18 research outputs found

    Student Perceptions of Onward Chicago

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    This research project was done during our team\u27s time in our Marketing Research Experiential Learning course. The proposed research methodology is for our client, Onward Chicago, which is a high-end elevated casual dining experience located in Rogers Park, right across Sheridan from Loyola\u27s Lake Shore Campus. Our research will focus on students\u27 perceptions of Onward and their preferences, behaviors, and habits for dining out

    Mathematical concepts for the micromechanical modelling of dislocation dynamics with a phase-field approach

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    International audienceThis contribution reviews mathematical concepts of micro-mechanical modeling in the phase-field approach applied to dislocation dynamics. The intention is twofold: On the one hand, modelling of dislocation dynamics is a very recent field of development in phase-field theory, in comparison to the simulation of diffusional phase transformation and related micro-structure evolution problems in materials science. The reason is that modelling dislocation dynamics poses several challenges for phase-field concepts which go beyond purely diffusional problems in materials science as, e.g., dendritic solidification, as we point out in Sect.3. On the other hand, the modelling of dislocations has triggered further wide-ranging developments of phase-field based models for deformation problems. This is an important development, since a comprehensive model for deformation problems should include displacive as well as diffusional degrees of freedom from the atomic scale to the microscale. This is something phase-field theory is capable of, as dicussed in this review article. We aim to give an overview on relevant mathematical concepts, and to stimulate further steps in this direction

    Cross-border healthcare

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    Représentant environ 1% des dépenses d'assurance maladie, les soins transfrontaliers s'affirment comme un phénomène encore marginal par son ampleur, mais structurant par ses implications. Positionnés à la confluence de plusieurs compétences (nationales et communautaires) et de branches de droits, la notion de soin de santé transfrontalier et son régime se construisent sous l'emprise d'influences multiples. Se présentant comme une véritable notion juridique de droit de l'Union, le terme générique de soin de santé transfrontalier s'impose dès lors que deux éléments de qualification sont réunis : la traversée d'une frontière par l'un des acteurs de la relation médicale et la prise en charge financière des soins. Les soins transfrontaliers s'organisent autour d'un trilogue composé du médecin et de la sécurité sociale, tous deux assimilés à des prestataires de service, et du patient pour lequel un statut sui generis est en émergence. Au-delà de révéler le caractère complexe de la notion même de soin transfrontalier, cette étude met en avant l'originalité du modèle de la relation de soin transfrontalière : si l'Union œuvre au forçage du modèle triangulaire dans la relation de soin transfrontalière, elle contribue aussi parallèlement et paradoxalement à son dépassement. Ce mouvement, récemment consacré par la directive n° 2011/24/UE, vient alors interroger les fondements de la relation de soin, bien au-delà du cadre des seuls soins transfrontaliers.With only one percent of the health expenditure, cross boarder healthcare remains a marginal phenomenon but has important implications. At the interplay between national and Community competence as well as different branches of law, this notion and its regime reflect a diversity of influences. Cross boarder healthcare can be considered as a legal construct, which can be implied by two constituent material elements : the crossing of a boarder by the doctor or the patient and the chargeability of the costs of care. Cross border healthcare is organized around a triangle of players, namely the doctor and the social security body, both considered as service providers, and the patient, who acquired its own legal status. This study aims at showing the complexity and the originality of the cross boarder healthcare model. On the one hand, the European Union “forced” the application of this triangular model, but appears on the other hand to overcome this traditional model. This trend has recently been confirmed by the directive 2011/24/UE and calls the foundation of care relationship into question, well beyond the cross boarder care issues

    Additional file 5 of Worldwide clinical practices in perioperative antibiotic therapy for lung transplantation

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    Additional file 5. Answers to Case 3

    Additional file 8 of Worldwide clinical practices in perioperative antibiotic therapy for lung transplantation

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    Additional file 8 Answers according to large et small volume centers. The groups were defined on the median of lung transplants performed in 2017 (n = 28). LTx: lung transplantation

    Additional file 3 of Worldwide clinical practices in perioperative antibiotic therapy for lung transplantation

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    Additional file 3. Answers to Case 1