91 research outputs found

    Multi-mission Ni-H2 battery cells for the 1990's

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    A sufficient production, test and operational database is now available to permit design technology optimization for the next decade. The evolved battery cell design features standardized technology intended to support multiple type missions (e.g., both GEO and LEO). Design analysis and validation test cells demonstrate that improved performance plus attractive specific-energy characteristics will be achieved

    Multi-mission Ni-H2 battery cell for the 1990's

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    A sufficient production, test and operational database is now available to permit design technology optimization for the next decade. The evolved battery cell design features standardized technology intended to support multiple type missions (e.g., both GEO and LEO). Design analyses and validation test cells demonstrate improved performance plus attractive specific-energy characteristics will be achieved

    \u3cem\u3eRhizobium japonicum\u3c/em\u3e Mutants Defective in Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation

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    Rhizobium japonicum strains 3I1b110 and 61A76 were mutagenized to obtain 25 independently derived mutants that produced soybean nodules defective in nitrogen fixation, as assayed by acetylene reduction. The proteins of both the bacterial and the plant portions of the nodules were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All of the mutants had lower-than-normal levels of the nitrogenase components, and all but four contained a prominent bacteroid protein not observed in wild-type bacteroids. Experiments with bacteria grown ex planta suggested that this protein was derepressed by the absence of ammonia. Nitrogenase component II of one mutant was altered in isoelectric point. The soluble plant fraction of the nodules of seven mutants had very low levels of heme, yet the nodules of five of these seven mutants contained the polypeptide of leghemoglobin. Thus, the synthesis of the globin may not be coupled to the content of available heme in soybean nodules. The nodules of the other two of these seven mutants lacked not only leghemoglobin but most of the other normal plant and bacteroid proteins. Ultrastructural examination of nodules formed by these two mutants indicated normal ramification of infection threads but suggested a problem in subsequent survival of the bacteria and their release from the infection threads

    When Black Holes Meet Kaluza-Klein Bubbles

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    We explore the physical consequences of a recently discovered class of exact solutions to five dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory. We find a number of surprising features including: (1) In the presence of a Kaluza-Klein bubble, there are arbitrarily large black holes with topology S^3. (2) In the presence of a black hole or a black string, there are expanding bubbles (with de Sitter geometry) which never reach null infinity. (3) A bubble can hold two black holes of arbitrary size in static equilibrium. In particular, two large black holes can be close together without merging to form a single black hole.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, v2: few comments on stability modifie

    Convex Functions and Spacetime Geometry

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    Convexity and convex functions play an important role in theoretical physics. To initiate a study of the possible uses of convex functions in General Relativity, we discuss the consequences of a spacetime (M,gμν)(M,g_{\mu \nu}) or an initial data set (Σ,hij,Kij)(\Sigma, h_{ij}, K_{ij}) admitting a suitably defined convex function. We show how the existence of a convex function on a spacetime places restrictions on the properties of the spacetime geometry.Comment: 26 pages, latex, 7 figures, improved version. some claims removed, references adde

    The AdS/CFT Correspondence and a New Positive Energy Conjecture for General Relativity

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    We examine the AdS/CFT correspondence when the gauge theory is considered on a compactified space with supersymmetry breaking boundary conditions. We find that the corresponding supergravity solution has a negative energy, in agreement with the expected negative Casimir energy in the field theory. Stability of the gauge theory would imply that this supergravity solution has minimum energy among all solutions with the same boundary conditions. Hence we are lead to conjecture a new positive energy theorem for asymptotically locally Anti-de Sitter spacetimes. We show that the candidate minimum energy solution is stable against all quadratic fluctuations of the metric.Comment: 25 pages, harvma

    Cosmic Censorship and the Dilaton

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    We investigate extremal electrically charged black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory with a cosmological constant inspired by string theory. These solutions are not static, and a timelike singularity eventually appears which is not surrounded by an event horizon. This suggests that cosmic censorship may be violated in this theory.Comment: 16 pages, NSF-ITP-93-9

    Supergravity p-branes revisited: extra parameters, uniqueness, and topological censorship

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    We perform a complete integration of the Einstein-dilaton-antisymmetric form action describing black p-branes in arbitrary dimensions assuming the transverse space to be homogeneous and possessing spherical, toroidal or hyperbolic topology. The generic solution contains eight parameters satisfying one constraint. Asymptotically flat solutions form a five-parametric subspace, while conditions of regularity of the non-degenerate event horizon further restrict this number to three, which can be related to the mass and the charge densities and the asymptotic value of the dilaton. In the case of a degenerate horizon, this number is reduced by one. Our derivation constitutes a constructive proof of the uniqueness theorem for pp-branes with the homogeneous transverse space. No asymptotically flat solutions with toroidal or hyperbolic transverse space within the considered class are shown to exist, which result can be viewed as a demonstration of the topological censorship for p-branes. From our considerations it follows, in particular, that some previously discussed p-brane-like solutions with extra parameters do not satisfy the standard conditions of asymptotic flatness and absence of naked singularities. We also explore the same system in presence of a cosmological constant, and derive a complete analytic solution for higher-dimensional charged topological black holes, thus proving their uniqueness.Comment: Revtex4, no figure

    Phase transitions in LaFeAsO: structural, magnetic, elastic, and transport properties, heat capacity and Mossbauer spectra

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    We present results from a detailed experimental investigation of LaFeAsO, the parent material in the series of "FeAs" based oxypnictide superconductors. Upon cooling this material undergoes a tetragonal-orthorhombic crystallographic phase transition at ~160 K followed closely by an antiferromagnetic ordering near 145 K. Analysis of these phase transitions using temperature dependent powder X-ray and neutron diffraction measurements is presented. A magnetic moment of ~0.35 Bohr magnetons per iron is derived from Mossbauer spectra in the low temperature phase. Evidence of the structural transition is observed at temperatures well above the structural transition (up to near 200 K) in the diffraction data as well as the polycrystalline elastic moduli probed by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy measurements. The effects of the two phase transitions on the transport properties (resistivity, thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, Hall coefficient), heat capacity, and magnetization of LaFeAsO are also reported, including a dramatic increase in the magnitude of the Hall coefficient below 160 K. The results suggest that the structural distortion leads to a localization of carriers on Fe, producing small local magnetic moments which subsequently order antiferromagnetically upon further cooling. Evidence of strong electron-phonon interactions in the high-temperature tetragonal phase is also observed.Comment: Revised and expanded magnetization and Mossbauer spectroscopy section. Clarified sample preparation description. This paper contains some results from arXiv:0804.0796. 10 figure

    Pathogenic huntingtin inhibits fast axonal transport by activating JNK3 and phosphorylating kinesin

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature Neuroscience 12 (2009): 864-871, doi:10.1038/nn.2346.Selected vulnerability of neurons in Huntington’s disease (HD) suggests alterations in a cellular process particularly critical for neuronal function. Supporting this idea, pathogenic Htt (polyQ-Htt) inhibits fast axonal transport (FAT) in various cellular and animal HD models (mouse and squid), but the molecular basis of this effect remains unknown. Here we show that polyQ-Htt inhibits FAT through a mechanism involving activation of axonal JNK. Accordingly, increased activation of JNK was observed in vivo in cellular and animal HD models. Additional experiments indicate that polyQ-Htt effects on FAT are mediated by the neuron-specific JNK3, and not ubiquitously expressed JNK1, providing a molecular basis for neuron-specific pathology in HD. Mass spectrometry identified a residue in the kinesin-1 motor domain phosphorylated by JNK3, and this modification reduces kinesin-1 binding to microtubules. These data identify JNK3 as a critical mediator of polyQ-Htt toxicity and provides a molecular basis for polyQ-Htt-induced inhibition of FAT.This work was supported by 2007/2008 MBL summer fellowship to GM; an HDSA grant to GM; NIH grants MH066179 to GB; and ALSA, Muscular Dystrophy Association, and NIH (NS23868, NS23320, NS41170) grants to STB