853 research outputs found

    Lennox gastaut syndrome, review of the literature and a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) is a severe form of childhood epilepsy that is defined by generalized multiple type seizures, slowness of intellectual growth, and a specific EEG disturbance. Children affected might previously have infantile spasms or underlying brain disorder but etiology can be idiopathic. In South Africa, the incidence of secondary epilepsy is higher than what is found in developed countries resulting in higher incidence of the disease. LGS seizures are often treatment resistant and the long term prognosis is poor.</p> <p>Report</p> <p>A twenty six year old female, presented with anterior open bite, macroglossia, supragingival as well as subgingival calculus. The gingiva was red, swollen and friable and there was generalized bleeding and localized suppuration. The patient had gingival recession. After periodontal therapy a remarkable improvement in oral health status was noted.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The clinical findings in LGS included facial deformities, periodontitis and gingival swellings. Interdisciplinary treatment of these patients is fundamental and oral attention is of outstanding importance. Non-surgical periodontal therapy was effective in controlling periodontal disease in the reported case, but prevention of periodontal and dental diseases is preferable for this high-risk group of patients.</p

    Ictal Cortical Blindness with Permanent Visual Loss

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    Cortical blindness is rarely an ictal manifestation. We report the case of a man who developed transient cortical blindness followed by permanent visual deficits during repeated partial seizures. Intermittent visual impairment began at age 14 years. After he had the first generalized seizure at age 28 years, neurologic, ophthalmologic, angiographic, and brain computed tomographic (CT) examinations were normal. Several EEGs showed almost continuous biposterior spike-waves. Over the next several years, frequent partial seizures were associated with transient visual loss and left body twitching or paresthesias. When he was 32, transient blindness occurred during several days of repeated occipital seizures. Permanent left homonymous hemianopia, right homonymous central scotoma, dyschromatopsia, and altered stereopsis followed these seizures. Brain CT demonstrated a new right occipital lesion. Partial seizures arising posteriorly may cause transient cortical blindness and result in permanent visual deficits.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65600/1/j.1528-1157.1989.tb05292.x.pd

    Event-related alpha suppression in response to facial motion

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.While biological motion refers to both face and body movements, little is known about the visual perception of facial motion. We therefore examined alpha wave suppression as a reduction in power is thought to reflect visual activity, in addition to attentional reorienting and memory processes. Nineteen neurologically healthy adults were tested on their ability to discriminate between successive facial motion captures. These animations exhibited both rigid and non-rigid facial motion, as well as speech expressions. The structural and surface appearance of these facial animations did not differ, thus participants decisions were based solely on differences in facial movements. Upright, orientation-inverted and luminance-inverted facial stimuli were compared. At occipital and parieto-occipital regions, upright facial motion evoked a transient increase in alpha which was then followed by a significant reduction. This finding is discussed in terms of neural efficiency, gating mechanisms and neural synchronization. Moreover, there was no difference in the amount of alpha suppression evoked by each facial stimulus at occipital regions, suggesting early visual processing remains unaffected by manipulation paradigms. However, upright facial motion evoked greater suppression at parieto-occipital sites, and did so in the shortest latency. Increased activity within this region may reflect higher attentional reorienting to natural facial motion but also involvement of areas associated with the visual control of body effectors. © 2014 Girges et al

    Changes in Seizure Frequency and Test-Retest Scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

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    Test-retest performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) of two groups of adult epilepsy patients are presented and compared. In one group, Seizures Improved (SI) group, seizure frequency had decreased during the test-retest interval, and in the other group, Seizures Unimproved (SU) group, the number of seizures had either increased or stayed the same over the test-retest interval. The SI group showed a significant test-retest improvement on WAIS Verbal IQ, Performance 1Q, and Full Scale IQ, as well as on eight of 11 WAIS subtests. In comparison, the SU group showed significant increases only on the Performance IQ and Object Assembly subtest. Furthermore, differences between the two groups were observed in the pattern of test-retest changes seen on the Performance measures relative to the Verbal measures. The results suggest that change in seizure frequency is one of the factors associated with test-retest changes in the intellectual functioning of epilepsy patients. RÉSUMÉ Les rÉsultats obtenus À I‘Échelle de WAIS (Wechsler Adults Intelligence Scale) a partir d'une passation I (test) et d'une passation II (retest) chez deux groupes d'Épileptiques adultes sont prÉsentÉs et compares: (a) Dans un groupe la frequence des crises a diminue dur-ant I'intervalle “test-retest” (c'est a dire dans I'inter-valle separant la passation I (test) de la passation II (retest): Groupe des crises ameliorees (SI: seizures improved), (b) Dans l'autre groupe le nombre des crises au contraire a augmente ou bien est reste iden-tique au cours de I'intervalle “test-retest”: Groupe des crises non ameliorees (SU: seizures unimproved). Le groupe des “crises ameliorees” montre une amelioration significative tant sur le plan du QIV (quotient de I'echelle verbale), que du QIP (quotient de I'echelle performance) et du QIG (quotient global), ainsi que de 8 des subtests parmi les onze que contien I'echelle. En comparaison le groupe des “crises non ameliorees” ne montre une amelioration significative qu'au niveau du QIP et en particulier sur le subtest d'assemblage d'ob-jets (celui-ci faisant partie de I'echelle performance). De plus, on observe entre les deux groupes des differences du “type” des modifications entrainees par la situation “test-retest”, sur les rÉsultats obtenus a I'echelle performance et ceux obtensus a I'echelle verbale. Ces rÉsultats permettent de suggerer que, dans le fonctionnement intellectuel des sujets epileptiques, les changements dans la frequence des crises sont un des facteurs a mettre en correlation avec les changements observes a partir de la situation “test-retest”. RESUMEN Se compararon dos grupos de adultos con epilepsia por medio del rendimiento en dos tests de WAIS. En un grupo, la frecuencia de los ataques habia disminuido en el intervalo entre el primer test y el segundo [grupo con mejoria (SI)], mientras que en el otro el mimero de crisis no habia variado o habia au-mentado [grupo sin mejoria (SU)]. El grupo SI mostro una mejoria en laescala verbal CI, en la realizacion CI, en la escala total de CI y en los subtests WAIS. En comparacion, el grupo SU solo mostro un aumento significativo en la realizacion CI y en el subtest de Reunion de Objetos. Ademas, se observaron diferen-cias entre los dos grupos en lo que respecta a la prim-era y a la segunda prueba en la realizacion de las medidas verbales. Los resultados sugieren que los cambios en la frecuencia de los ataques juegan un papel en lo que respecta a funciÓn intelectual cuando se compara el primer WAIS con el segundo. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Test und Retest Ergebnisse im WAIS von 2 Gruppen erwachsener Epileptiker werden dargestellt und ver-glichen. In einer Gruppe hatte die Anfallshaufigkeit wahrend des Test-Retest-Intervalls abgenommen– verbesserte Gruppe (SI)–und in einer anderen Gruppe war die Anfallshaufigkeit entweder gestiegen oder gleich geblieben wahrend des Test-Retest-Intervalls– unveranderte Gruppe (SU). Die SI-Gruppe zeigte signifikante Verbesserung zwischen Test und Retest im Verbal-IQ des WAIS, im Handlungsteil und im Gesamt-IQ ebenso wie in 8 von 11 WAIS Subtests. Im Vergleich hierzu zeigte die SU-Gruppe signifikante Verbesserung nur im Handlungs-IQ und im Objekte-zuordnungs-Subtest. Weiterhin wurden Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Gruppen im Muster der Test-Retest-Veranderungen im Verhaltnis des Handlung-steils zum Verbalteil bemerkt. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dalJ die Veranderung der Anfallshaufigkeit einer der Faktoren ist, der hinsichtlich der in-tellektuellen Funktion anfallskranker Patienten Bezie-hungen zu den Veranderungen des Test-Retest-Ergeb-nis aufweist.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65457/1/j.1528-1157.1981.tb04334.x.pd

    In-home evaluation of efficacy and titration of a mandibular advancement device for obstructive sleep apnea

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    There is increasing evidence that mandibular advancement devices (MADs) can be an effective treatment for some patients with obstructive sleep apnea, a highly prevalent chronic disease. In this study, the objectives were to objectively assess the effectiveness of MAD therapy using a limited channel recorder, and to develop a model for identifying patients who may be appropriate for MAD therapy as the initial treatment option. Thirty patients were prospectively recruited and studied at two independent dentist offices and the participants’ homes. Subjects wore the ARES Unicorder for two nights before insertion of the MAD, and again when the dentist determined that the patient had reached the titration endpoint. Self-reported measures of depression, sleepiness, and quality of life were obtained pre- and posttreatment. The reviewer was blinded to the study status while the physiological signals were being visually inspected. Significant reductions in the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI), hypoxemia measures, and snoring level were observed posttreatment. Twenty-seven of the 30 (90%) patients had a posttreatment AHI (using a 4% desaturation for hypopneas) below a clinical cut-off of 10. All but one patient (97%) exhibited at least a 50% decrease in AHI or had a posttreatment AHI ≤ 10. Significant differences in body mass index, weight, and neck circumference in patients with posttreatment AHIs above and below a clinical cut-off of five were identified. The linear regression used to predict the posttreatment AHI using pretreatment data resulted in an R2 of 0.68. The model correctly predicted two patients who were unable to obtain a posttreatment AHI of 10 or less. This study was designed to demonstrate two models of collaboration between a dental sleep medicine specialist and a sleep medicine physician in the monitoring of a patient treated with a MAD. The outcome data suggest that the limited channel recording system can be used as an alternative to laboratory polysomnography to reduce the cost of MAD treatment, and to improve the quality and consistency of posttreatment patient care

    The Dynamics of Sensorimotor Cortical Oscillations during the Observation of Hand Movements: An EEG Study

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    Background The observation of action done by others determines a desynchronization of the rhythms recorded from cortical central regions. Here, we examined whether the observation of different types of hand movements (target directed, non-target directed, cyclic and non-cyclic) elicits different EEG cortical temporal patterns. Methodology Video-clips of four types of hand movements were shown to right-handed healthy participants. Two were target directed (grasping and pointing) motor acts; two were non-target directed (supinating and clenching) movements. Grasping and supinating were performed once, while pointing and clenching twice (cyclic movements). High-density EEG was recorded and analyzed by means of wavelet transform, subdividing the time course in time bins of 200 ms. The observation of all presented movements produced a desynchronization of alpha and beta rhythms in central and parietal regions. The rhythms desynchronized as soon as the hand movement started, the nadir being reached around 700 ms after movement onset. At the end of the movement, a large power rebound occurred for all bands. Target and non-target directed movements produced an alpha band desynchronization in the central electrodes at the same time, but with a stronger desynchronization and a prolonged rebound for target directed motor acts. Most interestingly, there was a clear correlation between the velocity profile of the observed movements and beta band modulation. Significance Our data show that the observation of motor acts determines a modulation of cortical rhythm analogous to that occurring during motor act execution. In particular, the cortical motor system closely follows the velocity of the observed movements. This finding provides strong evidence for the presence in humans of a mechanism (mirror mechanism) mapping action observation on action execution motor programs