29 research outputs found

    Why the embryo still matters: CSF and the neuroepithelium as interdependent

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    Producción CientíficaThe key focus of this review is that both the neuroepithelium and embryonic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) work in an integrated way to promote embryonic brain growth, morphogenesis and histiogenesis. The CSF generates pressure and also contains many biologically powerful trophic factors; both play key roles in early brain development. Accumulation of fluid via an osmotic gradient creates pressure that promotes rapid expansion of the early brain in a developmental regulated way, since the rates of growth differ between the vesicles and for different species. The neuroepithelium and ventricles both contribute to this growth but by different and coordinated mechanisms. The neuroepithelium grows primarily by cell proliferation and at the same time the ventricle expands via hydrostatic pressure generated by active transport of Na+ and transport or secretion of proteins and proteoglycans that create an osmotic gradient which contribute to the accumulation of fluid inside the sealed brain cavity. Recent evidence shows that the CSF regulates relevant aspects of neuroepithelial behavior such as cell survival, replication and neurogenesis by means of growth factors and morphogens. Here we try to highlight that early brain development requires the coordinated interplay of the CSF contained in the brain cavity with the surrounding neuroepithelium. The information presented is essential in order to understand the earliest phases of brain development and also how neuronal precursor behavior is regulated

    All-trans retinol and retinol-binding protein from embryonic cerebrospinal £uid exhibit dynamic behaviour during early central nervous system development

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    Producción CientíficaEmbryonic cerebrospinal £uid (E-CSF) is involved in the regulation of survival, proliferation and neurogenesis of neuroectodermal progenitor cells, aswell as in the control ofmesencephalic gene expression in collaboration with the isthmic organizer. Recently, we showed the presence of retinol-binding protein (RBP) within the E-CSF proteome.RBP is an all-trans retinol carrier, amolecule that can be metabolized into retinoic acid, a morphogen involved in central nervous system (CNS) morphogenesis and patterning. Here we demonstrate the presence of all-trans retinol within the E-CSF and analyse the dynamics of RBP and all-trans retinolwithin this £uid, as well as the expression of retinoic acid-synthesizing enzymes during early CNS development. Our results suggest a relationship between the dynamics of these molecules and the early events of CNS patterning

    Disruption o proteoglycans in neural tube fluid by B-

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    Producción CientíficaFollowing neurulation, the anterior end of the neural tube undergoes a dramatic increase in size due mainly to the enlarging of the brain cavity. This cavity is filled with so-called neural tube fluid (NTF), whose positive pressure has been shown to play a key role in brain morphogenesis. This fluid contains a water-soluble matrix, rich in chondroitin sulfate (CS), which has been proposed as an osmotic regulator of NTF pressure genesis. The purpose of the present study is to observe the influence of CS on NTF osmolality and its relation to NTF hydrostatic pressure and brain expansion. NTF was obtained by means of microaspiration from the mesencephalic cavity of chick embryos. The osmolality of NTF between H.H. stages 20 and 29 was measured on the basis of its cryoscopic point. CS synthesis was disrupted by using 13-D-xyloside and the induced variations in brain volume were measured by means of morphometry. We also measured the variations in NTF osmolality, hydrostatic pressure, and the concentration of CS and sodium induced by means of 13-D-xyloside. Our data reveal that, at the earliest stages of development analyzed, variations in NTF osmolality show a characteristic pattern that coincides with the developmental changes in the previously described fluid pressure. Chick embryos treated with 13-D-xyloside, a chemical that disrupts CS synthesis, displayed a notable increase in brain volume but no other apparent developmental alterations. Morphometric analysis revealed that this increase was due to hyperenlargement of the brain cavity. 13-D-xyloside brings about specific changes in the biochemical composition of NTF, which entails a large increase in CS concentration, mainly in the form of free chains, and in that of sodium. As a result, the fluid’s osmolality and brain intraluminal pressure increased, which could account for the increase in size of the brain anlage. These data support the hypothesis that the intraluminal pressure involved in embryonic brain enlargement is directly dependent on NTF osmolality, and that the concentrations of CS and its associated microions could play a key role in the regulation of this process. Anat. Rec. 252:499– 508, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan is involved in lens vesicle morphogenesis in chick embryos

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    Producción CientíficaProteoglycans have been implicated in the invagination and formation of various embryonal cavitied primordia. In this paper the expression of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan is analysed (CSPG) in the lens primordium during lens vesicle formation, and demonstrate that this proteoglycan has a speci®c distribution pattern with regard to invagination and fusion processes in the transformation of placode into lens vesicle. More speci®cally, CSPG was detached in: (1) the apical surface of lens epithelial cells, where early CSPG expression was observed in the whole of the lens placode whilst in the vesicle phase it was restricted to the posterior epithelium; (2) intense CSPG expression in the basal lamina, which remained constant for the entire period under study; (3) CSPG expression in the intercellular spaces of the lens primordium epithelium, which increased during the invagination of the primordium and which at the vesicle stage was more evident in the posterior epithelium; and (4) CSPG expression on the edges of the lens placode both prior to and during fusion. Treatment with b-D-xyloside causes signi®cant CSPG depletion in the lens primordium together with severe alterations in the invagination and fusion of the lens vesicle; this leads to the formation of lens primordia which in some cases remain practically ¯at or show partial invagination defects or fusion disruption. Similar results were obtained by enzyme digestion with chondroitinase AC but not with type II heparinase, which indicates that alterations induced by b-Dxyloside were due to interference in CSPG synthesis. The ®ndings demonstrate that CSPG is a common component of the lens primordium at the earliest developmental stages during which it undergoes speci®c modi®cations. It also includes experimental evidence to show that `in vivo' CSPG plays an important role in the invagination and fusion processes of the lens primordium. # 2001 Academic Press Key words: lens development; CSPG; b-D-xyloside; extracellular matrix; epithelial invaginatio

    Embryonic cerebrospinal fluid influence in the subependymal neurogenic niche in adult mouse hippocampus

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    Producción CientíficaThe adult mouse hippocampal neurogenic niche is a complex structure which is not completely understood. It has mainly been related to the Subgranular layer of the dentate gyrus; however, as a result of differential neural stem cell populations reported in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle and associated with the hippocampus, the possibility remains of a multifocal niche reproducing developmental stages. Here, using a set of molecular markers for neural precursors, we describe in the adult mouse brain hippocampus the existence of a disperse population of neural precursors in the Subependymal Zone, the Dentate Migratory Stream and the hilus; these display dynamic behaviour compatible with neurogenesis. This supports the idea that the adult hippocampal niche cannot be restricted to the dentate gyrus subgranular layer. In other neurogenic niches such as the Subventricular Zone, a functional periventricular dependence has been shown due to the ability to respond to embryonic cerebro-spinal fluid. In this study, we demonstrate that neural precursors from the three areas studied (Sub-ependymal Zone, Dentate Migratory Stream and hilus) are able to modify their behaviour by increasing neurogenesis in a locally differential manner. Our results are compatible with the persistence in the adult mouse hippocampus of a neurogenic niche with the same spatial structure as that seen during development and early postnatal stages.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (BFU207/6516)Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Educación, GR195

    Cerebroespinal fluid control of neurogenesis induced by retinoic acid during early brain development

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    Producción CientíficaEmbryonic-cerebrospinal fluid (E-CSF) plays crucial roles in early brain development including the control of neurogenesis. Although FGF2 and lipoproteins present in the E-CSF have previously been shown to be involved in neurogenesis, the main factor triggering this process remains unknown. E-CSF contains all-trans-retinol and retinol-binding protein involved in the synthesis of retinoic acid (RA), a neurogenesis inducer. In early chick embryo brain, only the mesencephalic-rombencephalic isthmus (IsO) is able to synthesize RA. Here we show that in chick embryo brain development: (1) E-CSF helps to control RA synthesis in the IsO by means of the RBP and all-trans-retinol it contains; (2) E-CSF has retinoic acid activity, which suggests it may act as a diffusion pathway for RA; and (3) the influence of E-CSF on embryonic brain neurogenesis is to a large extent due to its involvement in RA synthesis. These data help to understand neurogenesis from neural progenitor cells2015-05-2

    Basal lamina heparan sulphate proteoglycan is involved in otic placode invagination in chick embryos

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    Producción CientíficaInvagination of other cup-shaped organ primordia. It is known that the cellular cytoskele- ton plays a Abstract Formation of the otocyst from the otic placode appears to differ from limited role in otic placode invagination, whilst the extracellular matrix underlying the otic pri- mordium intervenes in the folding process. In this study we have analysed the role of the basal lamina heparan sulphate proteoglycan in otic primordium invagination. At 10 H.H. stage, heparan sulphate proteoglycan im- the otic epithelium. Our findings support the theory that otic primordium invagination may be regulated, at least in part, by the basal lamina components, which might contribute towards anchoring the otic epithelium to adja- cent structures. Key words Otic development • Heparinase • Microinjection • Epithelial folding • Extracellular matrix munomarking begins to appear on the otic placode basal lamina, increasing noticeably at 13 H.H. stage, coincid- ing with maximum folding of the otic epithelium, and is still present at later stages. Enzyme degradation of hepa- ran sulphate proteoglycan in the otic primordium basal lamina, by means of microinjection with heparinase III prior to folding, significantly disrupts invagination of the otic placode, which remains practically flat, with a sig- nificant reduction in the depth of the otic pit and an in- crease in the diameter of the otic opening. The immuno- cytochemistry analysis revealed a notable depletion of basal lamina heparan sulphate proteoglycan in the otic primordia microinjected with heparinase, with no statis- tically significant differences observed in the volume or rate of cell proliferation in the otic epithelium relative to the control, which suggests that heparan sulphate prot- eoglycan disruption does not interfere with the epithelial growth. In addition, a study of apoptosis distribution by the TUNEL method confirmed that treatment with hepa- rinase does not cause interference with cell survival i

    Embryonic Cerebrospinal Fluid Collaborates With the Isthmic Organizer To Regulate Mesencephalic Gene Expression

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    Producción CientíficaEarly in development, the behavior of neuroepithelial cells is controlled by several factors acting in a developmentally regulated manner. Recently it has been shown that diffusible factors contained within embryonic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) promote neuroepithelial cell survival, proliferation, and neurogenesis in mesencephalic explants lacking any known organizing center. In this paper, we show that mesencephalic and mesencephalic þ isthmic organizer explants cultured only with basal medium do not express the typically expressed mesencephalic or isthmic organizer genes analyzed (otx2 and fgf8, respectively) and that mesencephalic explants cultured with embryonic CSF-supplemented medium do effect such expression, although they exhibit an altered pattern of gene expression, including ectopic shh expression domains. Other trophic sources that are able to maintain normal neuroepithelial cell behavior, i.e., fibroblast growth factor-2, fail to activate this ectopic shh expression. Conversely, the expression pattern of the analyzed genes in mesencephalic þ isthmic organizer explants cultured with embryonic cerebrospinal fluid-supplemented medium mimics the pattern for control embryos developed in ovo. We demonstrate that embryonic CSF collaborates with the isthmic organizer in regulation of the expression pattern of some characteristic neuroectodermal genes during early stages of central nervous system (CNS) development, and we suggest that this collaboration is not restricted to the maintenance of neuroepithelial cell survival. Data reported in this paper corroborate the hypothesis that factors contained within embryonic CSF contribute to the patterning of the CNS during early embryonic development.2015-09-0

    Prenatal expression of interleukin 1B and interleukin 6 in the rat pituitary gland

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    Producción CientíficaIt is known that interleukin 1b (IL-1b) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) are expressed post-natally in normal and tumoral cells in the anterior pituitary, and that they play a role in both the liberation of different hormones and in the growth, proliferation and tumor formation of the pituitary gland. However, their expression and role during embryonic and fetal development remain unknown. We have performed an immunocytochemistry study of prenatal expression and distribution of IL-1b and IL-6 in isolated embryonic rat Rathke’s pouch prior to birth, more specifically between 13.5 and 19.5 days p.c. Western-blot analysis carried out on 19.5-day p.c. embryos showed positive immunolabelling for IL-1b and IL-6. These interleukins were initially expressed simultaneously in the rostral and ventral portions of Rathke’s pouch in 15.5-day p.c. embryos, and this expression progressed caudodorsally in later developmental stages, extending to most of the hypophysis before birth. The number of cells expressing these interleukins increased throughout this period: 48.22% of anterior pituitary cells expressed IL-6 in 19.5-day embryos, whilst IL-1b was positive in 39.8% of the cells. Moreover, we have demonstrated that some adenohypophyseal cells co-express both interleukins. Such findings represent the first step towards an understanding of the physiological role of these interleukins in anterior pituitary development

    Embryonic cerebrospinal fluid regulates neuroepithelial survival proliferation and neurogenesis in chick embryos

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    Producción CientíficaEarly in development, the behavior of neuroepithelial cells is controlled by several factors, which act in a developmentally regulated manner. Dif- fusible factors are secreted locally by the neuroepithelium itself, although other nearby structures may also be involved. Evidence suggests a physio- logical role for the cerebrospinal fluid in the development of the brain. Here, using organotypic cultures of chick embryo neuroepithelial explants from the mesencephalon, we show that the neuroepithelium in vitro is not able to self-induce cell survival, replication, and neurogenesis. We also show that the embryonic cerebrospinal fluid (E-CSF) promotes neuroepithelial stem cell survival and induces proliferation and neurogenesis in mesencephalic explants. These data strongly suggest that E-CSF is involved in the regu- lation of neuroepithelial cells behavior, supporting the hypothesis that this fluid plays a key role during the early development of the central nervous system