11 research outputs found

    Book review: Raiko Krauß: Ovčarovo-Gorata. Eine frühneolitische Siedlung in Nordostbulgarien

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    In the first half of the 1980s, lithic materials from the prehistoric settlement of Ovčarovo-Gorata in northern Bulgaria were studied by Vietnamese archaeologist Nguyen Van Binh. At that time, he was a doctoral student in the Department of Prehistory of the National Archaeological Institute and Museum Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 1985, Nguyen Van Binh completed his doctoral thesis “Prehistoric flint artifact assemblages from the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene on the basis of materials from North East Bulgaria”, which presents the results of lithic assemblages processed from the site

    A bullet core specimen form NE Bulgaria

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    The paper discusses the first find of a bullet core from the territory of Bulgaria. This core fills in a gap in the occurrence of this technology in between the Marmara Sea basin and the northwestern part of the Pontic region. Because the core from the vicinity of Varna is a surface find it is difficult to determine its chronological position

    The latest results from the technological and typological analysis of chipped stone assemblages from Ilipinar, Pendik, Fikir tepe and Mentes

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    The papers presents the latest results from the technological and typological analysis of chipped stone assemblages from Ilipinar, Pendik, Fikir tepe, and Mentese in NW Turkey. The stone industry of Ilipinar shows parallels with the chipped stone material from Fikir tepe. At Ilipinar the period of technological and raw material changes in Bulgarian Thrace correspond to the end of phase V-A and to the whole V-B, but the technological and typological features are completely different.V članku predstavimo najnovejše rezultate tehnoloških in tipoloških analiz kamenega orodja iz najdišč Ilipinar, Pendik, Fikir tepe in Mentese na severozahodu Turčije. Kamena industrija iz Ilipinarja kaže podobnosti s kamenim materialom z najdišča Fikir tepe. Na najdišču Ilipinar obdobje tehnoloških sprememb in sprememb surovine v bolgarski Trakiji odgovarja koncu faze V–A in celotna faza V–B, toda tehnološke in tipološke značilnosti so popolnoma drugačne

    Some observations on the EB II chipped stone artifacts from Küllüoba (near Eskişehir) in inland northwestern Anatolia

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    Gatsov Ivan, Efe Turan. Some observations on the EB II chipped stone artifacts from Küllüoba (near Eskişehir) in inland northwestern Anatolia. In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 13, 2005. pp. 111-118

    Lithic Industry of Troy I–VII: Objectives and Methods of the Excavations 1987–2006

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    The article presents the Bronze Age chipped stone industry from Troy, based on the study of the lithic material recovered since 1987. The 6383 examined chipped stone artefacts make possible the formulation of certain more or less definite conclusions, as well as some general observations on the technology of the assemblages, typological structures and the construction of the lithic production chains (or chaînes operatoires).Gegenstand des Beitrags bildet die Herstellung geschlagener Steinartefakte im bronzezeitlichen Troia. Auf Grundlage von 6383 seit 1987 untersuchten Fundstücken lassen sich verschiedene mehr oder weniger allgemeingültige Rückschlüsse hinsichtlich Technologie, Typologie und Produktionsabläufe (chaînes operatoires) ziehen

    Saxa Loquuntur ! Mélanges en l'honneur de Nikolay Sirakov

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    ISBN 978-954-9704-19-

    The Early Bronze Age Lithic Industry in Yenibademli Höyük (Gökçeada/Imbros)

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    In this paper the first results of the analyses of chipped stone artefacts from Yenibademli Höyük, Gökçeada/ Imbros are presented. The settlement dates to the Early Bronze Age II period. The lithic data include more than 1000 stone artefacts, which belong to the categories of cores, cortical specimen, crested specimen, debris, flakes, blades and retouched tools. All raw material varieties were undergone pethrographical analyses. This way 5 raw material varieties have been distinguished, which were used in stone production. These are the following: flint, andezit, limestone, claystone and obsidian. At this stage of research the Lithic assemblages processed reveal ad hoc an orientated chipped stone production connected with flake acquiring and tool manufacturing in this Early Bronze Age settlement.In diesem Artikel werden die ersten Ergebnisse der Analysen geschlagener Steinartefakte von Yenibademli Höyük, Gökçeada/Imbros präsentiert. Die Siedlung datiert in die II. Periode der Frühen Bronzezeit. Die Datenbank umfasst mehr als 1000 Steinartefakte, die zu den Kategorien Kerne, Abschläge, Randabschläge, spitze Abschläge, Abfall, Klingen und retuschierte Werkzeuge gehören. Alle Sorten des Rohmaterials wurden petrographischen Analysen unterzogen. Auf diese Weise wurden 5 Arten erkannt, die in der Steinproduktion verwendet wurden. Das sind Flint, Andesit, Kalkstein, Kreide und Obsidian. Zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchung zeigten die untersuchten Stein-Ensembles eine Produktion von gleich gerichteten Abschlägen, verbunden mit dem Sammeln von Abschlägen und mit Werkzeugherstellung in dieser Siedlung der Frühen Bronzezeit