107 research outputs found

    The disturbance flow field produced by an evolving vortex

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    The flow field of a vortex in a viscous shear flow is found by constructing a uniformly valid asymptotic expansion consisting of an inner solution field represented, to lowest order, by a two dimensional, nonliner, inviscid Stuart vortex and an outer solution field represented, to lowest order, by either a two dimensional parallel or self similar viscous flow. The technique involves scaling both the transverse and streamwise coordinates in the vicinity of the vortex as well as allowing for a slow variation of the outer viscous flow. Criteria are established for both the size of the vortical structure and proximity to the boundary surfaces. The composite solution is a consistent mathematical picture of the flow field at a fixed streamwise location as the vortical structure evolves past this point. Such a formulation is also useful in the specification of boundary or initial conditions in numerical fluid dynamic calculations, where an inconsistent setting of these conditions leads to spurious results for rather long computation times

    On explicit algebraic stress models for complex turbulent flows

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    Explicit algebraic stress models that are valid for three-dimensional turbulent flows in noninertial frames are systematically derived from a hierarchy of second-order closure models. This represents a generalization of the model derived by Pope who based his analysis on the Launder, Reece, and Rodi model restricted to two-dimensional turbulent flows in an inertial frame. The relationship between the new models and traditional algebraic stress models -- as well as anistropic eddy visosity models -- is theoretically established. The need for regularization is demonstrated in an effort to explain why traditional algebraic stress models have failed in complex flows. It is also shown that these explicit algebraic stress models can shed new light on what second-order closure models predict for the equilibrium states of homogeneous turbulent flows and can serve as a useful alternative in practical computations

    A numerical study of the 2- and 3-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations in velocity-vorticity variables using compact difference schemes

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    A compact finite-difference approximation to the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations in velocity-vorticity variables is used to numerically simulate a number of flows. These include two-dimensional laminar flow of a vortex evolving over a flat plate with an embedded cavity, the unsteady flow over an elliptic cylinder, and aspects of the transient dynamics of the flow over a rearward facing step. The methodology required to extend the two-dimensional formulation to three-dimensions is presented

    Embedded cavity drag in steady and unsteady flows

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    The numerical solution of the laminar boundary-layer flow over an embedded cavity is studied. The purpose is to examine the relevant drag characteristics of laminar cavity flow. The solution field is obtained in terms of velocity and vorticity variables, with the stream function and pressure derivable from the directly computed variables. An analysis and comparison is made among four square cavities, ranging in size from 0.25 to 1.00 boundary-layer thicknesses deep. The dominant flow features are examined in the vicinity of the cavity by means of the stream function and iso-vorticity contours. The dominant physics in the overall drag characteristics of the flow is examined by an analysis of the pressure and wall shear stress distributions in the cavity, and upstream and downstream of the cavity. Pressure forces and frictional forces in, and in the vicinity of, the cavity are determined. Stress relaxation distances, both upstream and downstream of the cavity, are calculated and analyzed. The flow dynamics of the boundary-layer flow over an embedded cavity is summarized. Finally, the relevance of the results to the control of flow separation in such flows is discussed

    On a criterion for vortex breakdown

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    A criterion for the onset of vortex breakdown is proposed. Based upon previous experimental, computational, and theoretical studies, an appropriately defined local Rossby number is used to delineate the region where breakdown occurs. In addition, new numerical results are presented which further validate this criterion. A number of previous theoretical studies concentrating on inviscid standing-wave analyses for trailing wing-tip vortices are reviewed and reinterpreted in terms of the Rossby number criterion. Consistent with previous studies, the physical basis for the onset of breakdown is identified as the ability of the flow to sustain such waves. Previous computational results are reviewed and re-evaluated in terms of the proposed breakdown criterion. As a result, the cause of breakdown occurring near the inflow computational boundary, common to several numerical studies, is identified. Finally, previous experimental studies of vortex breakdown for both leading edge and trailing wing-tip vortices are reviewed and quantified in terms of the Rossby number criterion

    Advances in the Analysis and Prediction of Turbulent Viscoelastic Flows

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    It has been well-known for over six decades that the addition of minute amounts of long polymer chains to organic solvents, or water, can lead to significant turbulent drag reduction. This discovery has had many practical applications such as in pipeline fluid transport, oil well operations, vehicle design and submersible vehicle projectiles, and more recently arteriosclerosis treatment. However, it has only been the last twenty-five years that the full utilization of direct numerical simulation of such turbulent viscoelastic flows has been achieved. The unique characteristics of viscoelastic fluid flow are dictated by the nonlinear differential relationship between the flow strain rate field and the extra-stress induced by the additive polymer. A primary motivation for the analysis of these turbulent fluid flows is the understanding of the effect on the dynamic transfer of energy in the turbulent flow due to the presence of the extra-stress field induced by the presence of the viscoelastic polymer chain. Such analyses now utilize direct numerical simulation data of fully developed channel flow for the FENE-P (Finite Extendable Nonlinear Elastic - Peterlin) fluid model. Such multi-scale dynamics suggests an analysis of the transfer of energy between the various component motions that include the turbulent kinetic energy, and the mean polymeric and elastic potential energies. It is shown that the primary effect of the interaction between the turbulent and polymeric fields is to transfer energy from the turbulence to the polymer

    Development of turbulence models for shear flows by a double expansion technique

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    Turbulence models are developed by supplementing the renormalization group (RNG) approach of Yakhot and Orszag with scale expansions for the Reynolds stress and production of dissipation terms. The additional expansion parameter (eta) is the ratio of the turbulent to mean strain time scale. While low-order expansions appear to provide an adequate description of the Reynolds stress, no finite truncation of the expansion for the production of dissipation term in powers of eta suffices - terms of all orders must be retained. Based on these ideas, a new two-equation model and Reynolds stress transport model are developed for turbulent shear flows. The models are tested for homogeneous shear flow and flow over a backward facing step. Comparisons between the model predictions and experimental data are excellent

    A Criterion for Vortex Breakdown

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    Spall, R.E., Gatski, T.B., & Grosch, C.E. (1987). A criterion for vortex breakdown. Physics of Fluids, 30(11), 3434-3440. doi: 10.1063/1.86647

    Analyzing Mean Transport Equations of Turbulence and Linear Disturbances in Decaying Flows

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    The decay of laminar disturbances and turbulence in mean shear-free flows is studied. In laminar flows, such disturbances are linear superpositions of modes governed by the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. In turbulent flows, disturbances are described through transport equations for representative mean quantities. The link between a description based on a deterministic evolution equation and a probability-based mean transport equation is established. Because an uncertainty in initial conditions exists in the laminar as well as the turbulent regime, a probability distribution must be defined even in the laminar case. Using this probability distribution, it is shown that the exponential decay of the linear modes in the laminar regime can be related to a power law decay of both the (ensemble) mean disturbance kinetic energy and the dissipation rate. The evolution of these mean disturbance quantities is then described by transport equations similar to those for the corresponding turbulent decaying flow

    A Temporal Approximate Deconvolution Model for Large-Eddy Simulation

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    A temporal approximate deconvolution model (TADM) is developed for large-eddy simulation and is demonstrated for plane-channel flow at Re-tau=590. The TADM combines explicit causal time-domain filtering with linear deconvolution (defiltering) to approximate unfiltered fields and residual stress to arbitrarily high order. The TADM methodology appears to lead to a robust family of residual-stress models that should provide a viable alternative to conventional (spatial) filtering for applications in which spatial filtering is problematic, e.g., for problems requiring unstructured or highly stretched grids. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics