119 research outputs found
Hydrodynamics of internal solitons and a comparison of SIR-A and SIR-B data with ocean measurements
Large internal solitary waves have been observed by Shuttle SIR-A and SIR-B at locations in the Andaman Sea and the New York Bight. Satellite imagery and oceanographic measurements are used in conjunction with hydrodynamic interaction and electromagnetic scattering models to estimate the expected SAR image intensity modulations associated with the internal waves. There is reasonable agreement between the predicted and observed internal wave signatures
Neutron scattering study of novel magnetic order in Na0.5CoO2
We report polarized and unpolarized neutron scattering measurements of the
magnetic order in single crystals of Na0.5CoO2. Our data indicate that below
T_N=88 K the spins form a novel antiferromagnetic pattern within the CoO2
planes, consisting of alternating rows of ordered and non-ordered Co ions. The
domains of magnetic order are closely coupled to the domains of Na ion order,
consistent with such a two-fold symmetric spin arrangement. Magnetoresistance
and anisotropic susceptibility measurements further support this model for the
electronic ground state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Thermodynamic properties of Ba1-xMxFe2As2 (M = La and K)
The specific heat of BaFeAs single crystal, electron-doped
BaLaFeAs and hole-doped BaKFeAs
polycrystals were measured. For undoped BaFeAs single crystal, a very
sharp specific heat peak was observed at 136 K. This is attributed to the
structural and antiferromagnetic transitions occurring at the same temperature.
of the electron-doped non-superconducting
BaLaFeAs also shows a small peak at 120 K, indicating a
similar but weaker structural/antiferromagnetic transition. For the hole-doped
superconducting BaKFeAs, a clear peak of was
observed at = 36 K, which is the highest peak seen at superconducting
transition for iron-based high- superconductors so far. The electronic
specific heat coefficient and Debye temperature of these
compounds were obtained from the low temperature data
Growth and characterization of A_{1-x}K_xFe_2As_2 (A = Ba, Sr) single crystals with x=0 - 0.4
Single crystals of AKFeAs (A=Ba, Sr) with high quality
have been grown successfully by FeAs self-flux method. The samples have sizes
up to 4 mm with flat and shiny surfaces. The X-ray diffraction patterns suggest
that they have high crystalline quality and c-axis orientation. The
non-superconducting crystals show a spin-density-wave (SDW) instability at
about 173 K and 135 K for Sr-based and Ba-based compound, respectively. After
doping K as the hole dopant into the BaFeAs system, the SDW transition
is smeared, and superconducting samples with the compound of
BaKFeAs (0 0.4) are obtained. The
superconductors characterized by AC susceptibility and resistivity measurements
exhibit very sharp superconducting transition at about 36 K, 32 K, 27 K and 23
K for x= 0.40,0.28,0.25 and 0.23, respectively.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. This paper together with new data are
modified into a new pape
Escherichia coli O157:H7 Productor de toxina Shiga aisladas de muestras de agua relacionadas a Establecimientos pecuarios de engorde a corral
Recientemente han ocurrido brotes debido vegetales contaminados por Escherichia coli productor de toxina Shiga (stec). Estos productos frescos se contaminan a través del contacto directo de heces bovinas (abono), o indirectamente a través de irrigación con agua contaminada. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer la prevalencia de stec O157:H7 en muestras de agua relacionadas a establecimientos pecuarios de engorde a corral (epec) de la provincia de Entre RÃos, Argentina, y su eventual relación con cepas vinculadas a enfermedad transmitida por alimentos. Usando como indicadores microbiológicos, coliformes, Escherichia coli, y anaerobios sufito-reductores, se estudió la eficiencia en el saneamiento de los efluentes de un epec que contaba con un sistema de lagunas sanitarias. Entre abril/2009 y julio/2011 se estudiaron 320 muestras de agua vinculadas a efluentes de 11 epec. Las cepas fueron caracterizadas feno-genotÃpicamente y subtipificadas por macrorrestricción y electroforesis de campo pulsado. Algunos de los perfiles identificados están incluidos en la base de datos nacional, correspondiendo a cepas obtenidas de casos de SÃndrome Urémico HemolÃtico, diarrea, muestras alimenticias y de origen animal. Los epec deben implementar estrategias de control con objeto de limitar el ingreso de stec en el medioambiente acuático. En el sistema de lagunas sanitarias estudiado se constató una franca disminución de los indicares utilizados pero insuficiente para eliminar su aporte al ambiente. La optimización de su funcionamiento es función de su mantenimiento, en especial la frecuente remoción de barros de las primeras piletas
Metamagnetic transition in EuFeAs single crystals
We report the measurements of anisotropic magnetization and magnetoresistance
on single crystals of EuFeAs, a parent compound of ferro-arsenide
high-temperature superconductor. Apart from the antiferromagnetic (AFM)
spin-density-wave transition at 186 K associated with Fe moments, the compound
undergoes another magnetic phase transition at 19 K due to AFM ordering of
Eu spins (). The latter AFM state exhibits metamagnetic
transition under magnetic fields. Upon applying magnetic field with at 2 K, the magnetization increases linearly to 7.0 /f.u. at
=1.7 T, then keeps at this value of saturated Eu moments under
higher fields. In the case of , the magnetization increases
step-like to 6.6 /f.u. with small magnetic hysteresis. A metamagnetic
phase was identified with the saturated moments of 4.4 /f.u. The
metamagnetic transition accompanies with negative in-plane magnetoresistance,
reflecting the influence of Eu moments ordering on the electrical
conduction of FeAs layers. The results were explained in terms of
spin-reorientation and spin-reversal based on an -type AFM structure for
Eu spins. The magnetic phase diagram has been established.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. accepted for publication in New Journal of
Physics as a special issue articl
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