44 research outputs found

    Towards federated satellite systems and internet of satellites: the federation deployment control protocol

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    Presently, the Earth Observation community is demanding applications that provide low latency and high downlink capabilities. An increase in downlink contacts becomes essential to meet these new requirements. The Federated Satellite Systems concept addresses this demand by promoting satellite collaborations to share unused downlink opportunities. These collaborations are established opportunistically and temporarily, posing multiple technology challenges to be implemented in-orbit. This work contributes to the definition of the Federation Deployment Control Protocol which formalizes a mechanism to fairly establish and manage these collaborations by employing a negotiation process between the satellites. Moreover, this manuscript presents the results of a validation campaign of this protocol with three stratospheric balloons. In summary, more than 27 federations with 63.0% of throughput were established during the field campaign. Some of these federations were used to download data to the ground, and others were established to balance data storage between balloons. These federations allowed also the extension of the coverage of a ground station with a federation that relayed data through a balloon, and the achievement of a hybrid scenario with one balloon forwarding data from a ground device. The results demonstrate that the proposed protocol is functional and ready to be embedded in a CubeSat mission.This work has been (partially) funded by “CommSensLab” Excellence Research Unit Maria de Maeztu (MINECO grant MDM-2016-0600), the Spanish Ministerio MICINN and EU ERDF project “SPOT: Sensing with pioneering opportunistic techniques” (grant RTI2018-099008-BC21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), by the grant PID2019-106808RA-I00/AEI/FEDER/UE from the EDRF and the Spanish Government, and by the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2017 SGR 376, and 2017 SGR 219).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Physicians’ misperceived cardiovascular risk and therapeutic inertia as determinants of low LDL-cholesterol targets achievement in diabetes

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    Background: Greater efforts are needed to overcome the worldwide reported low achievement of LDL-c targets. This survey aimed to dissect whether and how the physician-based evaluation of patients with diabetes is associated with the achievement of LDL-c targets. Methods: This cross-sectional self-reported survey interviewed physicians working in 67 outpatient services in Italy, collecting records on 2844 patients with diabetes. Each physician reported a median of 47 records (IQR 42–49) and, for each of them, the physician specified its perceived cardiovascular risk, LDL-c targets, and the suggested refinement in lipid-lowering-treatment (LLT). These physician-based evaluations were then compared to recommendations from EAS/EASD guidelines. Results: Collected records were mostly from patients with type 2 diabetes (94%), at very-high (72%) or high-cardiovascular risk (27%). Physician-based assessments of cardiovascular risk and of LDL-c targets, as compared to guidelines recommendation, were misclassified in 34.7% of the records. The misperceived assessment was significantly higher among females and those on primary prevention and was associated with 67% lower odds of achieving guidelines-recommended LDL-c targets (OR 0.33, p < 0.0001). Peripheral artery disease, target organ damage and LLT-initiated by primary-care-physicians were all factors associated with therapeutic-inertia (i.e., lower than expected probability of receiving high-intensity LLT). Physician-suggested LLT refinement was inadequate in 24% of overall records and increased to 38% among subjects on primary prevention and with misclassified cardiovascular risk. Conclusions: This survey highlights the need to improve the physicians’ misperceived cardiovascular risk and therapeutic inertia in patients with diabetes to successfully implement guidelines recommendations into everyday clinical practice

    CeSecom : Un portale per l\u27Europa Centro-Orientale nel Medioevo

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    Cesecom was founded by bringing together a group of scholars who are experts in the study of the several regions that are between Central Europe and Caucasus, including Central Asia. Our attention is focused on the centuries before the fall of Constantinople and the discovery of America, a fundamental period in order to understand the roots of the problems and conflicts that are still tormenting this region of the world today. CeSecom was created to meet the exigencies of scholars in order to furnish a tool for research and also provide an open space for discussions, to exchange ideas and share the outcomes of one\u27s studies. The website will be an open resource, whose aim is to improve diverse specializations, sharing and delving in them. We hope that this initiative will meet your liking and will favor communication of our scientific work.Il Centro di Studi sull\u27Europa Centro-Orientale nel Medioevo (CeSecom) si \ue8 formato nel 2006, per opera di un gruppo di studiosi specialisti delle diverse regioni che si estendono dall\u27Europa centro-orientale al Caucaso, fino all\u27Asia centrale. L\u27attivit\ue0 di CeSecom si concentra sui secoli che hanno preceduto la caduta di Costantinopoli e la scoperta delle Americhe, il cui studio \ue8 di fondamentale importanza per comprendere le radici dei problemi e dei conflitti che ancora l\u27affliggono. CeSecom nasce per andare incontro alle esigenze degli studiosi e fornire uno strumento per la ricerca, ma anche uno spazio di discussione all\u27interno del quale poter scambiare le idee e condividere i risultati dei propri studi. Il portale vuole essere una risorsa aperta a chiunque, pur con la peculiare specializzazione, volesse condividere lo stato delle proprie conoscenze e approfondirle. La speranza di chi lavora a questo progetto \ue8 che finalmente si possa volgere lo sguardo a Oriente con maggiore apertura e in spirito di dialogo, come cittadini di un medesimo continente che negli ultimi due millenni ha condiviso cambiamenti e trasformazioni formando la comune eredit\ue0 su cui costruiremo il nostro futuro

    Il Matriarcato slavo. Antropologia culturale dei Protoslavi

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    Slavic Matriarchy: cultural Anthropology of Protoslavs, is devoted to the study of material culture (I volume), social culture (II volume), and spiritual culture (III volume) of Slavs. This considerable work on slavic ethnology is based on the anthropological theory of diffusionism and, more specifically, on the Kulturkreislehre (or “theory of cultural complexes”) formulated by Fritz Graebner

    Le funzioni delle citazioni bibliche nella letteratura della Slavia ortodossa

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    Biblical quotations play a central role in the literature of Slavia orthodoxa. Their importance, together with the necessity of their systematic study, has been underlined several times. The biblical element should be analysed at several levels, within differ - ent literary forms. First it should be identified and classified, then understood in the context of liturgy and liturgical books. Through biblical quotations, the author gave an interpretation of history and present situation according to the Holy Scripture and, by means of rhetoric, he tried to make the biblical message actual and to renew its meta - morphic power. The present study focuses on the function biblical quotations have in some of the most representative literary forms of Slavia orthodoxa. M. Garzaniti analy - ses hagiographic texts, pilgrimage tales and chronicles; F. Romoli sermons and spiritual teachings

    (con M. Garzaniti) Cronologia

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    Cronologia degli eventi e dei personaggi del mondo slavo in relazione alla storia dell'Oriente e dell'Occident

    Massimo il Greco, Firenze e l’Umanesimo italiano

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    Il Forum raccoglie gli interventi di studiosi dell’umanesimo e del rinascimento italiano, di bizantinisti e slavisti al primo incontro internazionale dedicato in Italia alla figura di Michele Trivolis / Maksim Grek (Firenze 2007

    Lessici slavi

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    Slavjanskaja versija grečeskogo teksta evangelija: Evangelie Ivana Aleksandra i pravka perevoda svjaơčennogo pisanija

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    Il contributo analizza alcuni brani del Vangelo di Ivan Aleksandăr (1356) utilizzando in modo sperimentale una metodologia recentemente elaborata presso l'Institut fĂŒr Neutestamentliche Forschungen di MĂŒnster per la selezione dei testimoni per l'editio critica maior del Nuovo Testamento greco. Il vangelo di Ivan Aleksandăr, pur nel generale arcaismo del suo testo, mostra evidenti tracce di avvicinamento al 'testo bizantino', allora diffuso in ambito greco. Questo Vangelo si rivela perciĂČ un precursore dell'attivitĂ  di revisione testuale della successiva etĂ  eutimiana (fine del XIV secolo