15 research outputs found

    Importance of proximity to resources, social support, transportation and neighborhood security for mobility and social participation in older adults: results from a scoping study

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    ABSTRACT: Background: Since mobility and social participation are key determinants of health and quality of life, it is important to identify factors associated with them. Although several investigations have been conducted on the neighborhood environment, mobility and social participation, there is no clear integration of the results. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding regarding how the neighborhood environment is associated with mobility and social participation in older adults.Methods: A rigorous methodological scoping study framework was used to search nine databases from different fields with fifty-one keywords. Data were exhaustively analyzed, organized and synthesized according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) by two research assistants following PRISMA guidelines, and results were validated with knowledge users.Results: The majority of the 50 selected articles report results of cross-sectional studies (29; 58 %), mainly conducted in the US (24; 48 %) or Canada (15; 30 %). Studies mostly focused on neighborhood environment associations with mobility (39; 78 %), social participation (19; 38 %), and occasionally both (11; 22 %). Neighborhood attributes considered were mainly 'Pro ducts and technology' (43; 86) and 'Services, systems and policies' (37; 74 %), but also 'Natural and human- made changes' (27; 54 %) and 'Support and relationships' (21; 42 %). Mobility and social participation were both positively associated with Proximity to resources and recreational facilities, Social support, Having a car or driver's license, Public transportation and Neighborhood security, and negatively associated with Poor user-friendliness of the walking environment and Neighborhood insecurity. Attributes of the neighborhood environment not covered by previous research on mobility and social participation mainly concerned 'Attitudes', and 'Services, systems and policies'.Conclusion: Results from this comprehensive synthesis of empirical studies on associations of the neighborhood environment with mobility and social participation will ultimately support best practices, decisions and the development of innovative inclusive public health interventions including clear guidelines for the creation of age-supportive environments. To foster mobility and social participation, these interventions must consider Proximity to resources and to recreational facilities, Social support, Transportation, Neighborhood security and User-friendliness of the walking environment. Future studies should include both mobility and social participation, and investigate how they are associated with 'Attitudes', and 'Services, systems and policies' in older adults, including disadvantaged older adults

    Integrated control of the spotted stalk borer Chilo sacchariphagus (Lep., Pyralidae) in Reunion Island.

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    The spotted stalk borer, Chilo sacchariphagus Bojer, is a major pest of sugarcane in southern Asia and on islands in the southwest of the Indian Ocean. In Reunion, Mauritius and Madagascar, the borer has been a serious pest since it was introduced with sugarcane during the 19th century. The Entomology Laboratory of CIRAD, which has been working for nearly 30 years on insect pests, including stem borers, has focused its research programme on the control of the spotted stalk borer since 1994. About 17 species of natural enemies of C. sacchariphagus were introduced into Reunion from various countries in the 1970s, but only one third of them established themselves and none have successfully controlled populations of the borer. Therefore, the bio-ecology of the borer is being re-examined, from population dynamics in the field to laboratory studies, with biological control of the borer as the main goal. Life tables studies indicate that the borer is more likely to develop large populations in the lowlands of the island, where the temperature exceeds 20°C nearly all year round (optimum temperature for development of C. sacchariphagus is 26°C). The population dynamics of the borer were precisely determined, on the two main varieties of sugarcane (R570 and R579) grown in Reunion, at two sites on the island representing distinct climatic zones. On a regional scale, the population dynamics of C. sacchariphagus have been studied in relation to damage caused to sugarcane. Such damage is expressed as the number of infested sugarcane internodes in sampled stalks. These factors have been examined in relation to variety, cultural, practices, and climate for four consecutive years at 50 sites distributed over the island. Similarities in infestation level observed between neighbouring sites were frequent, and revealed a regional pattern, probably related to the local climate. Crop loss studies showed that only R579 was affected in terms of cane yield, expressing a reduction in growth rate, height and diameter of the stalks at harvest. In heavy infestations, yield loss can reach 30% of the mass of commercial cane, compared with losses in resistant variety R570. Repeated studies over several crop cycles and field trials also confirmed that the variety R579 was more susceptible to C. sacchariphagus than the more common variety R570. The latter is resistant to the borer and various aspects of this resistance (antibiosis, antixenosis, and penetrometry of stalks) have been investigated. Resistance appears to be due, at least in part, to the mechanical characteristics of cane stalks arising from the structure of plant tissues and components of cell walls (tannin, lignin or silicate). This is being studied using artificial diets with sugarcane powder to rear C. sacchariphagus larvae. The impact of predators, predominantly ants of the genus Pheidole, on borer egg masses was quantified: 80-90% of the eggs are eaten by predators. It is believed that the practice of burning the crop, before or after harvesting, has negative effects on natural enemies; moreover borer larvae and pupae, living inside the stalks, are less affected by the burning practice. Observations have shown that when burning was banned, natural enemy populations increased and damage due to borers was reduced. C. sacchariphagus and Galleria mellonella eggs are used to trap egg-parasitoids in the field in order to identify parasitoids and to examine their population dynamics. Natural parasitism of borer eggs is about 30-40%, with maximum parasitism observed from November to February.To date, a single species, Trichogramma chilonis Ishii, has been recovered in sugarcane fields in Reunion. Bionomics of the species and/or strains of Trichogramma collected in the fields are being examined in the laboratory to select appropriate strains for mass production and augmentative release programmes. Field experiments with inundative releases of Trichogramma are planned to test for their efficiency

    Le Sens caché

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    Jusqu’au milieu du XVIIe siècle, l’allégorie est omniprésente dans notre littérature. Celui qui écrit « dit une chose et en entend une autre ». Le lecteur est convié au décryptage et à la recherche d’un sens, parfois simple, parfois subtil et hasardeux. Le groupe de chercheurs qui livre ce recueil d’articles s’est livré à ce jeu de l’interprétation. Chacun a tenté de proposer des sens cachés. Ou on s’amuse simplement du masque choisi, ou on tâtonne, on fait des hypothèses... Les textes examinés n’ont pas livré tous leurs secrets. Peut-on garantir le sens de ce qu’on lit ? Ce jeu de lecture est une école pour tout lecteur : on découvre les bases culturelles et politiques sur lesquelles se fonde le double langage, les roublardises de ceux qui voulaient contourner la censure ; on comprend aussi l’importance d’une lecture active

    Former à l’enseignement de la grammaire

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    La formation en grammaire des futurs enseignants de français est périodiquement discutée, l'enseignement grammatical demeurant un terrain de profondes tensions et contradictions. À l'heure de changements majeurs qui affectent les systèmes éducatifs universitaires et les publics scolaires, il importe de faire le point. Quels sont les finalités, approches, dispositifs et contenus de formation en grammaire dans les institutions académiques francophones ? Quelles doivent être les exigences de la formation, compte tenu des connaissances préalables des étudiants, des prescriptions et des besoins des élèves ? Cet ouvrage réunit des contributions de didacticiens belges, français, québécois et suisses. Formateurs aguerris, ces auteurs font le pari que plusieurs des problèmes de l’enseignement grammatical peuvent être résolus par la mise en œuvre d’une formation initiale dotant les enseignants d’outils qui leur permettent de maitriser eux-mêmes les phénomènes linguistiques complexes.How to train to teach French grammar in primary or secondary schools? Initial training in grammar is often discussed or criticized. At a time of major changes in the francophone academic systems and in the schools’ public, it’s time for reflection. This book is the collective effort of experimented trainers and researchers in order to describe and understand the actual teachers training practices and the currents issues that need to be solved