103 research outputs found

    The determinants of poverty in Mexico

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    This study examines the determinants or correlates of poverty in México. The data used in the study come from the 1996 National Survey of Income and Expenditures of Households. A logistic regression model was estimated based on this data, with the probability of a household being extremely poor as the dependent variable and a set of economic and demographic variables as the explanatory variables. It was found that the variables that are positively correlated with the probability of being poor are: size of the household, living in a rural area, working in a rural occupation and being a domestic worker. Variables negatively correlated with the probability of being poor are: the education level of the household head, his/her age and whether he or she works in a professional or middle level occupation

    The determinants of poverty in Mexico: 2002

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    This study examines the determinants or correlates of poverty in México. The data used in the study come from the 2002 National Survey of Income and Expenditures of Households. Using the official extreme poverty line, a logistic regression model was estimated based on this data, with the probability of a household being extremely poor as the dependent variable and a set of economic and demographic variables as the explanatory variables. It was found that the variables that are positively correlated with the probability of being poor are: having a female household head, size of the household, living in a rural area, household head working in agriculture, working without remuneration and having a self-employed household head. Variables that are negatively correlated with the probability of being poor are: education level, age of the household head and whether the occupation of the household head is being a small entrepreneur or not

    Los determinantes de la pobreza en los estados mexicanos en la frontera con Estados Unidos

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    Este estudio examina los determinantes o correlaciones de la pobreza en los estados de la frontera norte de México. Con base en la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares 2008, se estimó un modelo de regresión logística para determinar qué variables podrían ser importantes para explicar la pobreza en esta región. Se encontró que las variables correlacionadas positivamente con la probabilidad de ser pobre son: vivir en Coahuila, Tamaulipas o Chihuahua, el tamaño del hogar, que el jefe del hogar sea trabajador ambulante o que trabaje en el sector agrícola, manufacturero, de transporte, ventas, o como ayudante o trabajador doméstico. Las variables correlacionadas inversamente con la probabilidad de ser pobre son: vivir en Baja California, nivel de educación y edad del jefe del hogar. El género del jefe de hogar y la ubicación (rural o urbana) de los hogares no fueron estadísticamente significativas

    The determinants of poverty in Mexico

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    This study examines the determinants or correlates of poverty in México. The data used in the study come from the 1996 National Survey of Income and Expenditures of Households. A logistic regression model was estimated based on this data, with the probability of a household being extremely poor as the dependent variable and a set of economic and demographic variables as the explanatory variables. It was found that the variables that are positively correlated with the probability of being poor are: size of the household, living in a rural area, working in a rural occupation and being a domestic worker. Variables negatively correlated with the probability of being poor are: the education level of the household head, his/her age and whether he or she works in a professional or middle level occupation

    Los determinantes de la pobreza en los estados mexicanos en la frontera con Estados Unidos

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    Este estudio examina los determinantes o correlaciones de la pobreza en los estados de la frontera norte de México. Con base en la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares 2008, se estimó un modelo de regresión logística para determinar qué variables podrían ser importantes para explicar la pobreza en esta región. Se encontró que las variables correlacionadas positivamente con la probabilidad de ser pobre son: vivir en Coahuila, Tamaulipas o Chihuahua, el tamaño del hogar, que el jefe del hogar sea trabajador ambulante o que trabaje en el sector agrícola, manufacturero, de transporte, ventas, o como ayudante o trabajador doméstico. Las variables correlacionadas inversamente con la probabilidad de ser pobre son: vivir en Baja California, nivel de educación y edad del jefe del hogar. El género del jefe de hogar y la ubicación (rural o urbana) de los hogares no fueron estadísticamente significativas

    Presentación Dossier Donoso Cortés: místico, pensador, teólogo y profeta

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    Donoso Cortés fue un pensador español cuya aportación filosófica, desde la mirada teológica, ha logrado aportar suficientes tesis y argumentos para pensar la política en tiempos de incertidumbre

    Donoso Cortés profeta ignorado. Un análisis de la secularización y la religión de la humanidad

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    Introducción   El siguiente trabajo pretende desarrollar la tesis de Donoso Cortés sobre la secularización. Para el pensador español, la descristianización del mundo conlleva a la desintegración del orden natural y su sustitución por un orden artificial político que se sacraliza. La secularización para Donoso es la sacralización de instituciones como el Estado o entes abstractos como el de humanidad. Además, subraya que el orden artificial que surgen como sustitución están compuestos de diversos mitos como el del progreso indefinido de la humanidad, negando así el carácter puramente racional de la modernidad, y que, llevan a la humanidad a senderos de aniquilació

    The dynamics of poverty in Mexico: A multinomial logistic regression analysis

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    Using panel data from the Mexican Family Life Survey, this paper estimates a multinomial logistic regression model to analyze the dynamics of chronic and transient poverty in Mexico. Based on the spells approach, transition matrices are constructed to observe households’ entry into and exit from poverty and multinomial logistic regression is used to analyze which factors explain the dynamics of poverty in Mexico. It was found that 36% of households are chronically poor and 64% are transiently poor. Also, we found that the variables directly related to chronic poverty are: belonging to an ethnic group, living in a rural area, a large family size, having a high percentage of older adults and children in the household and having a female household head. On the other hand, it was found that having more education, the age of the household head and having access to potable water and electricity in the household are positively related with the probability of escaping poverty

    The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Mexico

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    Using a VAR model with quarterly information for the 1980 to 2008 period, this paper studies the dynamic effects of fiscal policy on Gross Domestic Product in the Mexican economy. We find evidence of non–Keynesian effects of government expenditure on GDP in the short run. Also, we find evidence that government revenue has a significant impact on GDP only in the fourth quarter

    The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Mexico

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    Using a VAR model with quarterly information for the 1980 to 2008 period, this paper studies the dynamic effects of fiscal policy on Gross Domestic Product in the Mexican economy. We find evidence of non–Keynesian effects of government expenditure on GDP in the short run. Also, we find evidence that government revenue has a significant impact on GDP only in the fourth quarter