81 research outputs found

    Symmetry Classification and Exact Solutions of a Variable Coefficient Space-Time Fractional Potential Burgers’ Equation

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    We investigate the symmetry properties of a variable coefficient space-time fractional potential Burgers’ equation. Fractional Lie symmetries and corresponding infinitesimal generators are obtained. With the help of the infinitesimal generators, some group invariant solutions are deduced. Further, some exact solutions of fractional potential Burgers’ equation are generated by the invariant subspace method

    Symmetry analysis of time-fractional potential Burgers\u27 equation

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    Lie point symmetries of time-fractional potential Burgers\u27 equation are presented. Using these symmetries fractional potential Burgers\u27 equation has been transformed into an ordinary differential equation of fractional order corresponding to the Erdélyi-Kober fractional derivative. Further, an analytic solution is furnished by means of the invariant subspace method

    A novel highly adaptive routing for networks-on-chip

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    The degree of adaptiveness has a major impact on the performance of an adaptive routing method. This research work presents a novel turn model based routing method that provides a high degree of adaptiveness for 2D mesh. The result is that the proposed method reduces restrictions on the routing turns significantly and hence can provide path diversity using additional routes (both minimal and non-minimal). Experimental results show that the proposed method provides better performance (average latency and throughput) in comparison with the recent routing methods

    Resilient Routing Implementation in 2D Mesh NoC

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    With the rapid shrinking of technology and growing integration capacity, the probability of failures in Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) increases and thus, fault tolerance is essential. Moreover, the unpredictable locations of these failures may influence the regularity of the underlying topology, and a regular 2D mesh is likely to become irregular. Thus, for these failure-prone networks, a viable routing framework should comprise a topology-agnostic routing algorithm along with a cost-effective, scalable routing mechanism able to handle failures, irrespective of any particular failure patterns. Existing routing techniques designed to route irregular topologies efficiently lack flexibility (logic-based), scalability (table-based) or relaxed switch design (uLBDR-based). Designing an efficient routing implementation technique to address irregular topologies remains a pressing research problem. To address this, we present a fault resilient routing mechanism for irregular 2D meshes resulting from failures. To handle irregularities, it avoids using routing tables and employs a few fixed configuration bits per switch resulting in a scalable approach. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach is guaranteed to tolerate all locations of single and double-link failures and most multiple failures. Also, unlike uLBDR it is not restricted to any particular switching technique and does not replicate any extra messages. Along with fault tolerance, the proposed mechanism can achieve better network performance in fault-free cases. The proposed technique achieves graceful performance degradation during failure. Compared to uLBDR, our method has 14% less area requirements and 16% less overall power consumption

    A Brief Comment on "A Complete Self-Testing and Self-Configuring NoC Infrastructure for Cost-Effective MPSoCs"

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    © ACM, 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, Article 2, january 2015. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2668121[EN] In the Ghiribaldi et al. [2013] paper, a complete self-testing and self configuring NoC infrastructure for cost-effective MPSoCs was presented in order to make NoC architecture tolerant to faults. To overcome the complexity involved during the complete reconfiguration of routing instances in the face of most of the usual failure patterns, Ghiribaldi et al. [2013] proposed a fast self-reconfiguration algorithm. The algorithm is based on segment-based routing implemented using Logic-Based Distributed Routing (LBDR) and claimed to have handled the most common NoC faults. The purpose of this comment is to demonstrate the inconsistency of the fast self-configuration method presented in Ghiribaldi et al. [2013]. To handle inconsistency, we present the correct set of LBDR bits and also argue that complete reconfiguration of the routing instance is mandatory to handle some fault combinations. New coverage results of the fast self-reconfiguration algorithm of Ghiribaldi et al. [2013] are also presented.This work is supported by Indo-Spain DST project under grant DST/INT/Spain/P35/11/1 and Spanish Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad (MINECO) under grant PRI-PIBIN-2011-0989Bishnoi, R.; Laxmi, V.; Gaur, MS.; Flich Cardo, J.; Trivino, F. (2015). A Brief Comment on "A Complete Self-Testing and Self-Configuring NoC Infrastructure for Cost-Effective MPSoCs". ACM Transactions in Embedded Computing Systems. 14(1):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1145/2668121S19141A. Ghiribaldi, D. Ludovici, F. Triviño, A. Strano, J. Flich, J. L. Sánchez, F. Alfaro, M. Favalli, and D. Bertozzi. 2013. A complete self-testing and self-configuring NoC infrastructure for cost-effective MPSoCs. ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst. 12, 4 (July 2013), 106:1--106:29. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2485984.2485994A. Mejia. 2008. Design and Implementation of Efficient Topology Agnostic Routing Algorithms for Interconnection Networks. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Valencia.A. Mejia, J. Flich, and J. Duato. 2008. On the potentials of segment-based routing for NoCs. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP’08). IEEE, 594--603. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICPP.2008.56S. Rodrigo, S. Medardoni, J. Flich, D. Bertozzi, and J. Duato. 2009. Efficient implementation of distributed routing algorithms for NoCs. IET Comput. Digital Techn. 3, 5 (2009), 460--475. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-cdt.2008.0092A. Strano, D. Bertozzi, F. Trivino, J. L. Sanchez, F. J. Alfaro, and J. Flich. 2012. OSR-Lite: Fast and deadlock-free NoC reconfiguration framework. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems (SAMOS’12). 86--95. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SAMOS.2012.640416


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    Yoga is a science which has been practised in India from over thousands of years. Besides the spiritual achievements, the practice of yoga is accompanied by a number of beneficial physiological effects in the body. Yoga and health goes hand in hand. Yoga calms and relaxes the mind and it strengthens and tunes the body and brings them into harmony with each another. Pranayama is an art of controlling the life force of breath [1]. It produces many systemic psycho-physical effects in the body, besides its specific effects on the respiratory functions. This study is designed to study the effects of pranayama (12 weeks) on the pulmonary function parameters. It is one of the best lifestyle modifications which have ever been devised in the history of mankind. There are many classical paths which have been described to reach the ultimate goal of healthy life. It is an ancient yoga technique, a spiritual and physical practice which integrates the mind and body. Pranayama is a type of yogic practice which produces many systemic psycho-physical effects in the body, besides its specific effects on the respiratory functions. So, it has become a standard fare at health clubs and community recreation programmes.Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are simple screening procedures which are performed by using a standardized equipment (spirometer) to measure the lung function. This test provides useful information about the minimum levels of the lung function. The breath holding time measures the level of the threshold of the respiratory center to the partial pressure of the carbon dioxide (Pco2) level.Pulmonary function tests have been studied in yoga and pranayama practitioners. They have shown that the regular practice of these pranayama techniques have proved to be beneficial for the human body. Pranayama has a favourable influence and it causes a marked improvement in the lung functions. This study is designed to study the effects of pranayama (12 weeks) on the pulmonary function parameters.In these clinical trial 60 patients of mild to moderate hypertensive patients were randomly selected and divided in to two groups. In each group 30 patients had taken. In Group A Pranayam had been given to the 30 patients of mild to moderate hypertensive patients and In Group B only placebo drug Prana had given to the 30 patients mild to moderate hypertensive patients. In all these two groups, group A was found as the most benefited because it showed significant changes in symptoms and Biochemistry investigations. Whereas in Group B (Placebo group) showed insignificant changes in symptoms as well as in Biochemistry investigations.    Key words-For Yoga- Pranayama, Yoga, Pulmonary Function Parameters FVC FEV1 FEF (25-75percent), and BHT For Hypertension-Vyan vikriti, vyan bala, Raktavritta vata, Raktagata vata, Dhamani Pratichaya, Siragata vata, Rasabhara, Dhamani Prapurnata, Vyanavrita vata etc. Â


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                                                                          ABSTRACTIn the present study total 75 subjects of Sthaulya were registered. Out of which 15 patients left against medical advice. Remaining 60 patients were treated in three therapeutic groups. In-group ‘A' 25 patients treated with Medohar vati in a dose of 1 gm. 3 times a day, with lukewarm water   before meal for 60 days. Whereas in group ‘B' 13 patients were treated with Iesabgol husk in a dose of 15 gm. 2 times a day with lukewarm water before meal for 60 days. While in group ‘C' 22 patients were treated with Navaka Guggulu in a dose of 1 gm 3 times a day with lukewarm water before meal for 60 days. On General Symptom Group A 56.47 %, Group B 58.18 % and in Group C 48.46 % relief was observed. On Associated Symptoms Group A 44.20 %, Group B 47.19 % and in Group C 35.14 % relief was observed. On Weight & BMI Group A 3.39 %, Group B 5.07 % and in Group C 2.28 % relief was observed. On Body Circumference Group A 3.51 %, Group B 2.87 % and in Group C 2.72 % relief was observed. On Skin Fold Thickness Group A 17.16 %, Group B 18.82 % and in Group C 10.63 % relief was observed. On Walking Time & Respiratory Rate Group A 17.13 %, Group B 20.13 % and in Group C 14.84 % relief was observed.If we see the overall effect of all three groups in total average improvement then we found that Group A 23.64 %, Group B 25.38 % and in Group C 19.01 % relief was observed.Key Words- Sthaulya,obesity and Medoroga etc
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