95 research outputs found

    Multicultural education of multi-ethnic students at the foreign language class

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    © 2016 Zorina et al.The relevance of the problems stated in the article is determined by the fact that with the expansion of relations between the nations all over the world, the problems caused by misunderstanding, religion differences, and lack of cultural tolerance, have become more vital than ever. In this regard, this article is aimed at studying the conditions of teaching university students to live and communicate successfully in the multicultural world. The authors of the article consider an elective course ‘A Multicultural Planet’, aimed at teaching students to be tolerant towards people belonging to different cultural and religious groups, is an important part of the process of foreign language learning. The article presents theoretical ideas of multicultural education; aims and tasks of the elective course, approaches and principles it is based on; the results of the study conducted among the university students. The materials of the article are intended for university foreign language teachers

    Pedagogical conditions of college students’ core competencies formation in the process of foreign languages learning

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the problems stated in the article is conditioned by the fact that with the expansion of international economic relations and the increasing number of joint ventures and companies, there is an urgent need for specialists capable of intercultural communication for the implementation of the business contacts and contracts, the conclusion of economic agreements with foreign partners, cooperating with enterprises of different countries. In this regard, this article is aimed at identifying and studying of the pedagogical conditions of college students’ core competencies formation in the process of foreign languages learning. The article clarifies the composition of core competencies in college students’ foreign languages learning; identifies a set of criteria for selection of the content of discipline “foreign language;” reveals the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies of college students’ core competencies formation in the foreign languages learning; provides quality monitoring technology of college students’ core competencies formation in the process of foreign languages learning

    On the Fate of Lost Property in the Medieval Turkic-Mongol States

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    Поступила в редакцию: 12.09.2022. Принята к печати: 06.04.2023.Submitted: 12.09.2022. Accepted: 06.04.2023.В статье анализируется государственная политика средневековых тюрко-монгольских (чингизидских) государств в отношении утерянного имущества. Впервые в научный оборот вводится в русском переводе ярлык о назначении на должность буларгучи — специального чиновника, в чьи функции входили поиск, хранение и возврат утерянного имуществах — из «Дастур ал-катиб фи та‘йин ал-маратиб» — персидского трактата, созданного в 1360-х гг. чиновником Мухаммедом б. Хиндушахом Нахчивани, находившимся на службе у правителей монгольского Ирана. Проводится комплексный анализ этого документа, в ходе которого осуществляется характеристика правового статуса буларгучи, просле- живается эволюция деятельности в отношении утерянного имущества в тюрко-монгольских государствах, начиная с Монгольской империи и империи Юань в Китае и заканчивая Крымским ханством. Выявляются различия в отношении чиновников рассматриваемых государств к имуществу, которое было потеряно, и к тому, которое признавалось выморочным в связи со смертью его владельца в пределах иностранной державы. Авторы приходят к выводу, что в тюрко-монгольских государствах принимались определенные меры для обеспечения прав собственников имущества, но, вместе с тем, существовала практика злоупотреблений со стороны соответствующих чиновников своими полномочиями с целью поступления такого имущества в казну, в связи с тем, что оно представляло собой немаловажную часть государственных доходов. Источниковую основу исследования составляют исторические памятники — правовые акты, свидетельства современников, дипломатическая переписка, также авторы опираются на труды специалистов, в той или иной степени обращавшихся к исследованию института буларгучи и вопросов о судьбе утерянного имущества в средневековых тюркомонгольских государствах.This article analyses the state policy of the medieval Turkic-Mongol khanates towards lost property. The authors introduce the first Russian translation of a yarligh on the appointment of bularguchi, an official who oversaw the search, storage, and return of lost property. The yarligh comes from the Dastur al-Katib Fi Ta’yin al-Maratib, a Persian-language treaty written in 1360s by Muhammad b. Hindushah Nakhchivani, an official at the service of the rulers of Mongol Iran. A complex interdisciplinary analysis of this document helps characterize the legal status of the bularguchi and the evolution of the state policy towards the lost property in the Turkic-Mongol states from the Mongol and Yuan Empires to the Crimean Khanate. The authors attempt to clarify the differences between the property which was lost and that which was recognized escheat after the death of its owner abroad. The authors establish that the rulers of the Turkic-Mongol states took measures to provide the rights of the owners of the lost property, but at the same time, officials abused their power to pass such property to the state treasury as it was a substantial part of the state revenue. The source base of the research includes legal acts, notes of contemporaries, and diplomatic correspondence. The authors also consider works of specialists who dealt with the bularguchi institution as well as questions on the fate of the lost property in the medieval Turkic-Mongol states.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда, проект № 23-18-00147 «Социально-политическая организация евразийского пространства в Средние века (исторический опыт Золотой Орды и Ирана XIII–XIV вв.), https://rscf.ru/project/23-18-00147, реализуемого в Воронежском государственном университете.The study was granted by Russian Science Foundation, project no. 23-18-00147 “Social and Political Organization of the Eurasian Area in the Middle Ages (by the Example of the Golden Horde and Iran of 13th–14th cc.)”, https://rscf.ru/project/23-18-00147, realized at the Voronezh State University

    Formations p\ue9ridermiques dans le p\ue9tiole du cotyl\ue9don de quelques Palmiers

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    Volume: 54Start Page: 206End Page: 21

    Un cas de polyembryonie chez le Musa Ensete

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    Volume: 52Start Page: 277End Page: 27

    The chancellery of the golden horde’s Khans

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    © 2019, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved. This article provides an overview of the chancellery service of the Golden Horde via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, the main work in the office was carried out by scribes-bitikchi. They prepared the decrees of the ruler, diplomatic messages, kept documents, were engaged in translation and.financial and fiscal issues. The bitikchi should have mastered the Mongolian and Turkic languages and the Uigur script. In conclusion, the chancellery culture of UlusJuchi was at a high level of development and was able to ensure the effective management of such a large and powerful state

    The palace settlement in the Kazan region in the xvi-xvii centuries

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    © 2019, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved. The aim of the article is to determine the spatial organization of Palace settlements in the Kazan region in the XVI-XVII centuries. The methods of investigation are system approach and system analysis. In result, in the second half of the XVI century, the vicinity of fortified settlements became the place of compact residence of palace peasants in the Middle Volga region; and secondly – coastal lands of Kama river basin’s rivers. In conclusion, the localization and tracing of palace settlements serve as a marker that denotes the main direction of the colonization process which coincided with the vector of domestic policy

    The chancellery of the golden horde’s Khans

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    © 2019, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved. This article provides an overview of the chancellery service of the Golden Horde via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, the main work in the office was carried out by scribes-bitikchi. They prepared the decrees of the ruler, diplomatic messages, kept documents, were engaged in translation and.financial and fiscal issues. The bitikchi should have mastered the Mongolian and Turkic languages and the Uigur script. In conclusion, the chancellery culture of UlusJuchi was at a high level of development and was able to ensure the effective management of such a large and powerful state

    The palace settlement in the Kazan region in the xvi-xvii centuries

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    © 2019, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved. The aim of the article is to determine the spatial organization of Palace settlements in the Kazan region in the XVI-XVII centuries. The methods of investigation are system approach and system analysis. In result, in the second half of the XVI century, the vicinity of fortified settlements became the place of compact residence of palace peasants in the Middle Volga region; and secondly – coastal lands of Kama river basin’s rivers. In conclusion, the localization and tracing of palace settlements serve as a marker that denotes the main direction of the colonization process which coincided with the vector of domestic policy

    Multicultural education of multi-ethnic students at the foreign language class

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    © 2016 Zorina et al.The relevance of the problems stated in the article is determined by the fact that with the expansion of relations between the nations all over the world, the problems caused by misunderstanding, religion differences, and lack of cultural tolerance, have become more vital than ever. In this regard, this article is aimed at studying the conditions of teaching university students to live and communicate successfully in the multicultural world. The authors of the article consider an elective course ‘A Multicultural Planet’, aimed at teaching students to be tolerant towards people belonging to different cultural and religious groups, is an important part of the process of foreign language learning. The article presents theoretical ideas of multicultural education; aims and tasks of the elective course, approaches and principles it is based on; the results of the study conducted among the university students. The materials of the article are intended for university foreign language teachers