19 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Nilai-Nilai Cerita Wayang Beber Pacitan sebagai Media Pembelajaran Sejarah

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    Wayang Beber Pacitan merupakan hasil kearifan lokal atau local genius bangsa Indonesia dan menjadi local identity atau identitas budaya bangsa. Isinya mengenai kepahlawanan dan percintaan yang berpusat pada dua tokoh utama, yaitu raden Inu Kertapati atau Panji Asmarabangun, dan Dewi Sekartaji atau Galuh Candrakirana. Cerita dalam Wayang Beber Pacitan mempunyai folklor yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai simbolis yang masih relevan dengan masa sekarang. Penyebarluasan cerita Wayang Beber ini sangat penting untuk menjaga agar tidak punah dan mengajarkannya kepada generasi muda merupakan cara yang tepat. Salah satu media yang tepat adalah melalui Pembelajaran Sejarah.Pembelajaran sejarah haruslah mengembangkan tugas sebagai wahana “transmission of culture”. Fungsi didaktis Pembelajaran Sejarah dimana pengetahuan sejarah dimaksudkan agar generasi penerus bisa mengambil hikmah dari masa lalu selain itu juga mengambil pelajarannya. Sejarah sebagai sarana edukatif dan inspiratif memberikan nilai-nilai pendidikan bagi peserta didik yang sangat berguna dalam memberikan inspirasi kepada peserta didik. Nilai-nilai dalam cerita Wayang beber Pacitan dapat digunakan sebagai media Pembelajaran Sejarah, untuk memberikan pengalaman nyata yang dapat menumbuhkan kegiatan berusaha sendiri peserta didik. Oleh karena itu tulisan ini berusaha menguraikan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam cerita Wayang Beber sebagi media pembelajaran sejarah. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif

    CAD protein expression and enzyme activity in selected CAD silenced individuals.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) Protein immunoblot of silenced individuals (<i>s</i>) or control individuals (<i>c</i>) indicated above the panel. The positions of the CAD and ascorbate peroxidase (AscPx) proteins are indicated to the right of the panel. An individual producing an immunoreactive protein with altered mobility is indicated by an asterisk. (<b>b</b>) Enzyme activity in stem extracts using the substrates coniferaldehyde (black bars) and sinapaldehyde (grey bars). Bars indicate standard error associated with each sample.</p

    Design of silencing construct used for transformation and screening of regenerants for CAD activity.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) The region between the T-DNA left (LB) and right (RB) regions are shown as open rectangles. Arrows indicate orientation relative to the direction of normal transcription.Abbreviations: Nopaline synthase terminator (nos3′); Maize ubiquitin promoter and 5′ untranslated intron (Ubi+int); Hygromycin <i>hpt</i> antibiotic resistance marker (Hyg); Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter (CaMV 35S); <i>A. tumefaciens Tml</i> 3′ transcriptional terminator (tml 3′); Barley <i>Cre</i> intron (Cre); Nucleotides nucleotides 153–727 of <i>PviCAD2</i> (<i>PviCAD2</i>). A line below the drawing representing 1 kb is included for scale. The region used as a probe for DNA blot-hybridization is shown as a solid line below the drawing. (<b>b</b>) Reduction of coniferaldehyde (forward direction) in stem extracts. Activity is expressed as a percentage of highest level. Control untransformed regenerants and vector transformed regenerants are light orange. Individual regenerants transformed with pEC129 are shown as dark blue. Dashed light orange and dark blue lines indicate averages of the control lines and pEC129 regenerants respectively. Lines derived from ALBA22 are indicated with the prefix A22 and lines derived from ALBA4 are indicated with the prefix A4.</p

    Fiber analysis of CAD silenced transformants.

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    1<p>Values for lignin+cutin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and cell solubles are reported as percent dry wt.</p>2<p>Samples with different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 level by Tukey's HSD.</p

    Stable integration and estimated copy number of switchgrass CAD silenced lines.

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    <p>Autoradiogram of DNA blot hybridized with a radiolabelled probe from within the <i>hpt</i> coding region (<b>a</b>) Untransformed (far left) and pWBVec8-transformed (second and third from left) lines as well as pEC129-transformed individuals derived from ALBA4. (<b>b</b>) Same as in (a) but individuals are derived from ALBA22. Untransformed (far left) and pWBVec8-transformed individuals (second and third from left). Size in kilobases are indicated to the right of each panel.</p

    Altered susceptibility to enzymes and composition of the cell wall in CAD silenced lines.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) Glucose release from pretreated pWBVec8 transformed lines A22-34 6-1 and A22-34 6–89 on the left and selected pEC129 transformants (right) expressed as mg glucose per gram dried sample as a result of treatment with cellulclast and β-glucosidase. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean (n = 3). Samples with the same letter located above the bars are not significantly different. Results shown are the mean of three cellulose digests on separate pretreatments. (<b>b</b>) Photograph of phloroglucinol stained ground cell wall extracts from CAD-silenced line A22-91 6–19 (left) and A22-34 6–89 (right). (<b>c</b>) Appearance of A22-91 6–19 (left) relative to control untransformed line A22 (right) grown in the greenhouse.</p

    RNA blot-hybridization of lines transformed with CAD silencing construct pEC129.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) Top panel shows autoradiogram of total RNA from individuals derived from line ALBA4 and hybridized with a radiolabelled <i>PviCAD2</i> probe derived from the 3′ region of the coding sequence separate from the region used for silencing. Bottom panel is an image of the ethidium bromide stained gel for reference. Labels above the autoradiogram indicate individual identity. The first three individuals on the left are control untransformed (ALBA4) and vector transformed (A4 34-D2 and D6). (<b>b</b>) Same as in (a) but with total RNA from lines derived from ALBA22. First three individuals on the left are control untransformed (ALBA22) and vector transformed (A22-34 6-1 and 6–89).</p

    Additional file 1: of Genomic prediction accuracy for switchgrass traits related to bioenergy within differentiated populations

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    Figure S1. Correllelogram depicting positive (blue) and negative (red) correlations among whole plant traits. Color scale on right indicates Pearson correlation coefficient r. Figure S2. Correllelogram depicting positive (blue) and negative (red) correlations among wall composition traits determined by NIR. Color scale on right indicates Pearson correlation coefficient r. Figure S3. Boxplots of (a) ANT, (b) IVDMD, and (c) YLD for each population. Bottom and top of each box represent the first and third quartiles. Horizontal line represents the median, whiskers extend to the most extreme data point that is no more than 1.5 times the interquartile range from the box. Table S1. kin-BLUP regression statistics from 20 replicates of 5-fold CV. Table S2. Partial Least Squares regression statistics from 20 replicates of 5-fold CV. Table S3. Sparse Partial Least Squares Regression statistics from 20 replicates of 5-fold CV. Table S4. BayesB Regression statistics from 5-fold CV. Using 5000 iterations and a 1500 iteration burn-in period (see Methods Section). Table S5. Variance components for selected traits after partitioning based on dominant principal components 1–3. Table S6: ANOVA of factors influencing prediction accuracy. (DOCX 442 kb

    Acetyl-CoA appears to be a central hub connecting diverse pathways upregulated in Summer crowns and rhizomes.

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    <p>Cyan squares are KEGG pathways found to be upregulated in Summer plants by GSEA, and cyan circles are, and metabolites that were elevated in Summer plants relative to Kanlow plants. Edges connecting pathways (squares) to metabolites (circle) indicate that the given metabolite is found in the connected pathway. Pathways with direct connections in KEGG are also connected by edges. Acetyl-CoA (diamond) could be a potential linker molecule among these diverse pathways and is suggested to be a possible metabolic hub in Summer crowns and rhizomes entering dormancy.</p

    Metabolite profiling reveals ecotype specific differences in crown and rhizome tissues.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) PCA of overall metabolite profiles observed by GCMS for for each of three individual genotypes within each cultivar. Kanlow tissue extracts (orange triangles) are separated from Summer tissue extracts (cyan squares) by the first component. Two-way error bars are shown for each plant that was based on nine separate GCMS runs for each sample. (<b>B</b>) Volcano plot showing the log<sub>10</sub>FDR versus the log<sub>1.75</sub> fold change in peak area for major ions for all metabolites detected by GCMS. Significant differences were observed for several metabolites between the two cultivars (Kanlow orange triangles) and Summer (cyan squares). Grey circles are metabolites that failed to show sufficient differences in ion area of had an FDR value of >0.05. (<b>C</b>) Heat map shows marked differences in tissue abundances of selected metabolites in Kanlow and Summer crowns and rhizomes. Data are the average of triplicate injections from each of three separate extractions from the three biological replicates of each cultivar. Scale is from high abundance (yellow) to low abundance (black) for each metabolite. Data were subjected to one-way hierarchical clustering based on cultivar, and metabolites were manually reordered into more biologically related groupings (A–G).</p