86 research outputs found

    La Pedagogia speciale come scienza inclusiva: alcune riflessioni critiche

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    Special Pedagogy is called to constantly question its traditional epistemological habitus by accepting the challenge posed by the multiplicity of educational‐formative questions emerging from the complex panorama of differences, diversities and “special educational needs”. However, it is necessary that our discipline maintains rigor and specific identity autonomy in the democratic and dialectical comparison with other sciences: the "special and non special" educational needs of each person must be understood and recognized by adopting a plurality of interpretative frameworks characterized by the evolution of skills, knowledge and professionalism suitably revisable, within the current socio‐cultural contexts, going beyond the limits of a mechanistic‐deterministic perspective of the Special Pedagogy itself. Overcoming the risks of a, by now, obsolete identity coincidence, Special Pedagogy is committed to strengthening productive dialectical relationships with inclusive education, using a sensitive and attentive pedagogical gaze aimed at identifying and enhancing new research territories in order to design, with a view to ecological‐systemic, innovative directions of meaning capable of guaranteeing full participation, educational equity and a significant sense of belonging to each and every subject, founding goals of the process of school and social inclusion

    Il docente specializzato di sostegno: problemi e prospettive in ottica inclusiva

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    This article analyses the new role of specialized teacher towards children with special needs, in Italian inclusive school. Inclusion implies a (epistemological) redefinition of the concept of education for all specialized teachers and not, to take in and recognize the needs of students with special needs. Inclusive school, by needing to have the revolutionary structuring of institutional framework,launches a challenge, especially to the traditional role played by the teaching assistant who has to strengthen his/her knowledge and skills, however, without becoming an hyper-specialist. The current scientific debate leads to the evolution of the professional identikit of a teaching assistant who has reached a crossroad marked by antithetical, problematic, in progress, solutions. Inthis context it is important to reflect on the epistemological status of special education to underline the specific role of mediator-agent of change teaching assistant, to support differences and diversities, fairly and democratically.This article analyses the new role of specialized teacher towards children with special needs, in Italian inclusive school. Inclusion implies a (epistemological) redefinition of the concept of education for all specialized teachers and not, to take in and recognize the needs of students with special needs. Inclusive school, by needing to have the revolutionary structuring of institutional framework,launches a challenge, especially to the traditional role played by the teaching assistant who has to strengthen his/her knowledge and skills, however, without becoming an hyper-specialist. The current scientific debate leads to the evolution of the professional identikit of a teaching assistant who has reached a crossroad marked by antithetical, problematic, in progress, solutions. Inthis context it is important to reflect on the epistemological status of special education to underline the specific role of mediator-agent of change teaching assistant, to support differences and diversities, fairly and democratically

    Il nuovo identikit professionale dell’educatore socio-pedagogico in prospettiva inclusiva

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    The socio-pedagogical professional educator, recently redefined by the Law 205/17, Budget Law for the financial year 2018 multiannual budget for the three-year period 2018-2010, section 1, subparagraph 594-601 (G.U. n. 302 of 29/12/17 effective date 1/1/18), assumes a strategic and rigorously recognized role as a professional in the field of educational care and help within the micro and macro social and educational contexts. Nowadays, in fact, these contexts are constantly called to renew themselves in the direction of the affirmation of the inclusive perspective in order to ensure full citizenship, membership and participation rights of all forms to diversity. With reference both to the delicate task of inclusive governance required within the Special Pedagogy and to the careful planning of personalized educational-didactic interventions, it is necessary to critically reread the educational background and skills of our professional. In particular, it is necessary to combine theoretical knowledge with good practices developed to decrease marginalization and inadequate participation of people with “special educational needs”.The socio-pedagogical professional educator, recently redefined by the Law 205/17, Budget Law for the financial year 2018 multiannual budget for the three-year period 2018-2010, section 1, subparagraph 594-601 (G.U. n. 302 of 29/12/17 effective date 1/1/18), assumes a strategic and rigorously recognized role as a professional in the field of educational care and help within the micro and macro social and educational contexts. Nowadays, in fact, these contexts are constantly called to renew themselves in the direction of the affirmation of the inclusive perspective in order to ensure full citizenship, membership and participation rights of all forms to diversity. With reference both to the delicate task of inclusive governance required within the Special Pedagogy and to the careful planning of personalized educational-didactic interventions, it is necessary to critically reread the educational background and skills of our professional. In particular, it is necessary to combine theoretical knowledge with good practices developed to decrease marginalization and inadequate participation of people with “special educational needs”

    DisabilitĂ  uditiva (sorditĂ )

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    La sordità nelle molteplici forme ed entità, più o meno gravi, è dovuta a un deficit uditivo dell’VIII nervo cranico o degli organi deputati alla ricezione-comprensione degli stimoli sonori provenienti dal mondo esterno. Comporta una vasta gamma di difficoltà - disfunzionalità (disabilità) nelle attività, nelle performance, nelle competenze linguistico-espressivo-comunicative, soprattutto a livello verbale (orale) e nella vita di relazione della persona sorda. In base all’efficacia o all’inadeguatezza delle risposte ambientali e contestuali (barriere, ostacoli, ausili e agenti facilitatori...), la disabilità uditiva può trasformarsi in una vera e propria situazione di emarginazione-isolamento socio-culturale e, quindi, in un parziale o totale svantaggio rispetto ai funzionali livelli di competenza linguistica idonei a favorire pieni processi di partecipazione e di inclusione scolastica e sociale dell’audioleso

    Special Pedagogy as an inclusive science: some critical reflections La Pedagogia speciale come scienza inclusiva: alcune riflessioni critiche

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    open1noSpecial Pedagogy is called to constantly question its traditional epistemological habitus by accepting the challenge posed by the multiplicity of educational‐formative questions emerging from the complex panorama of differences, diversities and “special educational needs”. However, it is necessary that our discipline maintains rigor and specific identity autonomy in the democratic and dialectical comparison with other sciences: the "special and non special" educational needs of each person must be understood and recognized by adopting a plurality of interpretative frameworks characterized by the evolution of skills, knowledge and professionalism suitably revisable, within the current socio‐cultural contexts, going beyond the limits of a mechanistic‐deterministic perspective of the Special Pedagogy itself. Overcoming the risks of a, by now, obsolete identity coincidence, Special Pedagogy is committed to strengthening productive dialectical relationships with inclusive education, using a sensitive and attentive pedagogical gaze aimed at identifying and enhancing new research territories in order to design, with a view to ecological‐systemic, innovative directions of meaning capable of guaranteeing full participation, educational equity and a significant sense of belonging to each and every subject, founding goals of the process of school and social inclusion.openPatrizia GaspariGaspari, Patrizi

    L’approccio narrativo e le sue possibili declinazioni in Pedagogia speciale: il teatro come linguaggio e contesto inclusivo

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    With the contribution of narrative-autobiographical practices, the person with "educational-special needs" gradually learns to accept himself with his own strengths and weaknesses: the complex existential situations connected to the conditions of deficit, marginalization, discomfort and suffering emerge from the darkness characterizing the reductive and stigmatizing logics of indifference, devaluation and forgetfulness. The narrative language thus becomes an authentically formative and inclusive place because it allows each person to think and design innovative possibilities of existential redemption: the narrative represents a practice of educational care when it puts the "different" in the condition of re-seeing, re -generate, re-organizing the most significant sense of individual history, in order to think about the future. The use of a wide range of methods, tools and narrative languages, as in the case of theatrical narration, allows the most fragile and vulnerable subjects to regain voice and full rights of participation and citizenship within micro and macro social systems of belonging.Con il contributo delle pratiche narrativo-autobiografiche la persona con “bisogni educativo-speciali” impara gradualmente ad accettarsi con i propri punti-forza e debolezza: le complesse situazioni esistenziali collegate alle condizioni di deficit, emarginazione, disagio e sofferenza escono dall’oscurità caratterizzante le riduttive e stigmatizzanti logiche dell’indifferenza, della svalorizzazione e della dimenticanza. Il linguaggio narrativo diviene, quindi, luogo autenticamente formativo ed inclusivo perché consente ad ogni persona di pensare e di progettare innovative possibilità di riscatto esistenziale: la narrazione rappresenta una pratica di cura educativa quando mette il “diverso” nella condizione di ri-vedersi, ri-generarsi, ri-organizzando il senso più significativo della storia individuale, allo scopo di pensarsi al futuro. L’utilizzazione di una vasta gamma di metodi, strumenti e linguaggi narrativi, come nel caso della narrazione teatrale, permette ai soggetti più fragili e vulnerabili di ri-avere voce e pieni diritti di partecipazione e cittadinanza all’ interno dei micro e macro sistemi sociali di appartenenza

    Solid Organ Transplantation During COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Web-based Survey on Resources’ Allocation

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    Background. Solid organ transplants (SOTs) are life-saving interventions, recently challenged by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SOTs require a multistep process, which can be affected by COVID-19 at several phases. Methods. SOT-specialists, COVID-19-specialists, and medical ethicists designed an international survey according to CHERRIES guidelines. Personal opinions about continuing SOTs, safe managing of donors and recipients, as well as equity of resources' allocation were investigated. The survey was sent by e-mail. Multiple approaches were used (corresponding authors from Scopus, websites of scientific societies, COVID-19 webinars). After the descriptive analysis, univariate and multivariate ordinal regression analysis was performed. Results. There were 1819 complete answers from 71 countries. The response rate was 49%. Data were stratified according to region, macrospecialty, and organ of interest. Answers were analyzed using univariate- multivariate ordinal regression analysis and thematic analysis. Overall, 20% of the responders thought SOTs should not stop (continue transplant without restriction); over 70% suggested SOTs should selectively stop, and almost 10% indicated they should completely stop. Furthermore, 82% agreed to shift resources from transplant to COVID-19 temporarily. Briefly, main reason for not stopping was that if the transplant will not proceed, the organ will be wasted. Focusing on SOT from living donors, 61% stated that activity should be restricted only to "urgent"cases. At the multivariate analysis, factors identified in favor of continuing transplant were Italy, ethicist, partially disagreeing on the equity question, a high number of COVID-19- related deaths on the day of the answer, a high IHDI country. Factors predicting to stop SOTs were Europe except-Italy, public university hospital, and strongly agreeing on the equity question. Conclusions. In conclusion, the majority of responders suggested that transplant activity should be continued through the implementation of isolation measures and the adoption of the COVID-19-free pathways. Differences between professional categories are less strong than supposed

    L'educatore socio-pedagogico come professionista inclusivo dopo la "Legge Iori"

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    La Legge di bilancio 205/17 (Legge Iori) compie un strategico ed autorevole passo in avanti per l’adeguato riconoscimento delle figure professionali quali l’educatore socio-pedagogico, il socio-sanitario ed il pedagogista, tentando di porre fine alla vasta gamma di incertezze che hanno, per lungo tempo, ostacolato l’ottimale affermazione della prospettiva inclusiva nei confronti delle persone con “bisogni educativi speciali”. L’educatore socio-pedagogico, riletto nel rinnovato “identikit” culturale, professionale e negli innovativi percorsi formativi, rappresenta un autentico professionista inclusivo capace di progettare interventi educativo-didattici integrati finalizzati alla piena partecipazione delle persone, tutte, nel democratico contesto socio-culturale. All’interno della Pedagogia speciale. Il nostro operatore pedagogico è agente inclusivo di cambiamento all’interno della Pedagogia speciale impegnato ad organizzare una complessa rete di sostegni e di aiuti allo scopo di favorire, nei soggetti con disabilità ed in situazioni di fragilità-vulnerabilità, nuove occasioni di riscatto esistenziale e di miglioramento della qualità della vita

    Il docente specializzato di sostegno: problemi e prospettive in ottica inclusiva

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    L’inclusione implica la ridefinizione (anche epistemologica) del concetto di formazione per tutti i docenti specializzati e non, per accogliere e riconoscere le esigenze degli alunni con bisogni speciali. La scuola inclusiva, prevedendo la rivoluzionaria strutturazione dell’assetto istituzionale, lancia una sfida, soprattutto, al tradizionale ruolo svolto dal docente specializzato di sostegno che deve potenziare il suo bagaglio di conoscenze e competenze senza,tuttavia, trasformarsi in esperto iper specialista. L' attuale dibattito scientifico conduce alla evoluzione dell’identikit professionale dell’insegnante di sostegno giunto ad un bivio caratterizzato da soluzioni antitetiche, problematiche, in progress. In tale ottica è' importante riflettere sullo statuto epistemologico della Pedagogia speciale per ribadire lo specifico ruolo di mediatore-agente di cambiamento del docente di sostegno per valorizzare in modo equo e democratico le differenze e diversità

    La Pedagogia speciale, oggi. Le conquiste, i dilemmi e le possibili evoluzioni.

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    Le vie di accesso al valore epistemologico, socio-culturale, antropologico-educativo e scientifico della Pedagogia speciale declinata in prospettiva inclusiva sono caratterizzate dalle multiformi e poliedriche categorie, di natura complessa e pluralistica, della diversità e della differenza. In tale ottica, diviene di fondamentale importanza compiere un’attenta riflessione critico- epistemologica sulle fondative dimensioni e direzioni di senso e di significato culturale, politico, educativo e sociale della scienza dell’inclusione delle persone con “bisogni educativi speciali”, nonché sulle nuove emergenze educative all’interno dell’attuale contesto sociale connotato dal paradigma della complessità. In particolare, i fondamenti epistemologici della Pedagogia speciale richiedono costanti ripensamenti alla luce delle rapide trasformazioni della vita associata e delle relazioni interdisciplinari in dialettico riadattamento, dovuto alle incessanti operazioni di contaminazione riscontrate nelle specifiche ricerche multidisciplinari. Di fatto, la Pedagogia speciale è una disciplina in progress, costantemente votata a rivedere le fondamenta teorico- pratiche, i soggetti-oggetti d’indagine, la terminologia, i metodi e le direzioni di senso della ricerca, utilizzando una vasta gamma di interventi educativo-didattici da concretizzarsi con uno stile tipico di chi è abituato ad abitare i luoghi di frontiera interrogondoli ed interrogandosi, evitando riduttivi processi di emarginante stigmatizzazione
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