103 research outputs found

    On Cohomology Groups of Four-Dimensional Nilpotent Associative Algebras

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    تعد دراسة الزمر الكوهومولوجية واحدة من أكثر البحوث المكثفة والمثيرة  والتي قد  نشأت من التبولوجيا الجبرية. حيث يعتبرالبعد للزمر الكوهومولوجية على وجه الخصوص ثابت في غاية الفائدة ويلعب دورآ هامآ في التصنيف الهندسي للجبر التجميعي. هذا العمل يركز على تطبيقات الزمر الكوهومولوجية ذات الابعاد المنخفضة. في هذا الخصوص, الزمر الكوهومولوجية المنخفضة للجبر التجميعي عديم القوى ذات البعد الرابع تم وصفهاعلى شكل مصفوفة.The study of cohomology groups is one of the most intensive and exciting researches that arises from algebraic topology. Particularly, the dimension of cohomology groups is a highly useful invariant which plays a rigorous role in the geometric classification of associative algebras. This work focuses on the applications of low dimensional cohomology groups. In this regards, the cohomology groups of degree zero and degree one of nilpotent associative algebras in dimension four are described in matrix form

    Ultrasound- guided fine needle aspiration cytology and cell block in the diagnosis of focal liver lesions at Khartoum Hospital, Sudan

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    Background: The appropriate clinical management of various hepatic lesions depends on accurate diagnosis. Fine needle aspiration and cell block have gained popularity because they are convenient, minimally invasive, quick and have good performance profiles.Objective: To investigate the cytomorphological features of distinctive non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the liver and to evaluate the sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound- guided (USG) fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and cell block in the diagnosis ofliver diseases at Khartoum Teaching Hospital.Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Khartoum Teaching Hospital, Sudan during the period of November 2008 to October 2011. One hundred and five cytological materials were collected from patients with focal liver lesions who referred after initial clinical and radiologicalassessment for ultrasound–guided fine needle aspiration cytology (USG -FNAC).Results: The age of the patients ranged from 5- 60 years and 64 (61%) of these patients were males. Out of 105 investigated samples 76 (72.4%) and 41(39.0%) were malignant by cytology and cell block respectively. Out of these 105 samples, 71 were investigated by both cytology and cell blocks and were included in the final analyses of the FNAC in comparison to cell block. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the cytology were 100% (93.0 – 100%), 63.3% (45.2 – 79.0%), 78.8% (66.2 – 88.3%) and 0 (0 – 14.6%), respectively.Conclusion: Thus, USG -FNAC is a sensitive but not specific method in differentiating the benign and malignant focal liver lesions. Differentiation between primary liver malignant lesions and metastatic lesion needs adjunct techniqueKey words: neoplastic lesion, non-neoplastic lesio

    Drugs use during pregnancy at Medani Maternity Hospital, Sudan

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    Background: There is a limited knowledge on use of drugs during pregnancy including beneficial and possible adverse effects of drugs on both the mother and the fetus.Objective: To investigate epidemiology of use of drugs during pregnancy.Methods: A cross sectional hospital based study at Medani Hospital during the period December 2011. After signing an informed consent, a pre-tested questionnaire was used to gather data from each parturient mother on her age, parity, level of education, antenatal care visits and use of drug during the index pregnancy.Results: The vast majority (334; 98.2%) of the interviewed women used drugs during the index pregnancy. Around ten percent (35; 10.5%) of these women used the drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy. The majority (266; 78.2%) used the drugs in third trimester and the rest used it in the second trimester. The most common drugs used were antibiotics, tonics, antimalarials and antiemetic.Conclusion: There is a very high rate of drug use in this setting. Antibiotics and antimalarials drugs were the most used drugs.Keywords: drugs, pregnancy, antibiotics, antimalarials, Sudan

    Fuzzy inference system of Tsukamoto method in decision making on determination of insurance premium amount for due damages of flood natural disaster

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    Floods often cause loss of buildings damage for people in the Citarum river basin. Community chooses insurance for recovery and protection against buildings damage. Insurance companies need to determine the amount of premium which is feasible and affordable by the community. This paper analyzes the fuzzy inference system (FIS) of Tsukamoto method in determining the amount of insurance premium. For the determination of the premium, the variables used include income, expenses and residence zones. The amount of premium is determined using the FIS of the Tsukamoto method. From the analysis, the average amount of premium is IDR 11,041.00 per month for community in Bojongsoang zone and IDR 11,321.00 per month for community in Baleendah zone. The amount of this premium is quite feasible and affordable by community in the two zones.Keywords: Citarum River; buildings damage; protection; income; expenses; zon

    Potential of sea level rise impact on South China Sea: a preliminary study in Terengganu, Malaysia

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    The effect of the sea level rise was involved the existence of sea water intrusion and coastal erosion phenomenon in the coastal of Terengganu. This study aim to determine fluctuation of high and low tides of the South China Sea in their relation to water quality value of Marang and Paka Rivers as well as from wells monitoring along the Terengganu Coast. Sampling was carried out twice during high and low tides, first in November 2012 and was repeated in November 2015. For the river quality study, it involves six parameters and involves nine parameters for well survey. Two-way t-test was used under statistical analysis to differentiate between two samplings. The result of the study can be assured that sea level rise resulting in decreased concentration of salinity, EC and TDS from upstream to downstream as a result of qualitatively rise of sea level at Terengganu beach as an impact of global warming events.Keywords: Marang and Paka Rivers; water quality parameter; well water quality; sea level rise; South China Se

    Air quality modelling using chemometric techniques

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    The datasets of air quality parameters for three years (2012-2014) were applied. HACA gave the result of three different groups of similarity based on the characteristics of air quality parameters. DA shows all seven parameters (CO, O3, PM10, SO2, NOx, NO and NO2) gave the most significant variables after stepwise backward mode. PCA identifies the major source of air pollution is due to combustion of fossil fuels in motor vehicles and industrial activities. The ANN model shows a better prediction compared to the MLR model with R2 values equal to 0.819 and 0.773 respectively. This study presents that the chemometric techniques and modelling become an excellent tool in API assessment, air pollution source identification, apportionment and can be setbacks in designing an API monitoring network for effective air pollution resources management

    Climate changes impacts towards sedimentation rate at Terengganu River, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    The climate changes caused by rainfall and stream flow are not the major contribution the changing of water level. This study was carried out at Terengganu River Basin in wet and dry season to assess the sedimentation problem and  its relationship with   hydrological characteristic. Three parameters analyzed based on in-situ and ex-situ analysis according to the correlation matrix and linear regression methods. The TSS (mg/L), Turbidity (NTU) and SSC  (mg/L)  were higher  during  dry  season  compared  wet  season  caused  by  El  Nino  phenomenon (January 2016). There are higher positive correlation between SSC and TSS, R²= 0.924 (wet season) and R² = 0.841 (dry season), the correlation between the observation (Q) and the TSS is no significant R² = 0.057 (wet season) and R² = 0.001 (dry season). The main contributors of sedimentation problems in Terengganu River caused by the climate changes phenomenon.Keywords: sedimentation; Terengganu River basin; hydrological characteristic; El Nino; communitie

    Foxp3 and IL-10 Expression Correlates with Parasite Burden in Lesional Tissues of Post Kala Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis (PKDL) Patients

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    Post kala azar dermal leishamniasis (PKDL), an unusual dermatosis develops in 5–15% of apparently cured visceral leishmaniasis cases in India and in about 60% of cases in Sudan. PKDL cases assume importance since they constitute a major human reservoir for the parasite. Inadequate treatment of VL, genetics, nutrition and immunological mechanisms that allow renewed multiplication of latent parasites or reinfection predispose to PKDL. Immunopathogenesis of PKDL is poorly understood. IL-10 is widely accepted as an immuno-suppressive cytokine and produced by diverse cell populations including, B cells, macrophages and CD4+ T cells. Natural T regulatory (nTreg) cells are subpopulation of CD4+ T cells that inhibit the response of other T cells. In this study we reported the accumulation of nTreg cells in lesion tissues of PKDL patients. Further correlation of Treg markers and IL-10 with parasite load in lesion tissues suggested a role of IL-10 and Treg in parasite establishment or persistence. Further studies are warranted to explore antigen specific IL-10 source in lesion tissues and unravel the concerted induction or accumulation of Treg in PKDL