357 research outputs found

    Promoting Women's Leadership

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    This document presents guidelines financial institutions should have in place to support women leaders, and Guidelines "What women need to do to grow as leaders and support internal diversity", both with practice examples

    Exploring the Perception of Leadership Networks in a U SPORTS Basketball Team

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    There is no “one size fits all” approach to leadership, as each leadership network is unique. These complex leadership networks rely on interdependent relationships to build trust and cohesion to align to a single vision of success. This study looked to build on Fransen et al.'s (2014, 2015a, 2015b, 2020) research by implementing a mixed methods approach. This study’s purpose was fulfilled using the quantitative Social Network Analysis (SNA) tool used by Fransen et al. (2014, 2015a, 2015b, 2020) and adding qualitative methodology to the inquire on the leadership networks in a basketball team. Furthermore, the researcher aimed to determine the relevance of the Integrated Leadership Model (ILM) in the study’s network. This study follows a singular case study approach to leadership in SNA, rather than aggregate analysis, that is consistent with the recommendations provided in Flemington et al. (2023). To guide this study, the following research questions were used to address the purpose of the project: (1) What aspects of the top-down, bottom-up and shared leadership models exist within the context of a U SPORTS basketball team? (2) How do U SPORTS basketball team members experience the network of leadership within a U SPORTS basketball team? The analyzed quantitative and qualitative data revealed the present network demonstrated varying levels of top-down, bottom-up and shared leadership. Such core directional leadership was represented through variable vertical and lateral influence throughout the network. However, the ILM as constructed by Locke (2003) does not encapsulate the full scope of complexity that was present within this study’s network. Therefore, the researcher proposed using a new model for leadership (Integrated Shared Leadership Model) rooted in the ILM that acknowledges the complex hierarchical structure of a leadership network in a U SPORTS basketball team. The methods and results of the present study can help practitioners identify leadership structures within their present network and operationalize leadership actions that may drive success of the team. In so doing so, this will allow coaches and athletes to approach the day-to-day activities of their team confidently as they search for success in the complex and beautiful world of team sport

    Ninja 300 Motorcycle Luggage Rack

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    The product is a motorcycle luggage rack compatible with the Kawasaki Ninja 300. This report elaborates on all aspects of the team’s work in developing this product. First, the motivations and foundational work for this project are discussed. Then, the team’s design of the entire product as a whole, and each of its subsystems are clearly laid out. System testing and results are also provided, followed by a cost breakdown of the whole process. Next, patents and engineering standards are listed as a documented justification for the team’s project. Finally, an overall project evaluation is conducted by the team

    Érzékszervi minőségmérés egy esettanulmányon keresztül = Sensory quality measurement: a case study

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    Az elfogyasztott termékek, illetve az igénybe vett szolgáltatások igazi értékelését mindig a végfelhasználó, vagyis a fogyasztó végzi. A vásárlás megismétlésére vonatkozó döntést a fogyasztás, illetve a fogyasztói megelégedettség determinálja. Ezért az utóbbi 60 év folyamán a termékjellemzők meghatározására irányuló érzékszervi minőségmérések tudományos megközelítése világszerte egyre nagyobb figyelmet kap. A Fülöp-szigetek egyik legnagyobb élelmiszervállalkozása, a Red Ribbon Bakeshop, Inc. (RRBI) korán felismerve ezen módszer értékét, m eghatározó helyet biztosítva ennek a sütőiparban és a ’fast food’ biznisz területén. Mégis, 2006-ban - amikor a vállalatnál felülvizsgálták a stratégiai irányokat - az RRBI úgy látta, hogy a meglevő Érzékszervi Fejlesztő Program juk „rehabilitációra” szorul. Együttműködve a kiválasztott külső tanácsadóval, az RRBI minőségbiztosítási menedzsere megtervezett egy sor házon belüli továbbképzési programot. Mindettől azt várták, hogy javuljanak a m unkatársak érzékszervi minőségmérő képességei. A rendszeres támogató közreműködéssel (coaching) kiegészített képzés sorrendben a következő modulokra terjedt ki: (a) Az érzékszervi értékelés alapmódszerei; (b) Tremékspecifikus érzékszervi értékelés, középpontban a fogyasztói elégedettséggel; (c) Szakértő bírálók kiválasztása, képzése és kalibrálása; (d) Statisztikai módszerek alkalmazása; (e) Statisztikai folyamatszabályozás; (f) Kísérlettervezés. A középpontban mindig a termékfejlesztés ált. Az érzékszervi programokhoz egy éven keresztül rendszeresen (havonta kétszer) tám ogató részvétel is társult, mivel a képzést követően az egyes modulokat átültették a gyakorlatba. A tanácsadónak ez az irányító tevékenysége a mai napig folytatódik, biztosítva a megfelelő alkalmazást és - szükség esetén - a korrekciós lépések megtételét. A mérési folyamatokhoz kialakított érzékszervi pontozólapok segítségével statisztikai alapokon végzik az adatgyűjtést, a hipotézisek tesztelését, az elemzést, az értelmezést, és készítik a jelentést. Hála a valóban tudományos és statisztikai alapokon nyugvó megközelítésnek, az érzékszervi minőségmérés alkalmazását most már az élelmiszereken túlm enően hasonló és más - jelentősen eltérő - term ékekre is kiterjesztették. The ultimate judgment on any product consumed or service rendered is given by the enduser - the customer. Any decision for a repeat buy is determined by the personal satisfaction gained from its consumption or use by the consumer. For this reason, scientific approaches to sensory quality m easurem ents that will define product characteristics, has increasingly gained much global attention during the last fifty years down to the present. One of the leading food companies in the Philippines, “Red Ribbon Bakeshop, Inc” (R R B I) had recognized the value of this tool and adopted it as one of their major spearheads in their meteoric rise in the bakery and fast food business. Yet, by year 2006, when a company review of strategic directions was necessitated, RRBI decided they also needed “rehabilitation” of their existing Sensory Evaluation Program. Together with their chosen external consultant-trainer, the RRBI Quality Assurance M anager designed a series of training and coaching in-house programs. This was expected to enhance employee capabilities for sensory quality m easurem ent in the company’s four major operations. The training, interspersed with regular coaching, covered in sequential fashion the following modules: (a) Basic Sensory Evaluation Methods; (b) Advance Sensory: Focus on Customer Satisfaction; (c) Panelist Selection, Training and Calibration; (d) Applied statistical Methods; (e) Statistical Process Control; and (f) Design of Experiments with Focus on Product Development and Improvement. The sensory programs were spread out with-in one year with regular twice-monthly coaching as each module was applied on the shopfloor after training. The C o nsultant’s coaching activities, to ensure proper applications and corrective action (when needed), is continuing to date. Sensory score-sheets, designed as tools for the measurement processes were statistically-based covering data collection, hypothesistesting, analysis, interpretation and reporting. Because of its highly scientific and statistically-based approaches, sensory quality m easurem ent is now utilized beyond food and related products. This is used not only to determine customer requirements, but also to monitor o n e’s perform ance in providing custom er satisfaction relative to their competitors

    BikeShare Business Model For Cal Poly- San Luis Obispo

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    With the increasing admittance of students into colleges and universities across the nation, the need for alternate modes of transportation is becoming more pressing. College and university campuses, as well as small cities, in which there is a college or university, are being overloaded with student cars. In San Luis Obispo specifically, parking on campus as well as downtown can be extremely difficult to find. Traffic is also getting progressively worse, especially at the hour when class begins/ends and student arrive to or leave campus. Financial reasons are yet another deterrent for students at Cal Poly. Parking permits, gas, and costs associated with owning a car make it even more difficult for students to be able to afford driving. City busses have attempted to resolve this issue, but with their set schedules, routes, and capacity, they only provide a band-aid solution. BikeShare seeks to solve this problem by offering students an affordable means of transportation, which they will have access to at all times. San Luis Obispo is the town to start this new sustainable movement in, and when proven successful, others will follow in its wake. SLO is constantly seeking to make the town a better place to live as seen through its implementation of a no plastic bag policy in grocery stores, elimination of drive-thrus, limiting outdoor smoking, and hosting a weekly farmers market. These are just a few of the successful policies and events that have been brought to SLO and have become part of its culture. As not only an innovative green idea, but also a practical means of transportation, the implementation of a BikeShare system in SLO will further this image that it is creating for itself. BikeSharing will give students and residents of SLO an alternate mode of transportation in the sharing of these communal bikes. After implementation and expansion of this program, financial success is expected as well. Through the acquisition of membership fees, payment from advertisements, government grants, and donations, BikeShare is believed to be a self-sustaining, if not profitable business. After developing and analyzing various BikeShare models, the model in which the remote bike locking system which uses existing bike racks around San Luis Obispo to lock the bike up at was decided upon. This was due to its low start up cost paired with the relative security of the bikes and preferences over other models by both users as well as from the business’ point of view

    Characterization of aggregate resistance to degradation in stone matrix asphalt mixtures

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    Stone matrix asphalt (SMA) mixtures rely on stone-on-stone contacts among particles to resist applied forces and permanent deformation. Aggregates in SMA should resist degradation (fracture and abrasion) under high stresses at the contact points. This study utilizes conventional techniques as well as advanced imaging techniques to evaluate aggregate characteristics and their resistance to degradation. Aggregates from different sources and types with various shape characteristics were used in this study. The Micro-Deval test was used to measure aggregate resistance to abrasion. The aggregate imaging system (AIMS) was then used to examine the changes in aggregate characteristics caused by abrasion forces in the Micro-Deval. The resistance of aggregates to degradation in SMA was evaluated through the analysis of aggregate gradation before and after compaction using conventional mechanical sieve analysis and nondestructive X-ray computed tomography (CT). The findings of this study led to the development of an approach for the evaluation of aggregate resistance to degradation in SMA. This approach measures aggregate degradation in terms of abrasion, breakage, and loss of texture

    Impact of COVID-19 and emotional states of Filipino university students

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    The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has extremely caused massive disruptions in the education sector, and this led to the adoption of full-distance learning modalities across different educational institutions worldwide. However, studies are still needed within the context of the Philippines in terms of the impact of the pandemic on university students in light of a gradual limited face-to-face transition. This study determined the Filipino college students’ perceived impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress symptomatology (DASS) among them. This cross-sectional study surveyed Filipino university students from a public higher education institution in the Philippines via convenience sampling. A total of 3,718 students participated in the study. Analysis showed that despite the respondents’ level of DASS being roughly similar and normal, half of them is experiencing mild to extremely severe symptomatology. Further results indicated that there is a statistically significant difference in their DASS when grouped according to their gender and class level. The findings will be beneficial to multiple stakeholders in designing data-driven policies that would maximize the possibility of a safe resumption of limited, gradual, and eventually, full face-to-face modalities

    Alcohol-Dependent Individuals Discount Sex at Higher Rates than Controls

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    Background Research on delay discounting has expanded our understanding of substance dependence in many ways. Recently, orderly discounting of sexual rewards has been demonstrated in both substance-dependent individuals, and healthy controls. Less clear, however, is if rates of sexual discounting are higher than controls in alcohol-dependent-individuals. Methods 20 Alcohol-dependent individuals and 21 healthy control participants completed two delay-discounting tasks. One task involved monetary rewards, whereas the other involved the discounting of sexual rewards (i.e., number of sex acts). Results Alcohol dependent individuals discounted sexual rewards at significantly higher rates than did controls. There was a trend towards, but not a similarly significant relation for the discounting of monetary rewards. Conclusions Rates of sexual discounting are elevated in alcohol dependent individuals. If this relation is replicated in other at risk populations, the rapid devaluation of sexual rewards may be a behavioral marker of impulsive sexual choices

    Development of Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Smart Irrigation Using Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most recent agricultural technology. In agriculture, water is used to irrigate the plants so that they can flourish. Due to the scarcity of water in most parts of the world, the watering process is one of the most significant and crucial procedures. To address this issue, a smart irrigation system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) was developed utilizing AI technology, an Arduino Uno microcontroller, and sensors. The objective of this study is to develop a modified ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System) AI algorithm for improved automated irrigation system decision control and to reduce the computing complexity of ANFIS architectural layers. It also seeks to develop an integrated system for monitoring and managing irrigation to increase agricultural output using MANFIS and the Internet of Things. Lastly, is to determine the difference of algorithmic complexity between the conventional ANFIS and Modified ANFIS. As a result, architectural layers were reduced into 3 layers, INPUT, PROCESS and OUTPUT. It also waters the plant automatically and sends signals regarding smart irrigation system information such as the tank's water level, the plant's soil moisture content, and the trigging factor, or the quantity of water to be released which enables the farmers to monitor and manage its irrigation system using the IoT. The simulations were carried out using MATLAB software, a fuzzy logic controller is used to control the whole system by providing its input, rules and output. To determine the computational complexity of each method, the ANFIS and modified ANFIS were examined with 100 % success rate
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