28 research outputs found

    Super-sieving effect in phenol adsorption from aqueous solutions on nanoporous carbon beads

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    Removal of aromatic contaminants, like phenol, from water can be efficiently achieved by preferential adsorption on porous carbons which exhibit molecular sieving properties. Here, we present nanoporous carbon beads exhibiting an outstanding sieving effect in phenol adsorption from aqueous solution at neutral pH, which is evidenced experimentally and theoretically. The molecular sieving with pure phenol adsorbed phase is achieved by tuning the pore size and surface chemistry of the adsorbent. This study elucidates the essential role of hydrophobic interactions in narrow carbon micropores in removal and clean-up of water from organic pollutants. Furthermore, we suggest a new theoretical approach for evaluation of phenol adsorption capacity that is based on the Monte Carlo simulation of phenol adsorption with the relevance to the pore size distribution function determined by the density functional theory method from low temperature nitrogen adsorption

    Morphologically disordered pore model for characterization of micro-mesoporous carbons

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    We present a new morphologically disordered slit-shaped pore (MDSP) model for simulating gas adsorption in micro-mesoporous carbonaceous materials. The MDSP model qualitatively accounts for the inherent roughness of carbon pore walls in accord with the atomistic structural model of LMA10 reference carbon material. The MDSP model is applied to pore size distribution (PSD) calculations from nitrogen adsorption isotherms measured at 77.4 K in the range of pore widths from 0.72 to 40 nm. The MDSP model improves significantly the nitrogen adsorption porosimetry and, being fully atomistic, it is transferable to study various adsorbate-adsorbent systems. Computations of PSD functions for a series of carbonaceous materials, including activated carbon fiber, granular activated carbons, synthetic activated carbons showed that MDSP generates smooth Gaussian-type PSD functions with a well-defined average pore size. Furthermore, PSD functions computed from the MDSP model are free from the artificial gaps in the region of narrow micropores (∼1 nm and ∼2 nm) predicted from the standard slit-shaped pore models with ideal graphite-like walls. MDSP is not only a complementary model to existing approaches, such as quench-solid density functional theory method, but it paves the way to efficient atomistic simulations of various compounds within morphologically disordered carbon nanopores

    Pearson's Hard-Soft Acid-Base Principle as a Means of Interpreting the Reactivity of Carbon Materials

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    In the current studies we are focusing on the utility of the theory of hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB), as proposed by Pearson, for the description of the reactivity of different types of two-radical graphene sheets where two neighbouring carbon atoms are unsaturated in the zigzag position. The closed- and open-shell systems were taken into account. The well-known theoretical reactivity indices (ionization potential, electron affinity and global softness) were calculated for the adsorbents analyzed. We have shown that the values of these parameters are independent of the size of the carbon models. To test the reactivity of adsorption sites as probe molecules, we have used the chloride anion (Cl − ), cation (Cl + ) and radical (Cl 0 ), respectively. Respective correlations between the enthalpy of reaction, the ionization and/or electronic chemical potential of the carbon structures were found. The results obtained confirm the original HSAB concept of Pearson which has been improved recently by Nalewajski. A similar relationship was observed for the adsorbent charge-transfer term, i.e. the change in the electron densities of the analyzed graphene sheets before and after the adsorption process. From an analysis of the results presented, it has been deduced that a charge-transfer mechanism is probable for chloride ion/adsorbent complexes. Moreover, the acid–base duality of carbon models during the adsorption process was shown and confirmed

    Carbon nanohorns as reaction nanochambers – a systematic Monte Carlo study

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    Carbon nanohorns (CNHs, one of the newest carbon allotropes) have been subjected to intensive experimental and theoretical studies due to their potential applications. One of such applications can be their use as reaction nanochambers. However, experimental studies on the reaction equilibria under confinement are extremely challenging since accurate measurements of the concentrations of reacting species in pores are a very hard task. So, the main ways to examine such phenomena are theoretical methods (e.g. the reactive Monte Carlo, RxMC). We have presented the first systematic RxMC study on the influence of the CNH’s geometric parameters (the apex angle, the diameter, and the length) on reaction equilibria, taking the nitrogen monoxide dimerisation as an example. All the investigated parameters significantly affect the reaction yield at low and moderate coverages. Short and narrow CNHs have been found to be preferred. However, the key factor influencing the reaction equilibria is the presence of a conical part. Energetics of interactions between the reacting molecules in this fragment of a nanohorn maximises the effects of confinement. In consequence, CNHs have the advantage over their nanotube counterparts of the same diameter. The obtained results have confirmed that CNHs can be considered as potential reaction nanochambers

    Using in-situ adsorption dilatometry for assessment of micropore size distribution in monolithic carbons

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    We demonstrate that in-situ adsorption dilatometry provides a new opportunity for structural characterization of microporous carbons. We present experimental results for CO2 adsorption at 293 K and in-situ deformation obtained by dilatometry on a synthetic monolithic carbon sample. The carbon deformation in the course of adsorption is non-monotonic: the strain isotherm shows the sample contraction at low adsorption followed by progressive expansion. To evaluate structural and mechanical properties of the sample from the experimental adsorption and strain isotherms, a kernel of theoretical adsorption isotherms is obtained with the grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation of CO2 adsorption in a series of carbon micropores ranging from 0.22 to 2.0 nm. The respective kernel of adsorption stress isotherms is constructed using the thermodynamic model of adsorption stress. The pore volume and surface area distributions were calculated independently from a) the experimental excess adsorption isotherm by deconvoluting the generalized adsorption equation and b) the experimental strain isotherm by using the kernel of adsorption stress isotherms. The proposed method of determining the pore size distribution from the strain isotherm validates the thermodynamic model of adsorption stress in micropores and provides additional information about the sample material with respect to mechanical properties of the microporous matrix

    New findings on the influence of carbon surface curvature on energetics of benzene adsorption from gaseous phase

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    In this Letter, new results of calorimetric study on benzene adsorption from the gaseous phase are presented. According to some of recently published reports, the energy of solid–fluid, interactions increases with the rise in carbon nanotube curvature during adsorption. The recent considerations [Chem. Phys. Lett. 619 (2015) 219] on thermodynamics of adsorption from aqueous solutions on a series of carbon nanotubes have confirmed this observation. Although comparable ‘energy–tube diameter’ relations for benzene adsorption from the solution and from the gaseous phase are observed, remarkable differences between the mechanisms of the both processes caused by surface heterogeneity are noticeable

    The finite pore volume GAB adsorption isotherm model as a simple tool to estimate a diameter of cylindrical nanopores

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    The finite pore volume Guggenheim–Anderson–de Boer (fpv-GAB) adsorption isotherm model has been considered as a simple tool which not only enables us to analyze the shape of isotherms theoretically, but also provides information about pore diameter. The proposed methodology is based on the geometrical considerations and the division of the adsorption space into two parts: the monolayer and the multilayer space. The ratio of the volumes of these two spaces is unambiguously related to the pore diameter. This ratio can be simply determined from the N2 adsorption isotherm by its fitting with the use of fpv-GAB model. The volume ratio is equal to the ratio of the adsorption capacities in the monolayer and the multilayer—two of the best-fit parameters. The suggested approach has been verified using a series of isotherms simulated inside ideal carbon nanotubes. The adsorption data for some real adsorbents has also been used during tests. The studies performed have proven that diameters estimated with the use of the proposed method are comparable with the geometrical sizes or diameters published by others and based on the application of more sophisticated methods. For pores wider than 3 nm, the relative error does not exceed a few percent. The approach based on the fpv-GAB model reflects well the differences in pore sizes for the series of materials. Therefore, it can be treated as a convenient tool to compare various samples

    Gyroidal nanoporous carbons - Adsorption and separation properties explored using computer simulations

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    Adsorption and separation properties of gyroidal nanoporous carbons (GNCs) - a new class of exotic nanocarbon materials are studied for the first time using hyper parallel tempering Monte Carlo Simulation technique. Porous structure of GNC models is evaluated by the method proposed by Bhattacharya and Gubbins. All the studied structures are strictly microporous. Next, mechanisms of Ar adsorption are described basing on the analysis of adsorption isotherms, enthalpy plots, the values of Henry’s constants, αs and adsorption potential distribution plots. It is concluded that below pore diameters ca. 0.8 nm, primary micropore filling process dominates. For structures possessing larger micropores, primary and secondary micropore filling mechanism is observed. Finally, the separation properties of GNC toward CO2/CH4, CO2/N2, and CH4/N2 mixtures are discussed and compared with separation properties of Virtual Porous Carbon models. GNCs may be considered as potential adsorbents for gas mixture separation, having separation efficiency similar or even higher than activated carbons with similar diameters of pores

    Monte Carlo study of chemical reaction equilibria in pores of activated carbons

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    This work has presented the results of a rather extensive Monte Carlo study concerning the effects of confinement on the reactions taking place in the pores of activated carbons. We have considered here three simple model reactions: isomerisation, dimerisation and synthesis, and investigated how the changes in the carbon porosity, the values of the equilibrium constant, and the energetic parameters of the reacting molecules influence the chemical equilibria. The obtained results show that the main factors affecting the reaction equilibria in pores are the latest ones. When the adsorption energy of the product molecules is higher than that of the reactants, the confinement causes a rise in the reaction yield. In the opposite situation (preferential adsorption of the reactants), the product mole fraction inside the pores is lower than in the bulk phase. It has been shown that the porous structure of activated carbons plays a very important role. The reduction of pore diameters may either increase or decrease the reaction yield, depending on the relative adsorption energy of the reactants and the products. If the product molecules are bigger than the reactant molecules, the presence of pores accessible for the reactant molecules, but inaccessible for the product, causes additional reduction of the reaction yield regardless of the magnitudes of the energetic parameters of the reacting species