12 research outputs found

    Developing a tool to assess trainees during crisis management training for major risks

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    International audienceOften based on simulation exercises, crisis management training helps prepare decision-makers to manage crises better. However, this training has definite limits in terms of trainee assessment and the feed-back given during the debriefing phase. This paper presents a method for better organising the assessment of trainees involved in a real time crisis management training exercises and for giving them feedback during the debriefing phase. The approach presented is based on creating a typology of training objectives in order to or-ganise the assessment. The assessment includes expected outcomes techniques as well as the human and or-ganisational factors that can be observed within a group. The assessment tools developed were then experi-mented within crisis management exercises completed with trainees. Beyond the basic results, these tools helped redefine the basic roles played by observers and trainers during training exercises

    Risks to Reputation: A Global Approach

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    Reputation is an intangible asset that directly affects the market value of the firm. Although reputation evidences belief that the firm is on a sustainable course, it is built on the trust established with all stakeholders through past proper behaviour. It proves more resilient than one might think at first but even menial misconducts, if repeated, can lead to a downfall. The demise of a few can engulf a whole industry when the transactions are based on trust in the fulfilment of future promises. This is why reputation has become an object of research for several branches of management sciences. The key drivers are still in need of refinement. Nevertheless, they can be summarized in one word: authenticity. The Geneva Papers (2006) 31, 425–445. doi:10.1057/palgrave.gpp.2510090

    CSR of banks in Poland

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    The financial services sector is viewed as a central pillar of modern capitalist economies. Banks - the main actors in the financial sector - play a fundamental role in determining the stability of financial markets and sustainability of modern economies. However, banks are involved in a profession that since medieval times has been held in contempt because of usury. Banks make a part of a very sensitive business activities: they trade money which represents other people's security and well-being. The results of banks' actions may influence many areas of our life both in micro and macro perspective. After the financial crises of 2008 banks have lost their credibility in the eyes of their clients and financial investors. Social responsibility concept has been found to be a way for banks to earn back their credibility and rebuilding of trust. The aim of this chapter is to underline the theoretical importance of banks' engagement in the CSR activities and the practices regarding banks CSR involvement in Poland

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