15 research outputs found

    Kainua Project: principles, theoretical framework and archaeological analysis

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    The use of virtual reconstructions is an approach which has already been applied for past projects in the Etruscan city of Marzabotto. The Kainua Project, which aims at the virtual recreation of the whole Etruscan city, is based on the principles of the London and the Seville Charter. The modelling process of the virtual Kainua is based on a rigorous archaeological analysis. The ArchaeoBIM method, formed within the project, has been used to confirm the validation of the models and is therefore an important step towards a more detailed architectural analysis of non-preserved structures. The unexcavated areas of the Etruscan city were involved in a campaign of geophysical surveys, which were the basis for the recreation of wide areas of the city with a good approximation thanks to an interpretative scheme of the modules of the buildings and their allocation within the blocks. The virtual Kainua is first of all an analysis tool. As a matter of fact, through forms of interactivity and simulations the virtual model allows us to formulate important considerations about historical and social issues. The model, however, is also the base for an updated system for the fruition of the archaeological area by a wider audience, chiefly onsite and it becomes a decoding key that visitors can use during their visit

    Surfactants, nanomedicines and nanocarriers: a critical evaluation on clinical trials

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    Advances, perspectives and innovation in drug delivery have increased in recent years; however, there is limited information available regarding the actual presence of surfactants, nanomed-icines and nanocarriers in investigational medicinal products submitted as part of a request for authorization of clinical trials, particularly for those authorized in the European Economic Area. We retrieve, analyze and report data available at the Clinical Trial Office of the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), increasing the transparency and availability of relevant information. An analysis of quality documentation submitted along with clinical trials authorized by the AIFA in 2018 was carried out, focusing on the key terms “surfactant”, “nanomedicine” and “nanocarrier”. Results suggest potential indications and inputs for further reflection and actions for regulators to actively and safely drive innovation from a regulatory perspective and to transpose upcoming evolution of clinical trials within a strong regulatory framework

    ArchaeoBIM: dallo scavo al Building Information Modeling di una struttura sepolta. Il caso del tempio tuscanico di Uni a Marzabotto

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    The model of the Tuscanic Temple of Uni in Marzabotto, recently discovered, has been a common ground for engineering and archaeological studies, thanks to the processing of a Building Information Modeling (BIM). Beside the historic and archaeological analysis, the innovation of this study concerns the examination of the Etruscan temple as a three-dimensional building, with the use of technologies which impact on the architectural reliability of the model, and the design of a new method of Experimental Archaeology based on a virtual approach. The uniqueness of this approach lies in the study of original elements at the starting point of the building process, that consist in foundations or spoliated structures (i.e. negative evidences), over the clues from the historical and scientific literature. To better define this distinctive working process, the expression ArchaeoBIM has been proposed. With this expression we underline the common BIM matrix in the data management through integrated analytical models, applied to a particular aspect of the archaeological research

    Le iscrizioni e i graffiti

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    Il contributo analizza la documentazione epigrafica etrusca dello scavo della Casa 1, Regio IV \u2013 Ins. 2 della citt\ue0 etrusca di Marzabotto. Il numero di iscrizioni etrusche, 18, non ha eguali in nessun altro settore della citt\ue0. Queste sono databili tra la seconda met\ue0 del VI e il V sec. a.C., con una notevole concentrazione nella prima fase di vita della casa, evidenziando cos\uec la predilezione per la scrittura e i segni a questa connessi proprio nel periodo pi\uf9 antico. Le caratteristiche paleografiche mostrano maggiori affinit\ue0 con l\u2019Etruria settentrionale e in particolare con Chiusi e il suo agro, in linea con quanto noto per la citt\ue0 etrusca di Marzabotto. Le sequenze alfabetiche, in buon numero, rappresentano allusioni alla scrittura come attivit\ue0 socialmente elevata, mentre l\u2019elevato numero di gentilizi (7) in iscrizioni di possesso in un arco cronologico abbastanza ristretto suggerisce che la struttura abitativa che li ha restituiti doveva essere particolarmente complessa. Lo scavo dell\u2019abitazione ha restituito inoltre 108 graffiti fra alfabetici e non alfabetici

    Basic access to social services in African LDCs

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    Basic access to social services in African LDCs

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