69 research outputs found

    Effects of preset sequential administrations of sunitinib and everolimus on tumour differentiation in Caki-1 renal cell carcinoma.

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    BACKGROUND: Sunitinib (VEGFR/PDGFR inhibitor) and everolimus (mTOR inhibitor) are both approved for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) as first-line and second-line therapy, respectively. In the clinics, sunitinib treatment is limited by the emergence of acquired resistance, leading to a switch to second-line treatment at progression, often based on everolimus. No data have been yet generated on programmed alternating sequential strategies combining alternative use of sunitinib and everolimus before progression. Such strategy is expected to delay the emergence of acquired resistance and improve tumour control. The aim of our study was to assess the changes in tumours induced by three different sequences administration of sunitinib and everolimus. METHODS: In human Caki-1 RCC xenograft model, sunitinib was alternated with everolimus every week, every 2 weeks, or every 3 weeks. Effects on necrosis, hypoxia, angiogenesis, and EMT status were assessed by immunohisochemistry and immunofluorescence. RESULTS: Sunitinib and everolimus programmed sequential regimens before progression yielded longer median time to tumour progression than sunitinib and everolimus monotherapies. In each group of treatment, tumour growth control was associated with inhibition of mTOR pathway and changes from a mesenchymal towards an epithelial phenotype, with a decrease in vimentin and an increase in E-cadherin expression. The sequential combinations of these two agents in a RCC mouse clinical trial induced antiangiogenic effects, leading to tumour necrosis. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, our study showed that alternate sequence of sunitinib and everolimus mitigated the development of mesenchymal phenotype compared with sunitinib as single agent

    Seroprevalence of 34 Human Papillomavirus Types in the German General Population

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    The natural history of infections with many human papillomavirus (HPV) types is poorly understood. Here, we describe for the first time the age- and sex-dependent antibody prevalence for 29 cutaneous and five mucosal HPV types from 15 species within five phylogenetic genera (alpha, beta, gamma, mu, nu) in a general population. Sera from 1,797 German adults and children (758 males and 1,039 females) between 1 and 82 years (median 37 years) were analysed for antibodies to the major capsid protein L1 by Luminex-based multiplex serology. The first substantial HPV antibody reactions observed already in children and young adults are those to cutaneous types of the genera nu (HPV 41) and mu (HPV 1, 63). The antibody prevalence to mucosal high-risk types, most prominently HPV 16, was elevated after puberty in women but not in men and peaked between 25 and 34 years. Antibodies to beta and gamma papillomaviruses (PV) were rare in children and increased homogeneously with age, with prevalence peaks at 40 and 60 years in women and 50 and 70 years in men. Antibodies to cutaneous alpha PV showed a heterogeneous age distribution. In summary, these data suggest three major seroprevalence patterns for HPV of phylogenetically distinct genera: antibodies to mu and nu skin PV appear early in life, those to mucosal alpha PV in women after puberty, and antibodies to beta as well as to gamma skin PV accumulate later in life

    Partial Segmental Thrombosis of the Corpus Cavernosum (PSTCC) diagnosed by contrast-enhanced ultrasound: a case report

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    Background Partial segmental thrombosis of the corpus cavernosum (PSTCC) is a rare disease predominantly occurring in young men. Cardinal symptoms are pain and perineal swelling. Although several risk factors are described in the literature, the exact etiology of penile thrombosis remains unclear in most cases. MRI or ultrasound (US) is usually used for diagnosing this condition. Case presentation We report a case of penile thrombosis after left-sided varicocele ligature in a young patient. The diagnosis was established using contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and was confirmed by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ceMRI). Successful conservative treatment consisted of systemic anticoagulation using low molecular weight heparin and acetylsalicylic acid. Conclusion PSTCC is a rare condition in young men and appears with massive pain and perineal swelling. In case of suspected PSTCC utilization of CEUS may be of diagnostic benefit

    Self-configuring nnU-net pipeline enables fully automatic infarct segmentation in late enhancement MRI after myocardial infarction

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    Purpose To fully automatically derive quantitative parameters from late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiac MR (CMR) in patients with myocardial infarction and to investigate if phase sensitive or magnitude reconstructions or a combination of both results in best segmentation accuracy. Methods In this retrospective single center study, a convolutional neural network with a U-Net architecture with a self-configuring framework (“nnU-net”) was trained for segmentation of left ventricular myocardium and infarct zone in LGE-CMR. A database of 170 examinations from 78 patients with history of myocardial infarction was assembled. Separate fitting of the model was performed, using phase sensitive inversion recovery, the magnitude reconstruction or both contrasts as input channels. Manual labelling served as ground truth. In a subset of 10 patients, the performance of the trained models was evaluated and quantitatively compared by determination of the Sørensen-Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and volumes of the infarct zone compared with the manual ground truth using Pearson’s r correlation and Bland-Altman analysis. Results The model achieved high similarity coefficients for myocardium and scar tissue. No significant difference was observed between using PSIR, magnitude reconstruction or both contrasts as input (PSIR and MAG; mean DSC: 0.83 ± 0.03 for myocardium and 0.72 ± 0.08 for scars). A strong correlation for volumes of infarct zone was observed between manual and model-based approach (r = 0.96), with a significant underestimation of the volumes obtained from the neural network. Conclusion The self-configuring nnU-net achieves predictions with strong agreement compared to manual segmentation, proving the potential as a promising tool to provide fully automatic quantitative evaluation of LGE-CMR

    An investigation into potential gender-specific differences in myocardial triglyceride content assessed by 1^{1}H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 3Tesla

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    Objective: Over the past decade, myocardial triglyceride content has become an accepted biomarker for chronic metabolic and cardiac disease. The purpose of this study was to use proton (hydrogen 1)-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1^{1}H-MRS) at 3Tesla (3 T) field strength to assess potential gender-related differences in myocardial triglyceride content in healthy individuals. Methods: Cardiac MR imaging was performed to enable accurate voxel placement and obtain functional and morphological information. Double triggered (i.e., ECG and respiratory motion gating) 1^{1}H-MRS was used to quantify myocardial triglyceride levels for each gender. Two-sample t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used for statistical analyses. Results: In total, 40 healthy volunteers (22 male, 18 female; aged >18 years and age matched) were included in the study. Median myocardial triglyceride content was 0.28% (interquartile range [IQR] 0.17–0.42%) in male and 0.24% (IQR 0.14–0.45%) in female participants, and no statistically significant difference was observed between the genders. Furthermore, no gender-specific difference in ejection fraction was observed, although on average, male participants presented with a higher mean ± SD left ventricular mass (136.3 ± 25.2 g) than female participants (103.9 ± 16.1 g). Conclusions: The study showed that 1^{1}H-MRS is a capable, noninvasive tool for acquisition of myocardial triglyceride metabolites. Myocardial triglyceride concentration was shown to be unrelated to gender in this group of healthy volunteers

    Next generation coronary CT angiography: in vitro evaluation of 27 coronary stents

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    To evaluate in-stent lumen visibility of 27 modern and commonly used coronary stents (16 individual stent types, two stents at six different sizes each) utilising a third-generation dual-source CT system. Stents were implanted in a plastic tube filled with contrast. Examinations were performed parallel to the system's z-axis for all stents (i.e. 0A degrees) and in an orientation of 90A degrees for stents with a diameter of 3.0 mm. Two stents were evaluated in different diameters (2.25 to 4.0 mm). Examinations were acquired with a collimation of 96 x 0.6 mm, tube voltage of 120 kVp with 340 mAs tube current. Evaluation was performed using a medium-soft (Bv40), a medium-sharp (Bv49) and a sharp (Bv59) convolution kernel optimised for vascular imaging. Mean visible stent lumen of stents with 3.0 mm diameter ranged from 53.3 % (IQR 48.9 -aEuro parts per thousand 56.7 %) to 73.9 % (66.7 -aEuro parts per thousand 76.7 %), depending on the kernel used at 0A degrees, and was highest at an orientation of 90A degrees with 80.0 % (75.6 -aEuro parts per thousand 82.8 %) using the Bv59 kernel, strength 4. Visible stent lumen declined with decreasing stent size. Use of third-generation dual-source CT enables stent lumen visibility of up to 80 % in metal stents and 100 % in bioresorbable stents. aEuro cent Blooming artefacts impair in-stent lumen visibility of coronary stents in CT angiography. aEuro cent CT enables stent lumen visibility of up to 80 % in metal stents. aEuro cent Stent lumen visibility varies with stent orientation and size. aEuro cent CT angiography may be a valid alternative for detecting in-stent restenosis

    CXC chemokine receptor 4 is essential for maintenance of renal cell carcinoma-initiating cells and predicts metastasis.

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    In many solid tumors, cancer stem cells (CSC) represent a population with tumor-initiating, self-renewal, and differentiation potential, which can be identified by surface protein markers. No generally applicable markers are yet known for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Two RCC cell lines (RCC-26, RCC-53) were found to differ widely in their capacity to form spheres in vitro and to establish tumors in mice, potentially reflecting differences in CSC content. A subpopulation expressing the CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) was present only in the more tumorigenic cell line RCC-53. When grown as spheres, most of the RCC-53 cells were CXCR4-positive, expressed stem cell-associated transcription factor genes at elevated levels, and were more resistant toward the tyrosine kinase inhibitors sunitinib, sorafenib, and pazopanib. Sorted CXCR4-positive cells exhibited greater capacity for sphere formation and tumor growth-inducing potential in vivo than CXCR4-negative cells. Significantly, higher CXCR4 mRNA levels in primary RCC tumors from patients with localized but not disseminated disease predicted shorter survival. Downregulation of CXCR4 expression by small interfering RNA (siRNA) or pharmacological inhibition by AMD3100 compromised tumor sphere formation, viability of CXCR4-positive cells, and increased their responsiveness toward tyrosine kinase inhibitors. In conclusion, CXCR4 identifies a subpopulation of tumor-initiating cells in RCC cell lines and plays a role in their maintenance. The relative insensitivity of such cells to tyrosine kinase inhibitors might contribute to the development of therapy resistance in RCC patients. Future therapies therefore could combine blockade of the CXCR4 signaling pathway with standard therapies for more effective treatments of metastatic RCC

    [Ultrasound microscopy in the upper aerodigestive tract. Initial clinical experiences]

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    Initial clinical experiences with ultrasound microscopy in the upper aerodigestive tract are described