e annĂ©e (n°129), Janvier-mars 1990. pp. 80-81

    S. Bagge. — The Political Thought of The King's Mirror, 1987.

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    Mirbeau-Gauvin Jean RĂ©gis. S. Bagge. — The Political Thought of The King's Mirror, 1987.. In: Cahiers de civilisation mĂ©diĂ©vale, 33e annĂ©e (n°130), Avril-juin 1990. pp. 185-186

    Hermann Palsson et Paul Edwards, trad. — Knytlinga saga. The History of the Kings of Denmark, 1986

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    Mirbeau-Gauvin Jean RĂ©gis. Hermann Palsson et Paul Edwards, trad. — Knytlinga saga. The History of the Kings of Denmark, 1986. In: Cahiers de civilisation mĂ©diĂ©vale, 33e annĂ©e (n°129), Janvier-mars 1990. pp. 80-81

    Le droit danois face à la loi du 7 juin 1989 sur la responsabilité du fait des produits

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    The Product's Liability Act of 7th June 1989 expresses first the will of Denmark to adopt quickly a text, which is in accordance with the EEC-directive of 25th July 1985. Then this Act must be considered in a larger perspective, namely that of the necessary stabilization of the main Ă©lĂ©ments of that liability. This evolution has been made easier by the graduai affirmation of the objective liability. However specific laws apply, for example, to nuclear damages, and jurisprudence, which is prior to the Act of 1989, is still applying to development damages. The main difficulty lay in the conciliation between the respective interests of consumers, producers and insurance com-panies. In France, where law divides into stricter categories than in Denmark, the gestation of the bill has been slowed down by diverse pressures, which does not hinder that jurisprudence sometimes goes ahead.La loi du 7 juin 1989 sur la responsabilitĂ© du fait des produits traduit d'abord la volontĂ© du Danemark de se doter d'un texte qui soit en conformitĂ© avec la directive du 25 juillet 1985. Elle s'inscrit ensuite dans une perspective plus large, Ă  savoir celle de la stabilisation nĂ©cessaire des Ă©lĂ©ments principaux de cette responsabilitĂ©. C'est l'affirmation progressive de la responsabilitĂ© objective qui a facilitĂ© cette Ă©volution. Toutefois des lois spĂ©cifiques s'appliquent, par exemple, aux dommages nuclĂ©aires, et la jurisprudence antĂ©rieure Ă  la loi de 1989 continue Ă  le faire aux dommages liĂ©s au dĂ©veloppement. La difficultĂ© essentielle tenait Ă  la conciliation des intĂ©rĂȘts respectifs des consommateurs, des producteurs et des compagnies d'assurances. En France, oĂč le droit s'ordonne en catĂ©gories plus strictes qu'au Danemark, la gestation du projet de loi a Ă©tĂ© ralentie par des pressions diverses, ce qui n'empĂȘche pas la jurisprudence d'aller parfois de l'avant.Mirbeau-Gauvin Jean RĂ©gis. Le droit danois face Ă  la loi du 7 juin 1989 sur la responsabilitĂ© du fait des produits. In: Revue internationale de droit comparĂ©. Vol. 43 N°4, Octobre-dĂ©cembre 1991. pp. 837-852

    Catalyseurs homogÚnes et hétérogÚnes à base de ruthénium pour la métathÚse d'oléfines issues de ressources renouvelables

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    La production de matĂ©riaux issus de matiĂšres premiĂšres renouvelables se fait pressante de par la disponibilitĂ© dĂ©croissante des carburants fossiles. Ce besoin a motivĂ© l Ă©mergence du concept de bio-raffinerie dont certains produits obtenus en grande quantitĂ© sont des dĂ©rivĂ©s d acides gras (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester, FAME). Ces FAME sont principalement produits par hydrolyse des triglycĂ©rides et ils ont dĂ©jĂ  trouvĂ© de nombreux domaines d application. Dans le contexte d utilisation optimale des diffĂ©rents produits par les bio-raffineries, la modification des FAME peut ĂȘtre mise en Ɠuvre via la catalyse, et notamment la mĂ©tathĂšse des olĂ©fines, en tirant avantage de la double liaison interne prĂ©sente dans ces composĂ©s. D importants efforts ont Ă©tĂ© portĂ©s sur l Ă©thĂ©nolyse des FAME [Delta]9 en [Alpha]-olĂ©fines, car ces derniĂšres ont un large Ă©ventail d applications, mais aussi sur la diminution de la chaine carbonĂ©e par rĂ©action avec des olĂ©fines de petites tailles (C4). De plus, dans le but de limiter la contamination mĂ©tallique des produits et de permettre un recyclage des catalyseurs, l utilisation de catalyseur hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne est de grand intĂ©rĂȘt. Nous avons hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©isĂ© des catalyseurs commerciaux au ruthĂ©nium en deux Ă©tapes : modification du catalyseur ou de la silice et greffage sur silice par une substitution d un ligand. Les rĂ©actions Ă©tudiĂ©es au cours de cette thĂšse concernent l homomĂ©tathĂšse, l Ă©thĂ©nolyse et diverses mĂ©tathĂšses croisĂ©es de l olĂ©ate de mĂ©thyle ainsi que sur des FAME dĂ©rivĂ©s de bio-sources, peu Ă©tudiĂ©s, en utilisant des catalyseurs homogĂšnes de mĂ©tathĂšse d olĂ©fines et leurs analogues greffĂ©s sur silice. MalgrĂ© l impossibilitĂ© d un recyclage performant, les catalyseurs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes ont permis de rĂ©aliser nos rĂ©actions de façon efficace, certaines des ces rĂ©actions Ă©tant les premiers exemples de telles transformations par catalyse hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne.Production of materials from renewable raw materials is urgent by the decreasing availability of fossil fuels. This need has motivated the emergence of the concept of bio-refinery that certain products obtained in large quantities are derivatives of fatty acids (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester, FAME). These FAMEs are mainly produced by hydrolysis of triglycerides and have already found many application areas. In the context of optimal use of different products by bio-refineries, FAMEs modifications can be implemented thanks to catalysis, including olefin metathesis, taking advantage of the internal double bond present in these compounds. Significant efforts have been made on the ethenolysis of [Delta]9 FAME into [Alpha]-olefins, as these have a wide range of applications, but also on reducing the carbon chain size by reaction with small olefins (C4). Moreover, in order to limit metal contamination of products and to allow catalyst recycling, the use of heterogeneous catalyst is of high interest. We thus prepared heterogenized commercial ruthenium catalysts. These heterogeneous catalysts were prepared in a two-step procedure: modification of the catalyst or the silica and catalysts grafting by ligand exchange on silica. The reactions studied in this thesis concern self-metathesis, ethenolysis and various cross-metatheses of methyl oleate and FAME bio-derived sources using homogeneous catalysts and their grafted analogs. Despite the impossibility of recycling performance, heterogeneous catalysts have achieved our reactions efficiently and some of these reactions are the first example of such transformations with heterogeneous catalysis.LILLE1-Bib. Electronique (590099901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Du Don Au Mort Ă  la Redemption

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    Solution Structure and Decomposition Pathway of Zwitterionic Zirconium(IV) Benzyl Complexes

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    Reaction of the chelating diamido complexes Zr(ABAn)(CH2Ph)2 [ABA1=N,N'-(SiMe3)2-2-amidobenzylamido, ABA2=N,N'-(SiMePh2)(SiMe3)-2-amidobenzylamido] with B(C6F5)3 leads to formation of the unstable zwitterionic adducts [Zr(ABAn)(CH2Ph)][(?6-PhCH2)B(C6F5)3] 1 (n=1) and 2 (n=2), as shown by low temperature NMR experiments that, moreover, enabled an insight into the molecular structure of these compounds in solution. Two intermediates of the decomposition of 1 and 2, that leads to complexes Zr(ABAn)(C6F5)2, were identified
