96 research outputs found

    Comparative digestibility and productive performances between Landrace and Iberian pigs fed on a corn- or a sorghum-acorn- based diet

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    Although digestible energy (DE) values for most commonly used feeds in pig industry are mainly predicted by their chemical composition, other likely effects could affect digestibility. The present paper try to explore the effects likely caused by animal breed (lean v. fat line) and dietary ingredients used

    Managing variability in decision making in swine growing-finishing units

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    peer-reviewedAnalysis of data collected from pig farms may be useful to understand factors affecting pig health and productive performance. However, obtaining these data and drawing conclusions from them can be done at different levels and presents several challenges. In the present study, information from 688 batches of growing-finishing (GF) pigs (average initial and final body weight of 19.1 and 108.5 kg respectively) from 404 GF farms integrated in 7 companies was obtained between July 2008 and July 2010 in Spain by survey. Management and facility factors associated with feed conversion ratio (FCR) and mortality were studied by multiple linear regression analysis in each single company (A to G) and in an overall database (OD). Factors studied were geographic location of the farm, trimester the pigs entered the farm, breed of sire and sex segregation in pens (BREGENSEG), use of circovirus vaccine, number of origins the pigs were obtained from, age of the farm, percentage of slatted floor, type of feeder, drinker and ventilation, number of phases and form of feed, antibiotic administration system, water source, and number and initial weight of pigs. Results In two or more companies studied and/or in OD, the trimester when pigs were placed in the farm, BREGENSEG, number of origins of the pigs, age of the farm and initial body weight were factors associated with FCR. Regarding mortality, trimester of placement, number of origins of the pigs, water source in the farm, number of pigs placed and the initial body weight were relevant factors. Age of the farm, antibiotic administration system, and water source were only provided by some of the studied companies and were not included in the OD model, however, when analyzed in particular companies these three variables had an important effect and may be variables of interest in companies that do not record them. Conclusions Analysing data collected from farms at different levels helps better understand factors associated with productive performance of pig herds. Out of the studied factors trimester of placement and number of origins of the pigs were the most relevant factors associated with FCR and mortality.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (project AGL2011-29960). We also thank the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (MAEC-AECID) for research fellowship

    Ileum and whole-tract digestibility of carbohydrates contained in a corn- or a sorghum-acorn-based diets fed on finishing Landrace and Iberian pigs

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    Starch is the storage polysaccharide of higher plants and a major source for animals. However, despite is its simple composition the digestion of starch may be dependent of feed ingredients and animal characteristics

    An increased hindgut fermentation promoted major changes on the VFA profile but not on the total VFA concetration of the digesta contents

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    Volatile fatty acids, principally acetate, propionate and butyrate, are produced in the caecum-colon of pigs as end products of the microbial fermentation. The present abstract tryes to explore on the changes on the VFA concentration and profiles observed in Landrace and Iberian pigs fed on different sources of carbohydrates (high v. low digestible starch)

    Lipogenic enzyme activities in adipose and muscular tissues of Landrace and Iberian pigs fed on different source of carbohydrates

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    Iberian is an autochthonous swine breed from Southwest Iberian Peninsula. His meat has attained a high acceptability attributed to a higher intramuscular fat. Gene and dietary effects on the lipogenic enzymes activities were evaluated

    Body fat content, composition and distribution in Landrace and Iberian finishing pigs given ad libitum maize- and acorn-sorghummaize-based diets

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    We aimed to determine whether the dietary carbohydrate source altered body fat composition and distribution in finishing lean (Landrace) and obese (Iberian) swine. To this end, twenty-four finishing castrated male pigs (12 Iberian and 12 Landrace; 108 kg live weight) were offered two diets differing in the main carbohydrates source, maize (diet M) or acorn-sorghum-maize (diet A). Diets were formulated to have the same nutrient content, except for carbohydrate fractions : diet M contained higher amount of starch (537 v.389 g/kg) but less non-starchpolysaccharides (118 v.148 g/ kg) than diet A. At an average weight of 133 kg live weight pigs were slaughtered and their carcasses were sampled to study lipogenesis, backfat and intramuscular fat composition. Iberian pigs showed a higher voluntary food intake than Landrace pigs (3•6 v.2•4 kg/day; P< 0•001) but no significant differences in the daily weight gain. Diet M tended to promote the highest food intake (P= 0•09). Iberian pigs showed higher (P< 0•01) lipogenic enzyme activities, backfat thickness (71•7v.31•9 mm) and intramuscular fat content (40 to 95 g/kg fresh muscle) than Landrace pigs, which was associated with their higher food intake. Furthermore, fat depots from Iberian pigs had higher (P< 0•001) monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and lower (P< 0•05) polyunsaturated (PUFA) proportions than those from Landrace pigs. The backfat thickness of pigs given diet M tended to be higher (P= 0•07) than that of pigs given diet A, without differences in the intramuscular fat content. The higher backfat thickness found for diet M was correlated with a lower PUFA proportion in diet than for diet A (P< 0•001). we conclude that body fat content, composition and lipogenic enzyme activities are markedly influenced by the animal breed and to a lesser extent by dietary characteristics

    Effects of supplementing organic microminerals and methionine with or without limiting growth during the rearing phase of replacement gilts on lameness, growth, and body composition

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    Previous research suggested that lameness in growing pigs could be reduced using feeding strategies, such as limiting growth rate and supplementing trace minerals (TM) and (or) methionine (Met). The present study evaluates effects of 1) TM and Met and 2) limiting total lysine (Lys) during the rearing phase (90 d) of gilts (as a means to limit growth rate) on lameness, performance, and sow claw health and productivity (to first parity). Gilts (n = 240; 58.0 ± 11.1 kg body weight [BW]) were blocked, distributed into pens of 10 gilts, and pens were allocated to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Factors were: 1) control or TM plus Met, which provided additional 10, 20, and 50 mg/kg of chelated copper, manganese, and zinc, respectively (0.1%, Aplomotec Plus, Tecnología & Vitaminas, S.L.; Alforja, Spain), and a 1.01 Met:Lys ratio and 2) standard Lys was formulated to meet growth requirements or low Lys to 19% below growth requirements. Feeding was provided through two phases, first between 119 and 163 d of age (phase I) and the second between 163 and 209 d of age (phase II). Diets had 2.43 and 2.31 Mcal net energy/kg for phases I and II, respectively, and were offered ad libitum. Low Lys did not affect feed intake but rather reduced average daily gain (ADG) by 6.35% and the final BW by 3.80% compared with standard Lys (P 0.05) whether gilts displayed lameness or not. Lameness was low in severity and not affected by dietary factors. However, TM- plus Met-fed gilts were 19.2 kg heavier (P = 0.016) than were control at lameness detection. On the sow farm, there was no evidence for differences in lameness or claw lesions among previous dietary treatments. In conclusion, lameness prevalence during the rearing phase was similar, independent of TM plus Met supplement, low Lys, or the interaction. Insufficient reduction of ADG and low severity in lameness may have limited the potential of dietary treatments. Moreover, a greater deficiency of Lys would be needed to achieve the degree of growth reduction previously reported to lessen lameness through feed restriction

    Effects of the feed : Water mixing proportion on diet digestibility of growing pigs

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    Funding: This research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CDTI project IDI-20110003), and TEM 2010 research grant form "Comissionat per a Universitats I Recerca del Departament d'Innovació, Universitats I empresa form Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR).The effect of different water-to-feed ratios on apparent total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients were evaluated in growing-finishing pigs. In trial 1 (26 d), 16 female pigs (46.7 ± 1.98 kg of body weight, BW) were individually assigned to four treatments (n = 4). In trial 1, pigs were fed a control diet in dry form (CON) and in blend form with water-to-feed ratios of 0.6:1, 2.1:1 and 2.7:1. In trial 2 (26 d), rearranged animals (65.4 ± 3.14 kg of BW) were assigned a control diet in dry form (CON) and ratios of 1.35:1, 2.7:1 and 3.5:1. In trial 1, pigs fed on ratios of 2.1:1 and 2.7:1 had a higher organic matter digestibility (OMd) and gross energy digestibility (GEd) than CON. In trial 2, pigs fed on ratios of 1.35:1, 2.7:1, and 3.5:1 had a higher OMd and GEd than CON. Quadratic regressions showed the maximum dilution rate to reach higher digestibility coefficients at 1.83:1 and at 2.7:1 for trials 1 and 2, respectively. During trial 1, pigs on the 0.6:1 dilution rate had higher weight gain than those on CON. The water-to-feed ratio that optimized OM and GE digestibility may increase with the age of the pigs
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