310 research outputs found

    Identification of Institutional Traps of Wellbeing in De-industrializing and Structural De-socializing Conditions

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    The key role of social wellbeing in the development of modern economy is determined by the requirements that modern society brings to the government. These requirements regard to the constitutive institutions and form the basis of state-and-society contract. They include: the creation of conditions for human development, self-realization in profession, business or art, a lifetime social security guarantee, the right for benefit from investments, etc. In order to meet these requirements at the level of the 21st century society the national economy should be based on the latest technologies which form its structure so that high-tech industries producing a product with high added value dominate in it. This is the only way to maximize social wellbeing for all citizens. However, in Russia the innovative development of economy is constrained by a complex of resistant negative rules which do not allow initiating the industrial sector's recovery on a new technological basis. These rules form the “institutional traps” which are able to reproduce themselves even in changing environment conditions, giving place to de-industrialization and structural de-socialization of economy. Overcoming these institutional traps requires the state to create the institutional foundations of economic policy, in which the technological modernization and innovative development of the industry will be linked to the imperative of social wellbeing growth


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    Modern science has at its disposal a number of philosophical and psychological theories devoted to the analysis of organization and self-organization, personal self-identification, inculturation, socialization, self-interpretation, and the identification of dominant features of the mentality of peoples. However, in cultural processes, the formation and development of the essence of the Russian mentality in sociocultural and natural dimensions are becoming most important today. Economics and linguistics are two areas of science that a person unites - acting and thinking (speaking). According to the definition of the famous English economist A. Marshall, the economy is "the doctrine of the normal functioning of humanity." The economy is fundamentally different from the exact and natural sciences in that it deals not with an individual, but with a member of society, subject to the influence of tradition, national mentality, and political institutions. The theoretical significance of the work is connected with the further development of the problem of the integration of sciences. The findings contribute to the expansion of existing ideas about the role of the economy in life and the language picture of the human world.La ciencia moderna tiene a su disposición una serie de teorías filosóficas y psicológicas dedicadas al análisis de la organización y la autoorganización, la autoidentificación personal, la inculturación, la socialización, la autointerpretación y la identificación de las características dominantes de la mentalidad de los pueblos. Sin embargo, en los procesos culturales, la formación y el desarrollo de la esencia de la mentalidad rusa en las dimensiones socioculturales y naturales son cada vez más importantes hoy en día. La economía y la lingüística son dos áreas de la ciencia que una persona une: actuar y pensar (hablar). Según la definición del famoso economista inglés A. Marshall, la economía es "la doctrina del funcionamiento normal de la humanidad". La economía es fundamentalmente diferente de las ciencias exactas y naturales en que trata no con un individuo, sino con un miembro de la sociedad, sujeto a la influencia de la tradición, la mentalidad nacional y las instituciones políticas. La importancia teórica del trabajo está relacionada con el desarrollo posterior del problema de la integración de las ciencias. Los hallazgos contribuyen a la expansión de las ideas existentes sobre el papel de la economía en la vida y la imagen lingüística del mundo humano.Современная наука располагает рядом философских и психологических теорий, посвященных анализу организации и самоорганизации, личностной самоидентификации, инкультурации, социализации, самоинтерпретации, выявлению доминирующих черт менталитета народов. Однако в культурных процессах становление и развитие сущности российского менталитета в социокультурном и природном измерениях приобретает сегодня важнейшее значение.Экономика и лингвистика-это две области науки, которые объединяет человек-действие и мышление (речь). Согласно определению известного английского экономиста А. Маршалла, экономика-это "учение о нормальной жизнедеятельности человечества". Экономика принципиально отличается от точных и естественных наук тем, что она имеет дело не с индивидом, а с членом общества, подверженным влиянию традиций, национального менталитета и политических институтов.Теоретическая значимость работы связана с дальнейшей разработкой проблемы интеграции наук. Полученные результаты способствуют расширению существующих представлений о роли экономики в жизни и языковой картины мира человека

    Network Genesis Of Technological Convergence

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    Under protracted structural crisis conditions the necessity of development of conceptual framework, helping to achieve positive changes of social-economical system of Russian economy, becomes crucial for critical re-evaluation and new scientific decision making. This article describes the issue of transition to prospective technological scheme through development of converging technologies. The meaning of convergent technologies is defined, including their development principles. As pathbreaking scientific-and-technological progress stage a possibility of applying NBIC-convergence is considered, which has been transformed into NBICS-convergence in the context of Russian economical reality, completed with Humanities and Social studies. As the most adapted to converging technologies the author emphasizes network structures as business activity mechanism. Various network structures classifications are considered; network structures classification into educational, scientific and innovation, infrastructural and integration structures has been analysed most closely. Integration network structures are supposed to be the most important nowadays, particularly integration network structures as the most effective and adapted to converging technologies. Converging technologies diffusion in application context can be realized using "Triple Helix" model. Tomsk city is considered to be as a good illustrative example of successful implementation of the "Triple Helix" concept with the main leading universities actively cooperating with the government and real economy business organisations. Necessity for governmental influence in innovative product markets grouping, infrastructure management, improvement of cooperation among research-and-technology process participants, legal system development, as well as creating in whole positive environment for innovative activities is especially emphasized


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    A structural analysis of macrodynamics has been carried out under conditions of a deepening structural crisis and an increase in the cyclic instability of the Russian economy, taking into account world trends of the new industrial revolution and technological transition. The presence of an innovative pause, technological lag and growing contradictions gain the background of increasing recessionary tendencies has been revealed. Theoretical concepts, a scientifically based mechanism and tools for the deployment of innovative technologies, their transfer and diffusion in the basic sectors of the Russian economy, as well as the launch of a mechanism for the structure formation of the newest science-intensive sectors of the economy have been elaborated and proposed


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    To create conservation fluids and lubricants based on the oil acids and polyethylene polyamine (PEPA) synthesized amidoamines, and based on α-olefins (C12, C14 and C16-C18) and the nitric acids-nitro compounds. Using of amido, nitro and solid n-paraffins in the turbine oil T-30 (Standard 32-74) formulated lubricants and conservation fluid which are tested under different conditions. It is shown that in comparison with the preservative fluid, the preservative lubrication more effective


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    Globalization and increased volatility of global markets, as well as increased competition, lead to the need for the business community to create new sustainable business models that are less susceptible to the negative effects of globalization. The sustainability of business models is determined by the effective use of resources: natural, material, financial and intellectual. The result of the transformation is the transition to network interaction and the formation of ecosystems of suppliers, partners, consumers and competitors around the business sphere. The main conclusions of the research paper are reduced to the need to achieve a comprehensive development of the digital economy, taking into account the interrelationships of economic processes and structural transformations. In this regard, the analysis of the relationship and principles of structural shifts in economic processes against the background of digital transformation becomes particularly relevant