24 research outputs found

    Influence of myocardial oxygen demand on the coronary vascular response to arterial blood gas changes in humans

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    It remains unclear if the human coronary vasculature is inherently sensitive to changes in arterial PO2 and PCO2 or if coronary vascular responses are the result of concomitant increases in myocardial O2 consumption/demand (MVO2). We hypothesized that the coronary vascular response to PO2 and PCO2 would be attenuated in healthy men when MVO2 was attenuated with β1-adrenergic receptor blockade. Healthy men (n=11; age: 25 {plus minus} 1 years) received intravenous esmolol (β1-adrenergic receptor antagonist) or volume-matched saline in a double-blind, randomized, crossover study, and were exposed to poikilocapnic hypoxia, isocapnic hypoxia, and hypercapnic hypoxia. Measurements made at baseline and following 5-min of steady state at each gas manipulation included left anterior descending coronary blood velocity (LADV; Doppler echocardiography), heart rate and arterial blood pressure. LADV values at the end of each hypoxic condition were compared between esmolol and placebo. Rate pressure product (RPP) and left-ventricular mechanical energy (MELV) were calculated as indices of MVO2. All gas manipulations augmented RPP, MELV, and LADV but only RPP and MELV were attenuated (4-18%) following β1-adrenergic receptor blockade (P<0.05). Despite attenuated RPP and MELV responses, β1-adrenergic receptor blockade did not attenuate the mean LADV vasodilatory response when compared to placebo during poikilocapnic hypoxia (29.4{plus minus}2.2 vs. 27.3{plus minus}1.6 cm/s) and isocapnic hypoxia (29.5{plus minus}1.5 vs. 30.3{plus minus}2.2 cm/s). Hypercapnic hypoxia elicited a feed-forward coronary dilation that was blocked by β1-adrenergic receptor blockade. These results indicate a direct influence of arterial PO2 on coronary vascular regulation that is independent of MVO2

    The overlooked significance of plasma volume for successful adaptation to high altitude in Sherpa and Andean natives

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    In contrast to Andean natives, high altitude Tibetans present with a lower hemoglobin concentration that correlates with reproductive success and exercise capacity. Decades of physiological and genomic research have assumed that the lower hemoglobin concentration in Himalayan natives results from a blunted erythropoietic response to hypoxia (i.e. no increase in total hemoglobin mass). In contrast, herein we test the hypothesis that the lower hemoglobin concentration is the result of greater plasma volume, rather than an absence of increased hemoglobin production. We assessed hemoglobin mass, plasma volume and blood volume in lowlanders at sea level, lowlanders acclimatized to high altitude, Himalayan Sherpa and Andean Quechua, and explored the functional relevance of volumetric hematological measures to exercise capacity. Hemoglobin mass was highest in Andeans, but also elevated in Sherpa compared to lowlanders. Sherpa demonstrated a larger plasma volume than Andeans, resulting in a comparable total blood volume at a lower hemoglobin concentration. Hemoglobin mass was positively related to exercise capacity in lowlanders at sea level and Sherpa at high altitude, but not in Andean natives. Collectively, our findings demonstrate a unique adaptation in Sherpa that reorientates attention away from hemoglobin concentration and towards a paradigm where hemoglobin mass and plasma volume may represent phenotypes with adaptive significance at high altitude

    Hemoglobin and cerebral hypoxic vasodilation in humans:Evidence for nitric oxide-dependent and S-nitrosothiol mediated signal transduction

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    Cerebral hypoxic vasodilation is poorly understood in humans, which undermines the development of therapeutics to optimize cerebral oxygen delivery. Across four investigations (total n = 195) we investigated the role of nitric oxide (NO) and hemoglobin-based S-nitrosothiol (RSNO) and nitrite ((Formula presented.)) signaling in the regulation of cerebral hypoxic vasodilation. We conducted hemodilution (n = 10) and NO synthase inhibition experiments (n = 11) as well as hemoglobin oxygen desaturation protocols, wherein we measured cerebral blood flow (CBF), intra-arterial blood pressure, and in subsets of participants trans-cerebral release/uptake of RSNO and (Formula presented.). Higher CBF during hypoxia was associated with greater trans-cerebral RSNO release but not (Formula presented.), while NO synthase inhibition reduced cerebral hypoxic vasodilation. Hemodilution increased the magnitude of cerebral hypoxic vasodilation following acute hemodilution, while in 134 participants tested under normal conditions, hypoxic cerebral vasodilation was inversely correlated to arterial hemoglobin concentration. These studies were replicated in a sample of polycythemic high-altitude native Andeans suffering from excessive erythrocytosis (n = 40), where cerebral hypoxic vasodilation was inversely correlated to hemoglobin concentration, and improved with hemodilution (n = 6). Collectively, our data indicate that cerebral hypoxic vasodilation is partially NO-dependent, associated with trans-cerebral RSNO release, and place hemoglobin-based NO signaling as a central mechanism of cerebral hypoxic vasodilation in humans.</p

    ARGOS: the laser guide star system for the LBT

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    ARGOS is the Laser Guide Star adaptive optics system for the Large Binocular Telescope. Aiming for a wide field adaptive optics correction, ARGOS will equip both sides of LBT with a multi laser beacon system and corresponding wavefront sensors, driving LBT's adaptive secondary mirrors. Utilizing high power pulsed green lasers the artificial beacons are generated via Rayleigh scattering in earth's atmosphere. ARGOS will project a set of three guide stars above each of LBT's mirrors in a wide constellation. The returning scattered light, sensitive particular to the turbulence close to ground, is detected in a gated wavefront sensor system. Measuring and correcting the ground layers of the optical distortions enables ARGOS to achieve a correction over a very wide field of view. Taking advantage of this wide field correction, the science that can be done with the multi object spectrographs LUCIFER will be boosted by higher spatial resolution and strongly enhanced flux for spectroscopy. Apart from the wide field correction ARGOS delivers in its ground layer mode, we foresee a diffraction limited operation with a hybrid Sodium laser Rayleigh beacon combination.12 page(s

    The 2018 Global Research Expedition on Altitude-related Chronic Health (REACH) to Cerro de Pasco, Peru: An Experimental Overview

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    In 2016, the international research team - Global Research Expedition onAltitude-related Chronic Health (REACH) - was established and executed a high altituderesearch expedition to Nepal. The team consists of ~45 students, principal investigatorsand physicians with the common objective of conducting experiments focused on highaltitude adaptation in lowlanders, and highlanders with lifelong exposure to high altitude.In 2018, Global REACH traveled to Peru where we performed a series of experiments inthe Andean highlanders. The experimental objectives, organization and characteristics,and key cohort data from Global REACH's latest research expedition are outlined herein.Herein, fifteen major studies are described that aimed to elucidate the physiologicaldifferences in high altitude acclimatization between lowlanders (n=30) and Andean bornhighlanders with (n=22) and without (n=45) Excessive Erythrocytosis (EE). Afterbaseline testing in Kelowna, BC, Canada (344m), Global REACH travelled to Lima, Peru(~80 m), and then ascended by automobile to Cerro de Pasco, Peru (~4300m) whereexperiments were conducted over 25 days. The core studies focused on elucidating themechanism(s) governing cerebral and peripheral vascular function, cardiopulmonaryregulation, exercise performance, and autonomic control. Despite encountering seriouslogistical challenges, each of the proposed studies were completed at both sea level andhigh altitude amounting to ~780 study sessions and >3000 hrs of experimental testing.Participant demographics and data related to acid-base balance and exercise capacityare presented. The collective findings will contribute to our understanding of howlowlanders and Andean highlanders have adapted under high altitude stress

    External validation of Cardiac disease, Hypertension, and Logarithmic Left anterior descending coronary artery radiation dose (CHyLL) for predicting major adverse cardiac events after lung cancer radiotherapy

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    Background and purpose: Major adverse cardiac events(MACE) are prevalent in patients with locally advanced-non-small cell lung cancer(LA-NSCLC) following radiotherapy(RT). The CHyLL model, incorporating coronary heart disease(CHD),Hypertension(HTN),Logarithmic LADV15 was developed and internally-validated to predict MACE among LA-NSCLC patients. We sought to externally validate CHyLL to predict MACE in an independent LA-NSCLC cohort. Patients and methods: Patients with LA-NSCLC treated with RT were included. CHyLL score was calculated:5.51CHD + 1.28HTN + 1.48ln(LADV15 + 1)-1.36CHD*ln(LADV15 + 1). CHyLL performance in predicting MACE was assessed and compared to mean heart dose(MHD) using Cox-proportional hazard(PH) analyses and Harrel’s concordance(C)-indices. MACE and overall survival(OS) among low-vs high-risk groups(CHyLL < 5 vs ≥ 5) were compared. Results: In the external validation cohort(N = 102), the median age was 71 years and 55% were females. Most(n = 74,73%), had clinical Stage III disease and 35(34%) underwent surgery. CHyLL demonstrated good MACE prediction with C-index of 0.73(95% Confidence Interval(CI):0.58–0.89), while MHD did not (C-index = 0.46 (95% CI:0.30–0.62)). Per CHyLL, 32(31%) and 70(69%) patients were considered low-and high-risk for MACE, respectively. CHyLL consistently identified lower MACE rates in the low-vs high-risk group(log-rank p = 0.108):0 vs 8%(12 months),5 vs 16%(24 months),5 vs 16%(36 months),and 5 vs 19%(48 months) post-RT. In the pooled internal and external validation cohort(N = 303), MACE rates in low-vs high-risk groups were statistically significantly different(log-rank p = 0.01):1 vs 6%(12 months),3 vs 12%(24 months),6 vs 19%(36 months),and 6 vs 21%(48 months). Conclusions: CHyLL was externally validated and superior to MHD in predicting MACE. CHyLL has the potential to identify high-risk patients who may benefit from cardio-oncology optimization and to estimate personalized LADV15 constraints based on cardiac risk factors and acceptable MACE thresholds

    Status report on the Large Binocular Telescope's ARGOS ground-layer AO system

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    ARGOS, the laser-guided adaptive optics system for the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), is now under construction at the telescope. By correcting atmospheric turbulence close to the telescope, the system is designed to deliver high resolution near infrared images over a field of 4 arc minute diameter. Each side of the LBT is being equipped with three Rayleigh laser guide stars derived from six 18 W pulsed green lasers and projected into two triangular constellations matching the size of the corrected field. The returning light is to be detected by wavefront sensors that are range gated within the seeing-limited depth of focus of the telescope. Wavefront correction will be introduced by the telescope's deformable secondary mirrors driven on the basis of the average wavefront errors computed from the respective guide star constellation. Measured atmospheric turbulence profiles from the site lead us to expect that by compensating the ground-layer turbulence, ARGOS will deliver median image quality of about 0.2 arc sec across the JHK bands. This will be exploited by a pair of multi-object near-IR spectrographs, LUCIFER1 and LUCIFER2, with 4 arc minute field already operating on the telescope. In future, ARGOS will also feed two interferometric imaging instruments, the LBT Interferometer operating in the thermal infrared, and LINC-NIRVANA, operating at visible and near infrared wavelengths. Together, these instruments will offer very broad spectral coverage at the diffraction limit of the LBT's combined aperture, 23 m in size