20 research outputs found

    Bicuspid Aortic Valve

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    Ophtalmia Neonatorum

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    Swot Analyse of Football School “2 Korriku”

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    The purpose of this work is the information about the hierarchical (structural) organizing of football school ”2 Korriku”, and doing it more clearly and effective we used SWOT analyze which presents in details the current situation, positive performances (achievements) the negative ones, possibilities and risks that is the characteristic of this analyze. In the context of this problem not only the analyze of SWOT clarifies everything about the activities, the school itself, but also the purpose of it, adequate insurance of every subtlety in details of the school, staff, volunteers activity, time, date, place and participants where this football school “2 Korriku” activity is taking place. Football school`s coachers “2 Korriku” that are doing their professional and educative job in the advancement of this school, we have used this analyze, where we notified the staff and the coachers in advance about this analyze, who then they gave their opinions in the charts which we present in our work. From these recommendations that we presen below, this school is in a good way of organizing, establishing financial stability, infrastructural and the professional one, based to some other investments that are done, and in the future they are planning to do more, so to accomplish all of these, it`s good to manage them in time by rational use from the management to the coacher of age groups. So the activity of other football schools should be based on football school “2 Korriku” as a model, because to those who are interested, and to the other coaches would be useful based on the results that this educational and sport institution has,where these results will be evident later, whether they are in education, courtesy, donations-sponsorship, infrastructure and afterwards in formation of players

    Poststaphylococcal coagulase negative reactive arthritis: a case report

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    We report a case of a 49-year-old patient who developed poststaphylococcal coagulase negative reactive arthritis. The woman presented with constitutional symptoms, arthritis, urinary infection and conjunctivitis. The blood culture was positive for the staphylococcal coagulase negative infection. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein were elevated, whereas the rheumatoid factor was negative. Radiographic findings confirmed diagnosis of pleuropneumonia, and one year later of chronic asymmetric sacroileitis. Physicians should be aware of possible reactive arthritis after staphylococcal coagulase negative bacteremia

    Association of interatrial septal abnormalities with cardiac impulse conduction disorders in adult patients: experience from a tertiary center in Kosovo

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    Interatrial septal disorders, which include: atrial septal defect, patent foramen ovale and atrial septal aneurysm, are frequent congenital anomalies found in adult patients. Early detection of these anomalies is important to prevent their hemodynamic and/or thromboembolic consequences. The aims of this study were: to assess the association between impulse conduction disorders and anomalies of interatrial septum; to determine the prevalence of different types of interatrial septum abnormalities; to assess anatomic, hemodynamic, and clinical consequences of interatrial septal pathologies. Fifty-three adult patients with impulse conduction disorders and patients without ECG changes but with signs of interatrial septal abnormalities, who were referred to our center for echocardiography, were included in a prospective transesophageal echocardiography study. Interatrial septal anomalies were detected in around 85% of the examined patients. Patent foramen ovale was encountered in 32% of the patients, and in combination with atrial septal aneurysm in an additional 11.3% of cases. Atrial septal aneurysm and atrial septal defect were diagnosed with equal frequency in 20.7% of our study population. Impulse conduction disorders were significantly more suggestive of interatrial septal anomalies than clinical signs and symptoms observed in our patients (84.91% vs 30.19%, P=0.002). Right bundle branch block was the most frequent impulse conduction disorder, found in 41 (77.36%) cases. We conclude that interatrial septal anomalies are highly associated with impulse conduction disorders, particularly with right bundle branch block. Impulse conduction disorders are more indicative of interatrial septal abnormalities in earlier stages than can be understood from the patient’s clinical condition

    Ultrafast structural changes direct the first molecular events of vision

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    èŠ–èŠšă«é–ąă‚ă‚‹ă‚żăƒłăƒ‘ă‚ŻèłȘăźè¶…é«˜é€Ÿćˆ†ć­ć‹•ç”» --è–„æš—ă„ăšă“ă‚ă§ć…‰ă‚’æ„Ÿă˜ă‚‹ä»•ç”„ăż--. äșŹéƒœć€§ć­Šăƒ—ăƒŹă‚čăƒȘăƒȘăƒŒă‚č. 2023-03-23.Vision is initiated by the rhodopsin family of light-sensitive G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). A photon is absorbed by the 11-cis retinal chromophore of rhodopsin, which isomerizes within 200 femtoseconds to the all-trans conformation, thereby initiating the cellular signal transduction processes that ultimately lead to vision. However, the intramolecular mechanism by which the photoactivated retinal induces the activation events inside rhodopsin remains experimentally unclear. Here we use ultrafast time-resolved crystallography at room temperature to determine how an isomerized twisted all-trans retinal stores the photon energy that is required to initiate the protein conformational changes associated with the formation of the G protein-binding signalling state. The distorted retinal at a 1-ps time delay after photoactivation has pulled away from half of its numerous interactions with its binding pocket, and the excess of the photon energy is released through an anisotropic protein breathing motion in the direction of the extracellular space. Notably, the very early structural motions in the protein side chains of rhodopsin appear in regions that are involved in later stages of the conserved class A GPCR activation mechanism. Our study sheds light on the earliest stages of vision in vertebrates and points to fundamental aspects of the molecular mechanisms of agonist-mediated GPCR activation


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    Qëllimi i këtij Punimit të Diplomës është prezantimi i koncepteve, teorive, praktikat, rolin e zhvillimit të strategjisë dhe të udhëheqjes, ndërveprimi i ngushtë i këtyre dy faktorëve të cilat luajnë një rol shumë të rëndësishëm dhe vendimtar në Menaxhim Strategjik dhe në zhvillimin e vazhdueshëm dhe të suksesshëm të një organizate. Sot, mjedisi në të cilin një organizatë vepron është në ndryshim të vazhdueshëm, është duke u bërë gjithnjë e më shumë i paparashikueshëm dhe i pasigurt. Udhëheqja, sidomos në institucionet publike, më shumë se kurrë më parë, janë të interesuar që të gjejnë mënyra për sigurimin e kornizës ligjore dhe burime financiare të qëndrueshme për të kontribuar në arritjen e performancës më të lartë organizative dhe përmbushur objektivat strategjike të organizatës. Menaxhimi i ndryshimeve dhe paqartësia kërkon udhëheqje strategjike, të cilët jo vetëm që japin një kuptim të drejtimit, por që mund të ndërtojnë ndjesinë e pronësisë dhe rradhitjen e grupeve të punës të tyre për të zbatuar ndryshimin. Udhëheqësi strategjik duhet të mbajë qëllimet afat-gjata në mendje duke punuar për arritjen e objektivave afat-shkurtëra. Udhëheqja strategjike ofron vizionin dhe drejtimin për rritjen dhe suksesin e një organizate. Për t\u27u marrë me ndryshimin në mënyrë të sukseshme, të gjithë drejtuesit duhet të kenë aftësitë dhe mjetet për formulimin dhe zbatimin e strategjisë. Ky punim ka për qëllim të marr si analizë rasti - një nga institucionet e pavarura të Kosovës, vlerësimin e mjedisit operativ të Zyrës së Auditorit të Përgjithshëm (ZAP), sfidat kryesore dhe perspektivat për të ardhmen

    Influence of apelin-12 on troponin levels and the rate of MACE in STEMI patients

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    Abstract Background During acute myocardial infarction, phosphorylated TnI levels, Ca2+ sensitivity and ATPase activity are decreased in the myocardium, and the subsequent elevation in Ca2+ levels activates protease I (caplain I), leading to the proteolytic degradation of troponins. Concurrently, the levels of apelin and APJ expression are increased by limiting myocardial injury. Methods In this prospective observational study, 100 consecutive patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction were included. Patients meeting the following criteria were included in our study: (1) continuous chest pain lasting for >30 min, (2) observation of ST-segment elevation of more than 2 mm in two adjacent leads by electrocardiography (ECG), (3) increased cardiac troponin I levels, and (4) patients who underwent reperfusion therapy. We evaluated the levels of apelin-12 and troponin I on the first and seventh days after reperfusion therapy in all patients. Results Apelin-12 was inversely correlated with troponin I levels (Spearman’s correlation = −0.40) with a p value 2.2 for the association of apelin with MACE was determined, and the AUC was 0.71 (95% CI, 0.58–0.84). Survival analysis using the Kaplan-Meier method showed a lower rate of MACE among patients with apelin levels >2.2 (p = 0.002), and the ROC curve analysis showed a statistically significant difference in the area under the curve (p = 0.004). Conclusion The influence of apelin levels on troponin levels in the acute phase of STEMI is inversely correlated, whereas in the non-acute phase, low apelin values were associated with a high rate of MACE