156 research outputs found

    The Flipped Classroom Teaching Model and Its Use for Information Literacy Instruction

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    The flipped classroom teaching model has emerged in a variety of educational settings. It provides many advantages for students and exploits the affordances of modern technology. This article describes some of the pedagogical and logistical characteristics of the flipped teaching model. It situates the flipped classroom in higher education and library instruction, and make the case that there are characteristics of information literacy instruction that fit well with the flipped teaching model, in addition to providing some unique challenges

    Development of Hurricane Storm Surge Model to Predict Coastal Highway Inundation for South Texas

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    Forecasting areas prone to flooding will allow us to send off our information gathered to departments such as TxDOT and the United States Department of Transportation. This would then enable these departments to create appropriate evacuation routes, depicting which roads are clear and which cannot be used in the event of a storm. Simulating hurricanes that have passed through this area such as Dolly in 2008, Beulah in 1967, and Bret in 1999 will display the roads and federal highways that frequently tend to get flooded. Identifying the “danger roads” and which federal highways will ultimately be useful for various engineering purposes, such as show the information produced. Since roads act as not only a means for transportation, but a very important drainage system as well. In the Willacy County and Cameron County, there is about 14 major highways (four of them which are US highways). A research study is being proposed over the course of the year that would project the overflow of storm surge onto USDOT and TXDOT major highways. The project entailment is to simulate about 3 historical hurricanes that have passed through the Laguna Madre and focusing on about five of the nearest highways along the coast. This would give the project outcome of receiving the adequate information to identify how much of each highway would get flooded from each Hurricane, as well as the duration of the surge submerging the areas of each specific highway

    Adaptación Transcultural y Validación del TRAQ (Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire) al Castellano-Mexicano

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    Un momento fundamental en la vida de todos los pacientes adolescentes con enfermedades crónicas es la etapa de la transición, la cual representa el proceso de adaptación de las clínicas de pediatría hacia las clínicas del adulto. Durante este proceso intervienen diversos factores y es necesario preparar al adolescente para culminar con éxito la transferencia. Contar con un programa de transición de calidad representa un reto para los diferentes servicios de pediatría que atienden a pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y acompañar al paciente y su familia durante este proceso puede parecer complicado. El instrumento TRAQ (Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire, por sus siglas en inglés) es un cuestionario validado en inglés que se utiliza para conocer el estado actual del paciente en cuanto a sus habilidades de autocuidado y su grado de preparación para la transición. Sin embargo, en México no contamos con ningún instrumento validado en español que cumpla con estas características por lo que se decidió llevar a cabo la traducción y validación de este. El objetivo de este estudio fue llevar a cabo la traducción y validación del instrumento TRAQ (Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire) al castellano- mexicano y su aplicación en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con enfermedades crónicas. Para llevar a cabo este estudio, primero se realizó la traducción y adaptación transcultural del instrumento TRAQ por medio de un comité de expertos que incluyó a traductores, lingüistas, investigadores, pediatras de las diferentes subespecialidades y pacientes. Una vez que se llegó a la versión final del instrumento adaptado al castellano- mexicano, se aplicó el instrumento al número recomendado de pacientes para realizar la validación de este, utilizando el Alpha de Chronbach para la evaluación de la homogeneidad y consistencia interna, así como matrices de correlación para cada dominio para evaluar la redundancia del cuestionario. En total se analizaron los resultados de 141 participantes del Hospital Universitario “José E. González” en Monterrey, Nuevo León, a quienes se les aplicó la versión final adaptada del TRAQ y que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Dentro de las variables demográficas se encontró que, de los pacientes, 60 fueron masculinos (42.55 %) y 81 femeninos (57.45 %). La edad media de los pacientes fue de 13.9 años (D.E. 1.75). En cuanto a su cobertura en salud, los pacientes con cobertura total fueron 43 pacientes (30.5 %), cobertura parcial 28 pacientes (19.8 %) y sin cobertura 70 pacientes (49.6 %). Dentro de los diagnósticos más frecuentes estuvieron la Artritis Idiopática Juvenil (10 %), Asma (9.22 %), Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 (10.64 %), Hipotiroidismo (5.67 %), y Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda (19.86 %). La evaluación global del Alfa de Chronbach fue de 0.76 y los resultados por dominios fueron: Manejo de Medicamentos (0.60), Citas Médicas (0.58), Monitoreo de Problemas de Salud (0.50), Comunicación con el personal de Salud (0.57) y Manejo de Actividades Diarias (0.47). No se encontraron redundancias importantes al analizar las matrices de correlación. Al finalizar este estudio, se encontró que la versión traducida al castellano-mexicano del instrumento TRAQ presenta una buena consistencia interna por lo que se recomienda su uso en los pacientes adolescentes con enfermedades crónicas

    N,N′-Bis(2-amino­benz­yl)ethane-1,2-diaminium bis­(4-methyl­benzene­sulfonate)

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    The title salt, C16H24N4 2+·2C7H7O3S−, crystallizes with the dication situated on an inversion center and the anion in a general position. The cation contains two ammonium and two free amine groups, and the observed conformation for the chain linking the benzene rings is different from that found in the free tetra­amine and in the fully protonated tetra­amine. All amine and ammonium H atoms of the cation form hydrogen bonds with eight symmetry-related anions, using the sulfonate O atoms as acceptors. This arrangement for the ions precludes any π–π contacts between benzene rings in the crystal

    Superposición de fotografía digital de imágenes esqueléticas y dentales para la identificación forense.

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    Científicos forenses han desarrollado varias metodologías para la comparación de imágenes de personas desaparecidas con restos humanos desconocidos con el fin de probar su identidad.Entre estos métodos, se ha utilizado la superposición de fotografías faciales sobre restos esqueléticos craneofaciales para validar la concordancia de características morfológicas durante el proceso de identificación. Entre estas metodologías de comparación gráfica se evaluó un análisis forense fotográfico digital basado en la comparación de las estructuras dentales mostradas en fotografías de personas desaparecidas en las cuales se muestran las piezas dentarias, con fotografías de especímenes de cráneo no identificados que muestran las estructuras dentales en una relación espacial similar

    Atypical Lemierre’s syndrome caused by Prevotella oris

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    Lemierre’s syndrome is a rare form of severe sepsis secondary to oropharyngeal infection characterized by septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein with disseminated infections, with the lungs being the most frequent target. We report the case of a previously healthy 15-year-old admitted to the intensive care unit because of septic shock, brain and lung abscesses, and a positive blood culture for Prevotella oris with a clinical presentation compatible with the diagnosis of Lemierre’s syndrome. Conclusion: This is an atypical presentation of Lemierre’s syndrome because of the isolated microorganism

    Most Frequent Causes of Poor Performance of the CaCu_01 Indicator in Family Medicine Unit No. 73

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    En la Unidad de Medicina familiar No. 73 el indicador CACU_01 se estiman por debajo de lo esperado. El cual ayuda a medir la proporción de mujeres entre 25 y 64 años, con tamizaje de Cáncer Cérvico Uterino, a través de la prueba de Papanicolaou, para identificar a las mujeres con lesiones precancerosas y cáncer en etapa temprana, a fin de promover el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar las causas más frecuentes de un bajo desempeño del indicador CaCu_01 en la Unidad de Medicina Familiar No. 73. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio analítico, transversal y observacional, en las mujeres de 25 a 64 años, mediante la aplicación de un instrumento de recolección de datos auto aplicable RESULTADOS: Participaron 382 mujeres de 25 a 64 años. 97.6% de las encuestadas respondieron que sí saben qué es el Papanicolau, un 32.4% respondieron que se usa para prevenir cáncer. 67.3% respondieron que la prueba se debe realizar cada año. 54.5% contesto que no sentía pena o vergüenza realizarse la prueba. 84.6% respondió que, si ha recibido información acerca del estudio dentro de la institución, siendo el personal médico quien ha dado dicha información, con un 65.7%. Un 88.2% ha sido enviada a realizarse la prueba de las cuales un 88% ha acudido.In the Family Medicine Unit No. 73, the CACU_01 indicator is estimated below what was expected. Which helps measure the proportion of women between 25 and 64 years old, with screening for Cervical Uterine Cancer, through the Papanicolaou test, to identify women with precancerous lesions and early-stage cancer, to promote diagnosis and timely treatment. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Determine the most frequent causes of poor performance of the CaCu_01 indicator in the Family Medicine Unit No. 73. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An analytical, cross-sectional and observational study was carried out in women aged 25 to 64 years, using application of a self-applicable data collection instrument RESULTS: 382 women between 25 and 64 years old participated. 97.6% of those surveyed responded that they do know what the Pap smear is, 32.4% responded that it is used to prevent cancer. 67.3% responded that the test should be performed every year. 54.5% answered that they did not feel embarrassed or ashamed to take the test. 84.6% responded that they have received information about the study within the institution, with the medical staff being the ones who have given said information, with 65.7%. 88.2% have been sent for testing, of which 88% have attended

    Bactericide, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities from Marine Algae of Genus Laurencia Collected in Baja California Sur, Mexico

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    Abstract Background and Objective: Marine environment represents countless and diverse resource for new drugs to combat major diseases. Extracts from four Laurencia species ( L. johnstonii, L. pacifica, L. gardneri and L. papillosa) from Baja California Sur, México were evaluated for their antioxidant, antibacterial and cytotoxic activity. Methodology: The antioxidants activity of Laurencia sp. were evaluated using the radical scavenging activity in three in vitro radicals: 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2'-Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and nitric oxide (NO). The antibacterial activity was evaluated by the broth microdilution method to determinate the Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Micrococcus luteus, Pseudomonas aerugi nosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae . The cytotoxicity was analyzed on HeLa (cervix adenocarcinoma) and Vero (kidney epithelial) cells, using the reduction of tetrazolium salt WST-1. Results: The seaweed of genus Laurencia demonstrated an overall low activity, with half maximal effective concentration (EC50) values >1.5 mg mLG1. Laurencia pacifica showed the best biocide effects with MIC of 6.25 µg mLG1 against Gram positive bacterial and cytotoxic potential with half inhibitory concentration (IC50) <30 µg mLG1 against Vero and HeLa cells. Conclusion: Some Laurencia species have a great antibacterial and cytotoxic activity which could be considered for future studies

    Maternal separation followed by isolation-housing differentially affects prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response in C57BL/6 mice

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    Exposure to chronic stress is associated with an increased incidence of neuropsychiatric dysfunction. The current study evaluated two competing hypotheses, the cumulative stress and the match/mismatch hypothesis of neuropsychiatric dysfunction, using two paradigms relating to exposure to “stress”: pre-weaning maternal separation and post-weaning isolation-housing. C57BL/6 offspring were reared under four conditions: typical animal facility rearing (AFR, control), early handling (EH, daily 15 min separation from dam), maternal separation (MS, daily 4 hr separation from dam), and maternal and peer separation (MPS, daily 4 hr separation from dam and from littermates). After weaning, mice were either housed socially (2–3/cage) or in isolation (1/cage) and then tested for prepulse inhibition in adulthood. Isolation-housed MPS subjects displayed greater deficits in prepulse inhibition relative to socially-housed MPS subjects while socially-housed AFR subjects displayed greater deficits in prepulse inhibition relative to isolation-housed AFR subjects. The results indicate that these treatment conditions represent a potentially valuable model for evaluating the match/mismatch hypothesis in regards to neuropsychiatric dysfunction