227 research outputs found

    Investigation of сomputational intelligence methods in forecasting problems at stock exchanges

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    In this paper, the forecasting problem of share prices at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was considered and investigated. For its solution the alternative methods of computational intelligence were suggested and investigated: LSTM networks, GRU, simple recurrent neural networks (RNN) and Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH). The experimental investigations of intelligent methods for the problem of CISCO share prices were carried out and the efficiency of forecasting methods was estimated and compared. It was established that method GMDH had the best forecasting accuracy compared to other methods in the problem of share prices forecasting

    Elliptical motions of stars in close binary systems

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    Motions of stars in close binary systems with a conservative mass exchange are examined. It is shown that Paczynski-Huang model widely used now for obtaining the semi-major axis variation of a relative stars orbit is incorrect, because it brings about large mistakes. A new model suitable for elliptical orbits of stars is proposed. Both of reactive and attractive forces between stars and a substance of the flowing jet are taken into account. A possibility of a mass exchange at presence of accretion disk is considere

    Difficulties in differential diagnosis between obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia

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    Introduction. The difference between obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia (OA and NOA) is important for the choice of treatment tactics and adequate counseling of a married couple.Objective. To describe, analyze, and classify possible challenges in differentiating between two types of azoospermiaMaterials and methods. The retrospective review of database on surgical sperm retrieval attempts performed our hospital (n = 754). A subpopulation of 216 patients who were preliminary diagnosed with OA, was selected for further analysis. All patients had testicular pathology data following sperm retrieval attempt. Rate of reclassification was assessed as a primary outcome. Reclassified cases were further analyzed to find a possible reason for incorrect differential diagnosis.Results. Among 216 patients with initially suspected OA, 131 (60.6%) had evidence of spermatogenic dysfunction on pathological examination of seminiferous tubules. Multivariate regression analysis showed that only regular exposure to high temperatures was an independent predictor of NOA detection in patients with normal endocrine and clinical parameters (OR = 1.989; 95% CI = 1.101 – 3.595). Analysis of the decision tree showed that patients with inhibin B levels below 93 pg/ml had the highest risk of an incorrect initial diagnosis (82.6%).Conclusions. Differential diagnosis of OA and NOA is not such a simple task. Any case of azoospermia against the background of normal semen volume by default should be considered as a case of NOA if there is no anamnestic or clinical data clearly indicating obstruction. Regular exposure to high temperature is likely to cause azoospermia in men with initially severe disorders of spermatogenesis. Finally, the reference values of inhibin B offered by most laboratories are not intended to assess reproductive function


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    Processes of wastewater clearing by adsorbents activated by electrical discharge effect are investigated. It is shown that activation of single-phase zeolite by the electrical discharge of torch type considerably increases efficiency of waste-water adsorption clearing.Исследованы процессы очистки сточных вод адсорбентом, активированным электроразрядным воздействием. Показано, что активация однофазного цеолита электрическим разрядом факельного типа значительно повышает эффективность адсорбционной очистки сточных вод

    Влияние ограниченных ожогов кожи на течение и исход ингаляционной травмы

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    Introduction Inhalation injury (ini) makes burn disease more severe. However, it remains unexplored what is the minimum area of the burn that can significantly aggravate of the course of ini.The objective was to compare the incidence of acute respiratory failure (arf), pneumonia, and mortality between patients with ini and ini with superficial skin burns up to 3% total body surface area (tbsa).Material and methods 125 patients with ini and i–ii degree skin burns up to 3% tbsa were allocated into 4 groups: ini without skin burns, ini with burns up to 1% tbsa, up to 2%, and up to 3% tbsa.Results In the group with ini and skin burns up to 2%, the number of arf, pneumonia cases, and deaths did not statistically significantly differ from the ini group, however in group of ini and burns of more than 2% tbsa, there were more of those complications.Conclusion Skin burns of i–ii degree over 2% tbsa increase the incidence of acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, and death in patients with ini.РЕЗЮМЕ Известно, что ингаляционная травма (ИТ) ухудшает течение ожоговой болезни у тяжелообожженных. Однако остается неизвестным, как небольшие ожоги влияют на течение ИТ.ЦЕЛЬ Сравнительное изучение частоты острой дыхательной недостаточности (ОДН), пневмонии и смертельных исходов у пациентов с ИТ и ИТ с поверхностными ожогами кожи до 3% поверхности тела (п.т.).МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ 125 пациентов с ИТ и ожогами кожи I–II степени до 3% п.т. были распределены на четыре группы: ИТ без ожогов кожи, с ожогами до 1% п.т., до 2% п.т., до 3% п.т.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ В группах с ИТ и ожогами кожи до 2% п.т. число наблюдений ОДН, пневмонии и случаев смертельных исходов статистически значимо не отличалось от группы ИТ, а в группе ИТ и ожогами свыше 2% п.т. их было больше.ВЫВОДЫ Ожоги кожи I–II степени свыше 2% п.т. увеличивают частоту развития острой дыхательной недостаточности, пневмонии и случаев смертельных исходов у пациентов с ингаляционной травмой

    Innovative Technics of Managing Engineers' Global Competencies

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    Higher education modernization in the CIS countries takes place under the conditions of dynamic changes in economy and society. These changes are determined by the social and economic development of the country and the world globalization processes - cross-border intercultural communication, knowledge transparency, and the establishment of information society. Educational globalization is a continuous process of creating a unified global educational system, in which the distinctions between its member educational systems are being blended


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    The appropriate evaluation and the development of special measures to protect donor lungs are important factors for successful lung transplantation. Aim. To develop and determine the effectiveness of the protocol of morpho- functional assessment of potential lung donor. Methods and results. During the period from May, 2011 to May, 2012, 37 donors with diagnoses of brain death were surveyed. 5 bilateral lung transplantations were performed only in 2 cases donors have been evaluated as «ideal». In the majority of recipients early postoperative period was evaluated as satisfactory. Conclusion. Designed multivariate algorithm of donor with brain death assess- ment, effectively implemented through the selection of donors for lung transplantation with satisfactory results in the early postoperative period. However, compliance with ideal criteria will not allow to effectively provide care for patients with terminal lung disease under conditions of continuous growth of «waiting list»


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    Purpose of the study: Analyze the epidemiological situation of echinococcosis in children in the Astrakhan region. In the Astrakhan region from 2001 to 2016. Registered 141 cases of echinococcosis in humans, incl. In children — 22 cases (15,6%). Among all the sick children, echinococcosis was more often reported in school-age persons — 90,9%. From the preschool age group, echinococcosis was recorded in two (9,1%) unorganized children aged 5 and 6 years. The main complaints in the majority of invasive children were pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium — 40,9%, periodically arising cramping pain in the area of localization of the parasite — 31,8%. In rare cases, complaints of weakness and a feeling of bursting at the site of echinococcal cyst localization were noted — 4,5% each. A part of patients — 18,2% of the complaints were absent. When diagnosing, both laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods were used. In most cases — 90,9%, the diagnosis of echinococcosis was confirmed by the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA method). Thus, recently in the territory of the Astrakhan region there has been an increase in the number of cases of human infection with echinococcus, incl. аnd children of school age. The parasite is located, as a rule, in the liver and lung. The disease was susceptible to those who had a history of permanent contact with non-undelminthic dogs. In the diagnosis of echinococcosis, the main role is played by the complex methods of ELISA, CT, ultrasound, x-ray and histological methods.  Цель исследования: проанализировать эпидемиологическую ситуацию по эхинококкозу у детей в Астраханской области. В Астраханской области с 2001 по 2016 гг. зарегистрирован 141 случай эхинококкоза у человека, в т.ч. 22 случая — у детей (15,6%). Среди всех заболевших детей, эхинококкоз чаще регистрировался у школьников — 90,9%. Из группы пациентов дошкольного возраста эхинококкоз выявлен у двух (9,1%) неорганизованных детей в возрасте 5 и 6 лет. Основными жалобами у большинства инвазированных детей были боль и чувство тяжести в области правого подреберья — 40,9%, периодически возникающая схваткообразная боль в области локализации паразита — 31,8%. В редких случаях отмечались жалобы на слабость и чувство распирания в месте локализации эхинококковой кисты — по 4,5%. У части больных —18,2% жалобы отсутствовали. В большинстве случаев — 90,9% диагноз эхинококкоз был подтвержден метом иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА). Таким образом, в последнее время на территории Астраханской области отмечается увеличение числа случаев заражения человека эхинококком, в т.ч. и детей школьного возраста. Паразит локализовался, как правило, в печени и легком. Заболеванию были подвержены лица, имевшие в анамнезе постоянный контакт с недегельминтизированными собаками. В диагностике эхинококкоза главную роль играет комплекс методов: ИФА, КТ, УЗИ, рентгенологический и гистологический. 

    Компьютерная томография – метод обоснования минимально инвазивного подхода в лечении повреждений пищевода и их осложнений

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    The purpose of the study. To analyze possibilities of computed tomography (CT) for esophageal injuries and their complications as part of a differentiated approach to the choice of a minimally invasive treatment method.Materials and methods. The results of CT scans were analyzed in 25 patients with esophageal injuries of various etiologies who were treated at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of SP in the period 2019–2020. CT was performed with oral and intravenous bolus contrast, primarily at admission and in dynamics, a total of 77 studies.Results. In all cases, direct and indirect CT signs of esophageal damage were detected, and the degree of involvement of surrounding organs and tissues in the pathological process was assessed. Based on the data obtained, the following variants of esophageal damage and its complications were identified: intramural esophageal hematoma (2); rupture of the thoracic esophagus without the development of purulent complications (2); rupture of the thoracic esophagus complicated by the development of mediastinitis (4); rupture of the thoracic esophagus with the development of mediastinitis and pleural empyema (13); rupture of the cervical calving of the esophagus, complicated by phlegmon of the neck and descending mediastinitis (4). Different patient management tactics were used for each variant. Thus, the selection and sequence of minimally invasive interventions, such as thoracoscopic sanitation mediastinal and pleural cavity, esophageal stenting, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (CEG) and endoscopic vacuum aspiration system (E-VAS), were carried out taking into account CT data, including observations in dynamics.Conclusion. CT scan for esophageal injuries allows you to get complete information about both the nature of esophageal damage and its complications, to determine their type, localization and volume. CT data allow us to justify a minimally invasive approach in the treatment of esophageal injuries, to determine the order of interventions. CT studies performed in dynamics allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and to carry out timely correction of tactics.Цель исследования: проанализировать возможности компьютерной томографии (КТ) при повреждениях пищевода и их осложнениях в рамках дифференцированного подхода к выбору минимально инвазивного метода лечения.Материал и методы. Проведен анализ результатов КТ у 25 пациентов с повреждениями пищевода различной этиологии, находившихся на лечении в НИИ СП имени Н.В. Склифосовского в период 2019– 2020 гг. КТ проводилась с пероральным и внутривенным болюсным контрастированием, первично при поступлении и в динамике, всего 77 исследований.Результаты. Во всех случаях были выявлены прямые и косвенные КТ-признаки повреждения пищевода, а также оценена степень вовлечения в патологический процесс окружающих органов и тканей. На основании полученных данных были выделены следующие варианты повреждения пищевода и его осложнений: интрамуральная гематома пищевода (2); разрыв грудного отдела пищевода без развития гнойных осложнений (2); разрыв грудного отдела пищевода, осложненный развитием медиастинита (4); разрыв грудного отдела пищевода с развитием медиастинита и эмпиемы плевры (13); разрыв шейного отела пищевода, осложненный флегмоной шеи и нисходящим медиастинитом (4). Для каждого варианта была использована различная тактика ведения пациента. Таким образом, выбор и очередность минимально инвазивных вмешательств, таких как торакоскопическая санация средостения и плевральных полостей, стентирование пищевода, наложение чрескожной эндоскопической гастростомы и эндоскопической вакуумно-аспирационной системы, проводились с учетом КТ-данных, в том числе при наблюдениях в динамике.Заключение. КТ при повреждениях пищевода дает возможность получить полную информацию как о характере повреждения пищевода, так и о его осложнениях, определить их вид, локализацию и объем. КТ-данные позволяют обосновать минимально инвазивный подход в лечении повреждений пищевода, определить очередность вмешательств. КТ-исследования, выполняемые в динамике, позволяют оценить эффективность лечения и проводить своевременную коррекцию тактики