10,286 research outputs found

    High-sensitivity imaging with multi-mode twin beams

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    Twin entangled beams produced by single-pass parametric down-conversion (PDC) offer the opportunity to detect weak amount of absorption with an improved sensitivity with respect to standard techniques which make use of classical light sources. We propose a differential measurement scheme which exploits the spatial quantum correlation of type II PDC to image a weak amplitude object with a sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit imposed by shot-noise.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Coherent imaging of a pure phase object with classical incoherent light

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    By using the ghost imaging technique, we experimentally demonstrate the reconstruction of the diffraction pattern of a {\em pure phase} object by using the classical correlation of incoherent thermal light split on a beam splitter. The results once again underline that entanglement is not a necessary feature of ghost imaging. The light we use is spatially highly incoherent with respect to the object (≈2μ\approx 2 \mum speckle size) and is produced by a pseudo-thermal source relying on the principle of near-field scattering. We show that in these conditions no information on the phase object can be retrieved by only measuring the light that passed through it, neither in a direct measurement nor in a Hanbury Brown-Twiss (HBT) scheme. In general, we show a remarkable complementarity between ghost imaging and the HBT scheme when dealing with a phase object.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. Published in Physical Review A. Replaced version fixes some problems with Figs. 1, 4 and 1

    Spatio\u2013temporal entanglement of twin photons: An intuitive picture

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    We draw an intuitive picture of the spatio\u2013temporal properties of the entangled state of twin photons, where they are described as classical wave-packets. This picture predicts a precise relation between their temporal and transverse spatial separations at the crystal output. The space-time coupling described by classical arguments turns out to determine in a precise way the spatio\u2013temporal structure of the quantum entanglement, analyzed by means of the biphotonic correlation and of the Schmidt dimensionality of the entanglement

    Triggering Active Galactic Nuclei in Hierarchical Galaxy Formation: Disk instability vs. Interactions

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    Using a semi analytic model for galaxy formation we investigate the effects of Black Hole accretion triggered by disk instabilities (DI) in isolated galaxies on the evolution of AGN. Specifically, we took on, developed and expanded the Hopkins & Quataert (2011) model for the mass inflow following disk perturbations, and compare the corresponding evolution of the AGN population with that arising in a scenario where galaxy interactions trigger AGN (IT mode). We extended and developed the DI model by including different disk surface density profiles, to study the maximal contribution of DI to the evolution of the AGN population. We obtained the following results: i) for luminosities corresponding to M1450≳−26M_{1450}\gtrsim -26 the DI mode can provide the BH accretion needed to match the observed AGN luminosity functions up to z≈4.5z \approx 4.5; in such a luminosity range and redshift, it can compete with the IT scenario as the main driver of cosmological evolution of AGN; ii) The DI scenario cannot provide the observed abundance of high-luminosity QSO with M1450≲−26M_{1450}\lesssim -26 AGN, as well as the abundance of high-redhshift z≈4.5z \approx 4.5 QSOs with M1450≲−24M_{1450}\lesssim -24, while the IT scenario provides an acceptable match up to z≈6z \approx 6, as found in our earliest works; iii) The dispersion of the distributions of Eddington ratio for low- and intermediate-luminosity AGN (bolometric LAGNL_{AGN} = 104310^{43} - 104510^{45} erg/s) is predicted to be much smaller in the DI scenario compared to the IT mode; iv) The above conclusions are robust with respect to the explored variants of the Hopkins & Quataert (2011) model. We discuss the physical origin of our findings, and how it is possible to pin down the dominant fueling mechanism in the low-intermediate luminosity range M1450≳−26M_{1450}\gtrsim -26 where both the DI and the IT modes are viable candidates as drivers for the AGN evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 24 pages, 8 figures; updated reference

    Spatial entanglement of twin quantum images

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    We show that spatial entanglement of two twin images obtained by parametric down-conversion is complete, i.e. concerns both amplitude and phase. This is realised through a homodyne detection of these images which allows for measurement of the field quadrature components. EPR correlations are shown to exist between symmetrical pixels of the two images. The best possible correlation is obtained by adjusting the phase of the local oscillator field (LO) in the area of maximal amplification. The results for quadrature components hold unchanged even in absence of any input image i.e. for pure parametric fluorescence. In this case they are not related to intensity and phase fluctuations.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Dimensionality of the spatio-temporal entanglement of PDC photon pairs

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    In this work the Schmidt number of the two-photon state generated by parametric-down conversion (PDC) is evaluated in the framework of a fully spatio-temporal model for PDC. A comparison with the results obtained in either purely spatial or purely temporal models shows that the degree of entanglement of the PDC state cannot be trivially reduced to the product of the Schmidt numbers obtained in models with lower dimensionality, unless the detected bandwidth is very narrow. This result is a consequence of the non-factorability of the state in the spatial and temporal degrees of freedoms of twin photons. In the limit of a broad pump beam, we provide a geometrical interpretation of the Schmidt number, as the ratio between the volume of the phase matching region and of a correlation volume.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
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