35 research outputs found

    Detection of sequential polyubiquitylation on a millisecond timescale

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    The pathway by which ubiquitin chains are generated on substrate through a cascade of enzymes consisting of an E1, E2 and E3 remains unclear. Multiple distinct models involving chain assembly on E2 or substrate have been proposed. However, the speed and complexity of the reaction have precluded direct experimental tests to distinguish between potential pathways. Here we introduce new theoretical and experimental methodologies to address both limitations. A quantitative framework based on product distribution predicts that the really interesting new gene (RING) E3 enzymes SCF^(Cdc4) and SCF^(β-TrCP) work with the E2 Cdc34 to build polyubiquitin chains on substrates by sequential transfers of single ubiquitins. Measurements with millisecond time resolution directly demonstrate that substrate polyubiquitylation proceeds sequentially. Our results present an unprecedented glimpse into the mechanism of RING ubiquitin ligases and illuminate the quantitative parameters that underlie the rate and pattern of ubiquitin chain assembly

    Rapid E2-E3 Assembly and Disassembly Enable Processive Ubiquitylation of Cullin-RING Ubiquitin Ligase Substrates

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    Degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system requires assembly of a polyubiquitin chain upon substrate. However, the structural and mechanistic features that enable template-independent processive chain synthesis are unknown. We show that chain assembly by ubiquitin ligase SCF and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34 is facilitated by the unusual nature of Cdc34-SCF transactions: Cdc34 binds SCF with nanomolar affinity, nevertheless the complex is extremely dynamic. These properties are enabled by rapid association driven by electrostatic interactions between the acidic tail of Cdc34 and a basic ‘canyon’ in the Cul1 subunit of SCF. Ab initio docking between Cdc34 and Cul1 predicts intimate contact between the tail and the basic canyon, an arrangement confirmed by crosslinking and kinetic analysis of mutants. Basic canyon residues are conserved in both Cul1 paralogs and orthologs, suggesting that the same mechanism underlies processivity for all cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases. We discuss different strategies by which processive ubiquitin chain synthesis may be achieved

    The San1 Ubiquitin Ligase Avidly Recognizes Misfolded Proteins Through Multiple Substrate Binding Sites

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    Cellular homeostasis depends on robust protein quality control (PQC) pathways that discern misfolded proteins from functional ones in the cell. One major branch of PQC involves the controlled degradation of misfolded proteins by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Here ubiquitin ligases must recognize and bind to misfolded proteins with sufficient energy to form a complex and with an adequate half-life to achieve poly-ubiquitin chain formation, the signal for protein degradation, prior to its dissociation from the ligase. It is not well understood how PQC ubiquitin ligases accomplish these tasks. Employing a fully reconstituted enzyme and substrate system to perform quantitative biochemical experiments, we demonstrate that the yeast PQC ubiquitin ligase San1 contains multiple substrate binding sites along its polypeptide chain that appear to display specificity for unique misfolded proteins. The results are consistent with a model where these substrate binding sites enable San1 to bind to misfolded substrates avidly, resulting in high affinity ubiquitin ligase-substrate complexes

    Mechanism of Lysine 48 Selectivity during Polyubiquitin Chain Formation by the Ube2R1/2 Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme

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    Lysine selectivity is of critical importance during polyubiquitin chain formation because the identity of the lysine controls the biological outcome. Ubiquitins are covalently linked in polyubiquitin chains through one of seven lysine residues on its surface and the C terminus of adjacent protomers. Lys 48-linked polyubiquitin chains signal for protein degradation; however, the structural basis for Lys 48 selectivity remains largely unknown. The ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ube2R1/2 has exquisite specificity for Lys 48, and computational docking of Ube2R1/2 and ubiquitin predicts that Lys 48 is guided to the active site through a key electrostatic interaction between Arg 54 on ubiquitin and Asp 143 on Ube2R1/2. The validity of this interaction was confirmed through biochemical experiments. Since structural examples involving Arg 54 in protein-ubiquitin complexes are exceedingly rare, these results provide additional insight into how ubiquitin-protein complexes can be stabilized. We discuss how these findings relate to how other ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes direct the lysine specificity of polyubiquitin chains

    Mechanism of Lysine 48 Selectivity during Polyubiquitin Chain Formation by the Ube2R1/2 Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme

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    Lysine selectivity is of critical importance during polyubiquitin chain formation because the identity of the lysine controls the biological outcome. Ubiquitins are covalently linked in polyubiquitin chains through one of seven lysine residues on its surface and the C terminus of adjacent protomers. Lys 48-linked polyubiquitin chains signal for protein degradation; however, the structural basis for Lys 48 selectivity remains largely unknown. The ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ube2R1/2 has exquisite specificity for Lys 48, and computational docking of Ube2R1/2 and ubiquitin predicts that Lys 48 is guided to the active site through a key electrostatic interaction between Arg 54 on ubiquitin and Asp 143 on Ube2R1/2. The validity of this interaction was confirmed through biochemical experiments. Since structural examples involving Arg 54 in protein-ubiquitin complexes are exceedingly rare, these results provide additional insight into how ubiquitin-protein complexes can be stabilized. We discuss how these findings relate to how other ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes direct the lysine specificity of polyubiquitin chains

    The Acidic Tail of the Cdc34 Ubiquitin-conjugating Enzyme Functions in Both Binding to and Catalysis with Ubiquitin Ligase SCFC^(dc4*)

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    Ubiquitin ligases, together with their cognate ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, are responsible for the ubiquitylation of proteins, a process that regulates a myriad of eukaryotic cellular functions. The first cullin-RING ligase discovered, yeast SCF^(Cdc4), functions with the conjugating enzyme Cdc34 to regulate the cell cycle. Cdc34 orthologs are notable for their highly acidic C-terminal extension. Here we confirm that the Cdc34 acidic C-terminal tail has a role in Cdc34 binding to SCF^(Cdc4) and makes a major contribution to the submicromolar K_m of Cdc34 for SCF^(Cdc4). Moreover, we demonstrate that a key functional property of the tail is its acidity. Our analysis also uncovers an unexpected new function for the acidic tail in promoting catalysis. We demonstrate that SCF is functional when Cdc34 is fused to the C terminus of Cul1 and that this fusion retains partial function even when the acidic tail has been deleted. The Cdc34-SCF fusion proteins that lack the acidic tail must interact in a fundamentally different manner than unfused SCF and wild type Cdc34, demonstrating that distinct mechanisms of E2 recruitment to E3, as is seen in nature, can sustain substrate ubiquitylation. Finally, a search of the yeast proteome uncovered scores of proteins containing highly acidic stretches of amino acids, hinting that electrostatic interactions may be a common mechanism for facilitating protein assembly

    Essential Role for Ubiquitin-Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme Interaction in Ubiquitin Discharge from Cdc34 to Substrate

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    During ubiquitin conjugation, the thioester bond that links ‘donor’ ubiquitin to ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) undergoes nucleophilic attack by the ε-amino group of an acceptor lysine, resulting in formation of an isopeptide bond. Models of ubiquitination have envisioned the donor ubiquitin to be a passive participant in this process. However, we show here that the I44A mutation in ubiquitin profoundly inhibits its ability to serve as a donor for ubiquitin chain initiation or elongation, but can be rescued by computationally-predicted compensatory mutations in the E2 Cdc34. The donor defect of ubiquitin-I44A can be partially suppressed either by using a low pKa amine (hydroxylamine) as the acceptor or by performing reactions at higher pH, suggesting that the discharge defect arises in part due to inefficient deprotonation of the acceptor lysine. We propose that interaction between Cdc34 and the donor ubiquitin organizes the active site to promote efficient ubiquitination of substrate

    Ubiquitin-conjugating Enzyme Cdc34 and Ubiquitin Ligase Skp1-Cullin-F-box Ligase (SCF) Interact through Multiple Conformations

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    In the ubiquitin-proteasome system, protein substrates are degraded via covalent modification by a polyubiquitin chain. The polyubiquitin chain must be assembled rapidly in cells, because a chain of at least four ubiquitins is required to signal for degradation, and chain-editing enzymes in the cell may cleave premature polyubiquitin chains before achieving this critical length. The ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34 and ubiquitin ligase SCF are capable of building polyubiquitin chains onto protein substrates both rapidly and processively; this may be explained at least in part by the atypically fast rate of Cdc34 and SCF association. This rapid association has been attributed to electrostatic interactions between the acidic C-terminal tail of Cdc34 and a feature on SCF called the basic canyon. However, the structural aspects of the Cdc34-SCF interaction and how they permit rapid complex formation remain elusive. Here, we use protein cross-linking to demonstrate that the Cdc34-SCF interaction occurs in multiple conformations, where several residues from the Cdc34 acidic tail are capable of contacting a broad region of the SCF basic canyon. Similar patterns of cross-linking are also observed between Cdc34 and the Cul1 paralog Cul2, implicating the same mechanism for the Cdc34-SCF interaction in other members of the cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases. We discuss how these results can explain the rapid association of Cdc34 and SCF

    Tag Team Ubiquitin Ligases

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    Cullin-RING (CRL) and RING1-IBR-RING2 (RBR) are two distinct types of ubiquitin ligases. In this issue, Scott et al. show that CRLs activate the RBR enzyme ARIH1 to initiate ubiquitin chains on CRL substrates, thereby marking an unexpected and important advance in our understanding of both enzymes