5,553 research outputs found

    The effects of localized damping on structural response

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    The effect of localized structural damping on the excitability of higher order normal modes of the large space telescope was investigated. A preprocessor computer program was developed to incorporate Voigt structural joint damping models in a NASTRAN finite-element dynamic model. A postprocessor computer program was developed to select critical modes for low-frequency attitude control problems and for higher frequency fine-stabilization problems. The mode selection is accomplished by ranking the flexible modes based on coefficients for rate gyro, position gyro, and optical sensors, and on image-plane motions due to sinusoidal or random power spectral density force and torque inputs

    Effect of damping on excitability of high-order normal modes

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    The effect of localized structural damping on the excitability of higher-order large space telescope spacecraft modes is investigated. A preprocessor computer program is developed to incorporate Voigt structural joint damping models in a finite-element dynamic model. A postprocessor computer program is developed to select critical modes for low-frequency attitude control problems and for higher-frequency fine-stabilization problems. The selection is accomplished by ranking the flexible modes based on coefficients for rate gyro, position gyro, and optical sensor, and on image-plane motions due to sinusoidal or random PSD force and torque inputs

    Electrochemical deposition of silver crystals aboard Skylab 4

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    Silver crystals were grown aboard Skylab 4 by an electro-chemical reaction and subsequently returned to earth for comparison with crystals grown at 1- and 5-g. Both the Skylab and earth-grown crystals show a variety of structures. Certain tendencies in structure dependency on gravity level, however, can be discerned. In addition, downward growing dendrite streamers; upward growing chunky crystal streamers; growth along an air/liquid interface; and ribbon, film, and fiber crystal habits were observed in experiments conducted on the ground with solutions of varying concentrations. It was also observed that the crystal structures of space and ground electro-deposited silver crystals were very similar to the structures of germanium selenide and germanium telluride crystals grown in space and on the ground by a vapor transport technique. Consideration of the data leads to the conclusions that: (1) the rate of electrochemical displacement of silver ions from a 5 percent aqueous solution by copper is predominantly diffussion controlled in space and kinetically controlled in 1- and higher-g because of augmentation of mass transport by convection; (2) downward and upward crystal streamers are the result of gravity-driven convection, the flow patterns of which can be delineated. Lateral growths along an air/liquid interface are the result of surface-tension-driven convection, the pattern of which also can be delineated; (3) electrolysis in space or low-g environments can produce either dendritic crystals with more perfect microcrystalline structures or massive, single crystals with fewer defects than those grown on ground or at higher g-levels. Ribbons or films of space-grown silicon crystals would find a ready market for electronic substrate and photocell applications. Space-grown dendritic, metal crystals present the possibility of unique catalysts. Large perfect crystals of various materials are desired for a number of electronic and optical applications; and (4) vapor transport growth of germanium selenide and germanium telluride is affected by convection mechanisms similar to the mechanisms hypothesized for the electrochemical deposition of silver crystals. Evidence and considerations leading to the preceding summaries and conclusions are presented. The implications of the findings and conclusions for technological applications are discussed, and recommendations for further experiments are presented

    A Note on Embedding of M-Theory Corrections into Eleven-Dimensional Superspace

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    By analyzing eleven-dimensional superspace fourth-rank superfield strength F-Bianchi identities, we show that M-theory corrections to eleven-dimensional supergravity can not be embedded into the mass dimension zero constraints, such as the (\g^{a b})_{\a\b} X_{a b}{}^c or i (\g^{a_1... a_5})_{\a\b} X_{a_1... a_5}{}^c -terms in the supertorsion constraint T_{\a\b}{}^c. The only possible modification of superspace constraint at dimension zero is found to be the scaling of F_{\a\b c d} like F_{\a\b c d} = (1/2) \big(\g_{c d}\big)_{\a\b} e^\Phi for some real scalar superfield \Phi, which alone is further shown not enough to embed general M-theory corrections. This conclusion is based on the dimension zero F-Bianchi identity under the two assumptions: (i) There are no negative dimensional constraints on the F-superfield strength: F_{\a\b\g\d} = F_{\a\b\g d} =0; (ii) The supertorsion T-Bianchi identities and F-Bianchi identities are not modified by Chern-Simons terms. Our result can serve as a powerful tool for future exploration of M-theory corrections embedded into eleven-dimensional superspace supergravity.Comment: 14 pages, latex, some minor typos corrected, as well as old section 5 deleted, due to the subtlety about Chern-Simons term in F-Bianchi identitie

    Supersymmetric K field theories and defect structures

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    We construct supersymmetric K field theories (i.e., theories with a non-standard kinetic term) in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions such that the bosonic sector just consists of a nonstandard kinetic term plus a potential. Further, we study the possibility of topological defect formation in these supersymmetric models. Finally, we consider more general supersymmetric K field theories where, again, topological defects exist in some cases.Comment: Latex, 6 figures, 27 page

    Nonequilibrium stationary states with Gibbs measure for two or three species of interacting particles

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    We construct explicit examples of one-dimensional driven diffusive systems for two and three species of interacting particles, defined by asymmetric dynamical rules which do not obey detailed balance, but whose nonequilibrium stationary-state measure coincides with a prescribed equilibrium Gibbs measure. For simplicity, the measures considered in this construction only involve nearest-neighbor interactions. For two species, the dynamics thus obtained generically has five free parameters, and does not obey pairwise balance in general. The latter property is satisfied only by the totally asymmetric dynamics and the partially asymmetric dynamics with uniform bias, i.e., the cases originally considered by Katz, Lebowitz, and Spohn. For three species of interacting particles, with nearest-neighbor interactions between particles of the same species, the totally asymmetric dynamics thus obtained has two free parameters, and obeys pairwise balance. These models are put in perspective with other examples of driven diffusive systems. The emerging picture is that asymmetric (nonequilibrium) stochastic dynamics leading to a given stationary-state measure are far more constrained (in terms of numbers of free parameters) than the corresponding symmetric (equilibrium) dynamics.Comment: 18 pages, 8 tables, 1 figure. Stylistic and other minor improvement

    Direct Oral Anticoagulants for Thromboprophylaxis in Patients with Antiphospholipid Syndrome

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    The current mainstay of the treatment and secondary thromboprophylaxis of thrombotic antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is anticoagulation with warfarin or other vitamin K antagonists (VKAs). In addition to their well-known limitations, VKAs are often problematic in APS patients because of the variable sensitivity of thromboplastins to lupus anticoagulant. As a result, the international normalized ratio may not accurately reflect the intensity of anticoagulation. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are established as therapeutic alternatives to VKAs for a wide range of indications, including the treatment and secondary prevention of venous thromboembolism. Definition of the role of DOACs in the treatment of thrombotic APS is emerging with the results of recent and ongoing clinical studies. This review focuses on the current situation with regard to DOACs for secondary thromboprophylaxis in APS and issues pertinent to DOAC use in APS patients, as well as potential future directions

    No N=4 Strings on Wolf Spaces

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    We generalize the standard N=2N=2 supersymmetric Kazama-Suzuki coset construction to the N=4N=4 case by requiring the {\it non-linear} (Goddard-Schwimmer) N=4Β N=4~ quasi-superconformal algebra to be realized on cosets. The constraints that we find allow very simple geometrical interpretation and have the Wolf spaces as their natural solutions. Our results obtained by using components-level superconformal field theory methods are fully consistent with standard results about N=4N=4 supersymmetric two-dimensional non-linear sigma-models and N=4N=4 WZNW models on Wolf spaces. We construct the actions for the latter and express the quaternionic structure, appearing in the N=4N=4 coset solution, in terms of the symplectic structure associated with the underlying Freudenthal triple system. Next, we gauge the N=4Β N=4~ QSCA and build a quantum BRST charge for the N=4N=4 string propagating on a Wolf space. Surprisingly, the BRST charge nilpotency conditions rule out the non-trivial Wolf spaces as consistent string backgrounds.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, special macros are include

    The effect of thermal annealing on the properties of Al-AlOx-Al single electron tunneling transistors

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    The effect of thermal annealing on the properties of Al-AlOx-Al single electron tunneling transistors is reported. After treatment of the devices by annealing processes in forming gas atmosphere at different temperatures and for different times, distinct and reproducible changes of their resistance and capacitance values were found. According to the temperature regime, we observed different behaviors as regards the resistance changes, namely the tendency to decrease the resistance by annealing at T = 200 degree C, but to increase the resistance by annealing at T = 400 degree C. We attribute this behavior to changes in the aluminum oxide barriers of the tunnel junctions. The good reproducibility of these effects with respect to the changes observed allows the proper annealing treatment to be used for post-process tuning of tunnel junction parameters. Also, the influence of the annealing treatment on the noise properties of the transistors at low frequency was investigated. In no case did the noise figures in the 1/f-regime show significant changes.Comment: 6 pages, 7 eps-figure

    Comprehensive airborne characterization of aerosol from a major bovine source

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    We report an extensive airborne characterization of aerosol downwind of a massive bovine source in the San Joaquin Valley (California) on two flights during July 2007. The Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS) Twin Otter probed chemical composition, particle size distribution, mixing state, sub- and supersaturated water uptake behavior, light scattering properties, and the interrelationship between these parameters and meteorology. Total PM_(1.0) levels and concentrations of organics. nitrate. and ammonium were enhanced in the plume from the source as compared to the background aerosol. Organics dominated the plume aerosol mass (~56-64%), followed either by sulfate or nitrate. and then ammonium. Particulate amines were detected in the plume aerosol by a particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS) and via mass spectral inarkers in the Aerodvne C-ToF-AMS. Amines were found to be a significant atmospheric base even in the presence of arnmonia; particulate amine concentrations are estimated as at least 14-23% of that of ammonium in the plume. Enhanced sub- and supersaturated water uptake and reduced refractive indices were coincident with lower organic mass fractions, higher nitrate mass fractions, and the detection of amines. The likelihood of suppressed droplet growth owing to kinetic limitations from hydrophobic organic material is explored. After removing effects associated with size distribution and mixing state, the normalized activated fraction of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) increased as a function of the subsaturated hygroscopic growth factor, with the highest activated fractions being consistent with relatively lower organic mass fractions and higher nitrate mass fractions. Subsaturated hygroscopic growth factors for the organic fraction of the aerosol are estimated based on employing the Zdanovskii-Stokes Robinson (ZSR) mixing rule. Representative values for a parameterization treating particle water uptake in both the sub- and supersaturated regimes are reported for incorporation into atmospheric models
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