2 research outputs found

    Community Based Diversity Management: Analysis of Community Activities Building Post-Conflict Social Harmony in Tual, Maluku Province, Indonesia

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    Ethnic and religious diversity have often been used as a source of conflict between different groups of people. However, pluralistic societies’ local wisdom offers a potential tool for long-term building of peace. This study investigated the practice of diversity management by post-conflict communities in Tual, Maluku Province, Indonesia, along with the factors that support community-based diversity management and forms of activities that contribute to the creation of social harmony in the city. Research was conducted in 2017 through a field study, using qualitative methods to observe the ways in which community groups in the region developed post-conflict social harmony, with data constantly updated to determine the dynamics of diversity management in the community. Two important findings were made. First, shared cultural and historical factors, availability of public spaces for encounters, and traumatic transformation influence and support diversity management and contribute to the creation of social harmony in Tual. And second, several communities were built by community initiatives as the foundation of managing diversity.Community daily activities proved to be effective in ensuring long-term peace building. Based on the reality of social lives in Tual, this study confirmed that a cultural approach is still relevant in efforts to end communal conflict and build social harmony, and synergy between stakeholders is needed to strengthen the social and cultural capital owned by community groups in conflict areas

    Membangun nilai persekutuan melalui gaya dan bentuk musik iringan tari Seka (Ehe Lauwn) di desa Babyotan, pulau Masela, Maluku Barat Daya

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    The accompaniment of the large-scale dance "Ehe Lawn" in Babyotan Village, Masela Island, Southwest Maluku District, is a sub-element of the community's culture which is important and needs to be developed towards a steady stage and is expected to enrich the national culture. The accompanying Seka dance music consists of one large tifa, and two small tifa is a unit that is directly integrated with the large Seka dance in Babyotan village. Accompanied music is an element of traditional music from the Babyotan community as an expression of various social values, which are a force in the civilization of the community. This article aims to analyze the style and form of Seka dance accompaniment and various values that can be symbolically accommodated in the accompaniment of rithem music patterns. The existence of the Seka dance accompaniment in the context of the Babyotan community from the beginning and then spread to all regions in Maluku Barat Daya is one of the traditions to show the identity of the Maluku Barat Daya community from the beginning until now. This research was conducted using a qualitative methodological approach and has the aim to obtain a finding of 1) Musical styles and forms are used evenly in the "Ehe Lawn" dance format throughout the Maluku Barat Daya region; 2). Expressing social values that are expressionistically found in the pattern of the rhythm of the big Tifa and small Tifa as a unified musical accompaniment of the Seka dance.  AbstrakIringan tari skala besar “Ehe Lawn” di Desa Babyotan, Pulau Masela, Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya, merupakan sub-elemen budaya masyarakat yang penting dan perlu dikembangkan menuju tahap diharapkan dapat memperkaya budaya nasional. Musik tari seka pengiring terdiri dari satu tifa besar, dan dua tifa kecil merupakan satu kesatuan yang menyatu langsung dengan tari seka besar di desa Babyotan. Musik pengiring merupakan salah satu unsur musik tradisional dari masyarakat Babyotan sebagai ekspresi dari berbagai nilai sosial yang menjadi kekuatan dalam peradaban masyarakat tersebut. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gaya dan bentuk iringan tari seka, serta berbagai nilai yang dapat diakomodasi secara simbolis dalam pola musik rithem pengiring. Adanya pengiring tari seka dalam konteks masyarakat Babyotan dari awal dan kemudian menyebar ke seluruh daerah di Maluku Barat Daya, merupakan salah satu tradisi untuk menunjukkan identitas komunitas Maluku Barat Daya dari dulu hingga sekarang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan metodologis kualitatif, dan bertujuan untuk memperoleh temuan tentang: 1) Gaya dan bentuk musik digunakan secara merata dalam format tarian Ehe Lawn di seluruh wilayah Maluku Barat Daya; 2) Mengekspresikan nilai-nilai sosial yang secara ekspresio-nis terdapat pada pola irama tifa besar dan tifa kecil sebagai satu kesatuan musik pengiring tari seka