4 research outputs found

    Multiscale Modeling of Inter-Vehicle Communication

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    Within this thesis, different modeling approaches at different scales in the domains of urban radio propagation, decentralized channel coordination, and information dissemination in inter-vehicle communication networks are investigated. The contributions reveal the suitability of existing models for network-oriented research, propose a novel information-centric modeling approach, and identify characteristics of inter-vehicle communication systems which determine key dependability aspects

    Understanding differences in MAC performance

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    The suitability and performance of medium access protocols in vehicular environments is already being investigated over a long period of time. Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) has been shown to perform sufficiently well in most situations and being able to support safety and efficiency vehicular applications. Recently, Self-organizing Time-Division Multiple Access (STDMA) is being considered as an alternative and has been shown to coordinate the channel slightly better under certain situations. However, when comparing both protocols the precise details of radio and network conditions and parametrization of the protocols are decisive on which protocol takes a slight lead. Consequently, scenarios can be constructed quite easily in which one protocol is superior over the other one. The focus of this work is thus not to absolutely compare both protocols, but rather to understand the strengths and weaknesses of both protocols in certain situations. In particular, we consider i) to which degree hidden nodes influence the coordination ability, ii) how an extended carrier sensing range is beneficial and iii) how temporary fading influences the performance of both MAC protocols. Our results show that while an extended carrier sensing range is only beneficial for CSMA, the existence and severity of fading is far less detrimental for STDMA than for CSMA

    In-depth Analysis and Evaluation of Self-Organizing TDMA

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    Recent studies suggest that Self-organizing Time- Division Multiple Access (STDMA) might be a better medium access strategy in inter-vehicle communication networks than Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), especially when con- sidering safety focused applications. Although it is necessary to completely understand a protocol and the effect of its ‘turning knobs’ on performance before adoption, STDMA has not yet been subjected to such rigorous treatment in the literature. In order to address this shortcoming we perform and present an in-depth analysis and evaluation of STDMA’s fundamental principles. In particular, we contribute a detailed and complete description of the STDMA protocol, followed by the analysis and evaluation of two key questions: How can packet collisions occur in STDMA and whether packet collisions are ‘contagious’. We further perform a fair comparison with CSMA on the basis of which we provide recommendations on the configuration of STDMA. Our results show that STDMA coordinates multiple access effectively – even in highly congested situations – as long as all transmitted packets are decoded successfully. When non-decodable (but still carrier-sensible) transmissions are present, STDMA effectiveness drops below that achieved by CSMA due to the lack of control information. To ensure reproducibility and encourage further inquiry we release the STDMA implementation used in this paper to the wireless networks research community

    Feasibility of Virtual Traffic Lights in Non-Line-Of-Sight Environments

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    <p>Motivated by the idea to reduce deployment costs and to dynamically regulate vehicular traffic flows at intersections, inter-vehicle communications based virtual traffic lights are envisioned to replace traditional infrastructure based traffic lights. According to recent studies, virtual traffic lights are expected to increase traffic flow by up to 60%. Yet, those studies were based on the assumption of a perfectly reliable communication, i.e., notification messages which signal a traffic light were always received by vehicles located within a certain distance to the sender. Hence, effects such as signal fading or non-line-of-sight conditions due to buildings were neglected. Such effects, however, can have a negative impact on the dissemination of the notification messages. This poster paper therefore studies whether these effects lead to significantly larger dissemination delays or not, and whether this increase is crucial for the feasibility of virtual traffic lights. According to the results of this study, the delay is not significantly larger, and virtual traffic lights seem to be feasible under such challenging conditions.</p