222 research outputs found

    Doubly elliptic strings on the (anti-)de Sitter manifold

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    We present a new class of elliptic-like strings on two-dimensional manifolds of constant curvature. Our solutions are related to a class of identities between Jacobi theta functions and to the geometry of the lightcone in one (spacelike) dimension more

    Reconstruction de la chronologie d'un tracé manuscrit hors-ligne

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    La reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite non contrainte reste confrontée à des problèmes très difficiles. Cependant, les méthodes de reconnaissance «en-ligne» présentent des résultats meilleurs que les approches «hors-ligne» qui perdent toute information temporelle. L'objectif du travail présenté ici est de restaurer l'ordonnancement des éléments du tracé à partir d'images statiques 2-D, information qui est directement disponible dans les systèmes en-ligne. L'approche présentée ici est innovante, premièrement, contrairement à la plupart des autres méthodes, elle utilise au maximum l'information niveaux de gris, deuxièmement, elle utilise une approche par filtrage dans la prédiction de la trajectoire d'un élément du tracé

    Notice Historique sur les Finances de France

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    Anti de Sitter quantum field theory and a new class of hypergeometric identities

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    We use Anti-de Sitter quantum field theory to prove a new class of identities between hypergeometric functions related to the K\"all\'en-Lehmann representation of products of two Anti-de Sitter two-point functions. A rich mathematical structure emerges. We apply our results to study the decay of unstable Anti-de Sitter particles. The total amplitude is in this case finite and Anti-de Sitter invariant

    SOx trapping performances of cuo based silica mesoporous adsorbents for desulfurization of industrial flue gas stream

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    In the present work, CuO/SBA-15 SOx regenerable adsorbents were elaborated. Synthesis conditions were controlled in order to obtain highly dispersed Cu2+ species assumed to be Cu-O-Si species. Materials were evaluated as SOx adsorbents through multicycle adsorption/regeneration experiments. Their performances decrease along cycles due to copper species sintering and there is an optimal copper loading for a maximal SOx adsorption efficiency. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    SOx trapping performances of cuo based silica mesoporous adsorbents for desulfurization of industrial flue gas stream

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    In the present work, CuO/SBA-15 SOx regenerable adsorbents were elaborated. Synthesis conditions were controlled in order to obtain highly dispersed Cu2+ species assumed to be Cu-O-Si species. Materials were evaluated as SOx adsorbents through multicycle adsorption/regeneration experiments. Their performances decrease along cycles due to copper species sintering and there is an optimal copper loading for a maximal SOx adsorption efficiency. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Computation of dynamical correlation functions of Heisenberg chains: the gapless anisotropic regime

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    We compute all dynamical spin-spin correlation functions for the spin-1/2 XXZXXZ anisotropic Heisenberg model in the gapless antiferromagnetic regime, using numerical sums of exact determinant representations for form factors of spin operators on the lattice. Contributions from intermediate states containing many particles and string (bound) states are included. We present modified determinant representations for the form factors valid in the general case with string solutions to the Bethe equations. Our results are such that the available sum rules are saturated to high precision. We Fourier transform our results back to real space, allowing us in particular to make a comparison with known exact formulas for equal-time correlation functions for small separations in zero field, and with predictions for the zero-field asymptotics from conformal field theory.Comment: 14 page

    Baghera Assessment Project, designing an hybrid and emergent educational society

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    Edited by Sophie Soury-Lavergne ; Available at: http://www-leibniz.imag.fr/LesCahiers/2003/Cahier81/BAP_CahiersLaboLeibniz.PDFResearch reportThe Baghera Assessment Project (BAP) has the objective to ex plore a new avenue for the design of e-Learning environments. The key features of BAP's approach are: (i) the concept of emergence in multi-agents systems as modelling framework, (ii) the shaping of a new theoretic al framework for modelling student knowledge, namely the cK¢ model. This new model has been constructed, based on the current research in cognitive science and education, to bridge research on education and research on the design of learning environments
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