17 research outputs found

    Learning-by-mediating. Reflexive mediation in action

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    This paper aims at sharing some reflections and results concerning some experiences carried out within a European interdisciplinary Erasmus+ project. The main themes are community and peer mediation, considered from the perspective of educational innovation and experimentation. Two on-line videorecorded meetings of the project are analysed to show that the process of the project and this article-writing was consistent with mediation, that emerges as a topic within a discipline, but also as a cross- disciplinary methodology. The collective construction of meaning becomes a way to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes while the participants are involved within interactive and constructive educational dynamics

    Communication in refugee and migrant mental healthcare:A systematic rapid review on the needs, barriers and strategies of seekers and providers of mental health services

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    BackgroundMigrants and refugees may not access mental health services due to linguistic and cultural discordance between them and health and social care professionals (HSCPs). The aim of this review is to identify the communication needs and barriers experienced by third-country nationals (TCNs), their carers, and HSCPs, as well as the strategies they use and their preferences when accessing/providing mental health services and language barriers are present.MethodsWe undertook a rapid systematic review of the literature (01/01/2011 – 09/03/2022) on seeking and/or providing mental health services in linguistically discordant settings. Quality appraisal was performed, data was extracted, and evidence was reviewed and synthesised qualitatively.Results58/5,650 papers met the inclusion criteria. Both TCNs (and their carers) and HSCPs experience difficulties when seeking or providing mental health services and language barriers are present. TCNs and HSCPs prefer linguistically and culturally concordant provision of mental health services but professional interpreters are often required. However, their use is not always preferred, nor is it without problems.ConclusionsLanguage barriers impede TCNs’ access to mental health services. Improving language support options and cultural competency in mental health services is crucial to ensure that individuals from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds can access and/or provide high-quality mental health services

    Ces choses qu'on appelle la « liberté » : Représentations et resignifications de la liberté dans les contre-discours populistes de droite sur Twitter

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    This article will address the uses in discourse of the word “libertà” / “liberté ” in a corpus of tweets concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, written by some French and Italian politicians. Two series of tweets will be analysed: a first one by Giorgia Meloni and a second one by Florian Philippot. The two series belong to far-right populist counter-discourses, whose typical discursive strategies seem to be fostered by a discursive environment promoting implicit and ambiguous discourse due to its textual constraints

    Projets pédagogique en traduction et en interprétation : retours d’expérience et perspectives innovantes

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    In the present article, we will describe five teaching experiences carried out by the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Genoa as well as by the Department of Linguistic Mediation Sciences and Intercultural Studies of the University of Milan. The common denominator among these five experiences is the introduction of new technologies into translation, interpretation and intercultural mediation learning processes. Our communication aims at highlighting the pedagogical utility observed in the use of such tools applied to translation and interpretation teaching and learning. We will therefore carry out a pedagogical reflection on the potential of these resources, which remain quite unexploited nowadays.Dans le pr\ue9sent article, nous d\ue9crirons cinq exp\ue9rimentations didactiques con\ue7ues par le D\ue9partement de Langues et cultures modernes de l\u2019Universit\ue9 de G\ueanes ainsi que par le D\ue9partement de Sciences de la m\ue9diation linguistique et d\u2019\ue9tudes interculturelles de l\u2019Universit\ue9 de Milan. Le d\ue9nominateur commun parmi ces cinq exp\ue9riences p\ue9dagogiques est repr\ue9sent\ue9 par l\u2019introduction des nouvelles technologies au cours du processus d\u2019apprentissage. Les formations concern\ue9es s\u2019adressent \ue0 des apprentis traducteurs, interpr\ue8tes et m\ue9diateurs interculturels. L\u2019objectif de notre communication est de mettre en lumi\ue8re l\u2019utilit\ue9 p\ue9dagogique des outils adopt\ue9s en cours de formation en traduction et interpr\ue9tation, afin de mener une r\ue9flexion p\ue9dagogique centr\ue9e sur le potentiel de ces ressources, qui aujourd\u2019hui restent encore peu exploit\ue9es


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    Il volume raccoglie i contributi del convegno "Opening the Past 2013. Archaeology of the Future" (Pisa, 13-14-15 giugno 2013), un contributo riguardo al Parere legale sul portale Mappa Open Data e uno sulle idicazioni paleovegetazionali dai carotaggi MAPPA

    MAPPA Project. Methodologies Applied to Archaeological Potential Predictivity

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    This initial online publication is an extract from the project forms submitted to Regione Toscana under the PAR FAS Regione Toscana Action Line 1.1.a.3. call. It has been partially reviewed and adapted for a less technical reading. We believe that it is important to publish the project extract in order to provide details on the project objectives, the instruments that will be applied to achieve the objectives, the products that will be developed and the methods for disseminating the results

    Acquisizione dei dati archeologici, geomorfologici e stratigrafici per l’area urbana e periurbana di Pisa ed analisi preliminari

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    I metodi utilizzati per l’acquisizione dei dati per il calcolo del potenziale archeologico. Gli archeologi si confrontano con i problemi degli archivi e dello stato della documentazione; i sedimentologi individuano le aree per la realizzazione di sondaggi a carotaggio continuo, mentre i geo- morfologi riconoscono nell’analisi del microrilievo, nella fotointerpretazione e nel telerilevamento la base delle loro analisi. I matematici descrivono il modello page rank classico, adattato al problema della determinazione del potenziale archeologico

    Acquisizione dei dati archeologici, geomorfologici e stratigrafici per l\u2019area urbana e periurbana di Pisa ed analisi preliminari/Acquisition of archaeological, geomorphological and stratigraphic data for the urban and peri-urban area of Pisa and preliminary analysis

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    Dopo aver definito l\u2019area oggetto di indagine, si passano in rassegna i metodi utilizzati per l\u2019acquisizione di nuovi dati. Gli archeologi si confrontano con i problemi degli archivi e dello stato della documentazione; i sedimentologi individuano le aree per la realizzazione di sondaggi a carotaggio continuo, mentre i geomorfologi riconoscono nell\u2019analisi del microrilievo, nella fotointerpretazione e nel telerilevamento la base delle loro analisi. I matematici descrivono infine il modello page rank classico, adattato al problema della determinazione del potenziale archeologico/After defining the area of investigation, the methods used for acquiring new data will be described. The archaeologists will address the problems encountered with the archives and the status of documentation, the sedimentologists will identify the areas for continuous coring, whilst the geomorphologists will base their analyses on micro-relief, photointerpretation and remote sensing techniques. Finally, the mathematicians will describe the classic page rank model, adapted to the determination of archaeological potential